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book of Eye

Description of Eye Stealthily Ninja good Person defeats bad guys and protects the world. Uses swords to protect the world And Defeats bad guys with them. Uses a black suit arch-nemesis Tom. Name Is Eye And his Sidekick is Caleb. And the scientist of the group is Anton he makes all the weapons and the vehicles for Eye And Caleb to Stop bad guys. Eye has a sirius fase.

The Beginning of Eye, eye 1 A long time ago there was a ninja named Eye. Eye was the greatest ninja in the galaxy. Eye stopped thieves and Eye had two samurai swords. Eye had the best Eyesight in the world. But Eye had a Nemesis. Eye has never defeated him yet and his Name is Tom. Eye is now in Tom's Evil Lair but eye was caught by Tom’s henchmen. But Eye’s swords were taken away from him. But Eye got out of prison and found his swords. But Eye was caught but yet Eye had his mec-suit and Eye got into the mech-suit. But Tom has a mec-suit too and the fight begins. Tom Gets the first hit but Eye gets the second hit but Tom has a laser gun but it’s made with Titanium and Eye is scared but Eye doesn't get scared. Tom uses the laser gun but Eye dodged it and Eye has missiles on his suit. Eye fired his missiles at Tom and Eye won and Tom is dead

new villain Rises, eye 2 A long time ago there was a ninja named Eye. Eye was the best ninja in the world. Eye stopped bad guys but Eye Had two samurai swords. Eye had the best Eyesight in the world. Tom is dead and eye win. It has being 2 years sense Eye bet Tom. But a new evil has risen his name is Caleb and Eye is in Caleb’s Evil Lair but Eye got caught by Caleb but forgot to take eye’s swords and eye got out of his prison and found Caleb and the fight begins Caleb has a mec-suit but eye has a mec-suit too. And Eye Gets the first hit but Caleb gets the second hit but Eye has a laser gun but it’s made with Titanium but Caleb has missiles on his suit. But eye his a good ray and fires it at Caleb and Caleb becomes eyes sidekick and they fight bad guys together.

THE subject, EYE 3 A long time ago there was a ninja named Eye. Eye was the best ninja in the world. Eye stopped bad guys but Eye Had two samurai swords. Eye had the best Eyesight in the world. But Eye is sad becomes his old sidekicks name was Anton. Anton was the best sidekick before Caleb but Anton was turned evil by Tom but if you read Eye 1 and Eye 2 you read know Tom died. But Eye’s sidekick is on holiday. Eye found his old sidekicks Anton but Anton is evil. Eye got Anton to the good ray and Anton turned good and Anton becomes Eye’s scientist . And Caleb is back.

recovery of items Eye 4 In a deep dark forest is the base of the greatest ninja in the galaxy - Eye. Caleb is Eye’s sidekick. It was a beautiful day but it turned horrible because the alarms went off at the museum. This was because some thieves stole something from the museum. Eye was looking at the camera footage. Eye is at the crime scene but then he spots the thieves and runs at them. However, the thieves spot Eye running at them and they start running away into the forest. Eye lost them in the forest. Eye and Caleb kept looking but they didn't find them. They returned to their base and looked at camera footage for 2 hours.They found nothing but then they spotted the thieves on live camera footage. “Let's go, we finally found them.”

Eye was at the thieves lair. The thieves spot Eye and the battle begins. Eye pulled out his swords and dodged the thieves bullets from their guns. Eye grabbed their guns, and told them to return the map and the blanket and the picture. The thieves obeyed. Eye walked to the museum but then… to be continued. recovery of items Eye 5 In a deep dark forest is the base of the greatest ninja in the galaxy - Eye. Caleb is Eye’s sidekick If you Read my last book you would have remembered Eye 4 it said to be continued because this creature appeared out of nowhere.Eye saw the creature and started attacking it with his swords but his swords broke and shattered into pieces Eye started running from the creatures and Caleb join him.But the creature continued following them they couldn't lose it at all the only thing to do is to fight it Eye had his mec-suit and Eye got into the mech-suit Eye dodged it and Eye has missiles on his suit. Eye fired his missiles at the creature but the creature dodge the missiles but Caleb used Tom's old laser gun and fired at the monster and save the day but the creature was ok from the blast only thing they could do what's to blow up their base because they were standing on top of it.Eye Activated the base self-destruct and they run away and the and the creature blew up and they save the world but their base was destroyed and all the gadgets were in the base to but the base can be rebuilt and all the gadgets can by too.

Tom returns-Eye 6 Eye is the greatest ninja in the world. He has his sidekick: Caleb, and his scientist: Anton. He just defeated a mighty beast.

Eye, Anton and Caleb were sitting in their base when it happened. When Cyborg-Tom arrived. He crashed through the computer whilst they were looking at banks security cameras. Don’t ask me why or how he was just there. Cyborg-Tom was made out of gold and titanium too.But Eye´s samurai swords were made out of gold too thanks to Anton and Eye had his mec-suit was made out of gold too and Eye activated his gold mech suit.

Cyborg Tom turn into a gold robot and the fight began´s Cyborg-Tom Gets the first hit but Eye gets the second hit but Eye his I gold laser gun and it’s made with Titanium and gold too and Eye fired the laser gun and defeated Cyborg Tom but Cyborg Tom was ok but Anton and realise he knows how to deactivate the suit and they won the battle.

The end of Eye, Eye 7 A long time ago there was a ninja named Eye. Eye was the greatest ninja in the galaxy. Eye stopped thieves and Eye had two samurai swords. Eye had the best Eyesight in the world.Eye has defeated Cyborg Tom but Cyborg Tom´s body has poisonous gas in it and Eye is now slowly dying. But Eye has an oxygen mask on him but Cyborg Tom turns around and realizes Eye survived but Cyborg tom has missiles in built-in him and fires the missiles Eye dodged them but Eye didn't Dodge one?

To be continued Eye-8 Eye is alive In a deep dark forest is the base of the greatest ninja in the galaxy - Eye. Caleb is Eye’s sidekick. Eye dodged them but Eye didn't Dodge one? splat! Eye is dead no screened Caleb.The day turned horrible Eye is dead. But you know Eye never dies´s he dodged all of the missiles but got knocked unconscious by stone and he wakes up but Eye has no memory of anything. The End

Eye 9 Eye gets his memory back and the world reset to the beginning of Eye. In a deep dark forest is the base of the greatest ninja in the galaxy - Eye. Caleb is Eye’s sidekick and his scientist: Anton. Anton, can you get Eye´s memory back? Maybe we need Eye now the world has been taken over by Cyborg-Tom he's back what I think I got Eye´s memory back yes you did Anton where is Cyborg-Tom is in downtown.Cyborg-Tom come and fase my li–ke I good Cyborg hi Eye don't call me a good Cyborg let's just fight ok. The fight begins, Eye gets the first hit but Cyborg-Tom gets the second hit Eye´s two samurai swords have been upgraded but Cyborg-Tom has a time machine gun and fires it and the universe reset the End.

Eye-10 coming soon