This is a article about Harry T.
He is the king of Troddenism a newly founded cult.
His date of birth is believed to have been around 800B.C
He is known for his friendship with Hercules and Zeus
He is also know for the desolation of the Greek Pantheon
This is a list of all of his appearances in history:
The building of the Pyramids,
The lifting of Stone henge,
The breaking of the dragon chains,
The birth of Buddha,
The founding of the Roman empire,
The birth of Jesus,
The execution of Genghis Khan,
The signing of the Magna Carta,
The battle of Hastings,
The fall of Constantinople,
The Start of WW1 of WW2.
He is a ex football player (Real Madrid, Manchester City, Beckwithshaw Saints)
His career tragically ended in 1833 when Warry Walter stuck a machete through his ankle.
His achievements are as follows:
8x Ballon d'or winner (although he turned them down due to a strong dislike of the French),
76x Champions league winner,
3x Premier league winner,
987x Kids bop cup.
32x Golden boot winner
1x Winning the love of Julius Caesar
2x Winner of Dubai d'or
He is particularly known for his appearance in the battle of Hastings. He was classed as a hero and the dragon of the south, these titles are given due to him sticking a arrow through Harold Godwison's eye.
He is also known for giving William the Conqueror all of his tactics such as the infamous ,feigned retreat and the chasing of the cavalry.