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Methamphetamine addiction cannot be caused by one factor; many factors apply when figuring the reasons for meth addiction

  • Genetics

Addiction among hardcore drug users is proven to be passed down from generation to generation. Commonly, if an individual's parent or sibling has an addiction problem, the odds of the individual becoming addicted later in life are far greater than those who have no family history of addiction.

  • Biological

Some people may be born unable to feel a sense of pleasure. Meth is proven to have very powerful pleasure effects on the brain. For those unable to feel pleasure, meth provides the experience and feeling of pleasure.

  • Environmental

In some cases the individual's environment may lead to addictions.Those in environment's where drug addiction is common have a greater chance of becoming addicted themselves.

  • Psychological

Some meth addictions have been linked to mental illnesses. Studies have proven that some meth users have underlying mental illnesses in which they are trying to medicate by using drugs such as meth.


There are many symptoms displayed in meth addicts. The symptoms vary widely and are determined by the amount of meth an individual uses.


  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Depression


  • Hyperactivity
  • Increased Attention
  • Social Isolation


  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches
  • Acne

Organ Systems involved

Integumentary System

  • Decreases the skins ability to heal itself
  • Causes acne and lesions on the skin

Digestive System

  • Causes teeth decay
  • Damages Liver

Circulatory System

  • Damages heart
  • Causes high blood pressure

Respiratory System

  • Causes breathing(lung) problems


Treatment for Meth addicts often begins with detoxification. In this first and crucial stage, individuals must go without meth and fall into withdrawal. While in withdrawal, family members as well as staff in the addiction center must support the patient in order motivate them to stop using the drug. After the first stage comes the actual rehab and therapy. Therapy for the patients, has two categories: psychological and medicated. Psychological helps with withdrawal effects from the drug as well as motivation to stay off of it. Medication helps the patient with side affects such as depression, which comes from withdrawal.

Interesting Facts:

  • Meth costs approximately 80 dollars per gram
  • Meth actually dries out your skin, leading to scratching and itching
  • The reason meth is so dangerous for your mouth is because it dries out your gums, which leads to teeth grinding and jaw problems
  • Unlike Marijuana, a meth "overdose" can lead to heart attacks, strokes and coma

Current Research:

UCLA is currently conducting research to help drug addicts in the United States. One of there most recent studies was focused on Meth addictions. The researches used a drug called Ibudilast, currently used in Korea to help treat asthma as well as post stroke complications. The test was done on 11 meth addicts, and came back with positive results. Those who took Ibudilast had no reaction when it was taken with Meth, and experienced lower cravings for the drug.


Drug Free World- http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/crystalmeth/the-deadly-effects-of-meth.html Mount Regis Center- http://www.mtregis.com/addiction/meth/effects-signs-symptoms#Causes Timberline Knolls- http://www.timberlineknolls.com/drug-addiction/meth/signs-effects Drug Abuse- http://drugabuse.com/library/crystal-meth-abuse/ LICADD- http://licadd.com/info/about-drug-alcohol-treatment/meth/facts-about-methamphetamine/ Rehab International- http://rehab-international.org/crystal-meth/addiction-statistics/ Huffington Post- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/03/meth-addiction-cure-ucla-ibudilast_n_2863126.html