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User:Tenebre.Rosso.Sangue995320/stupid school projects

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This is where I'll put my stupid (not really) school projects, whether it be essays or some shit. not entirely sure if this is allowed, but hopefully it is. anyways, here we go.

My essay on Rebecca Yomtov Hauser; a Holocaust survivor


Name censored for privacy reasons

Teacher name removed for privacy reasons

Imagine living as a Jew in the 1940s. Imagine getting killed, just for your beliefs. Imagine being tortured for your own faith . Unfortunately, a woman named Rebecca Yomtov Hauser had to live through these hellish times for Jews. Rebecca Yomtov Hauser lived a very hard, but very rewarding life. Rebecca was a survivor of the Holocaust. She should be remembered for the struggles she had to overcome during these times.

Rebbecca was born in a small Jewish community called Ioannina, Greece, which is a small little jewish community in north-western Greece. Rebbecca lived in a special part of the town, which was for Jews. She lived with her mother, father, and three brothers. She thought it was always nice to be together with her family and observe their religion.

The Germans had taken over Bulgaria and, eventually, made it over to Greece. On March 15th, 1944, when Rebecca was 20, she heard loud knocks on the door. They had opened the door to find Gestapo soldiers telling them they had exactly 1 hour to pack their things and go to the local neighborhood public market. Her mother thought that it would have been best to take most of the jewelry that she had, and bring all the gold coins too. After that, they were put into trucks.  Rebecca describes that they put them in “like sardines.” In the process of loading the trucks up with Jews, She had been separated from her brothers and her Father. She only had her mother when she was transported. She had described her mother shaking with fear and shivering from the cold when she held her.   The trucks were later then taken to a town called Larissa, Greece, where they were then put into the train. Later she found out that that train was the death train. Rebecca had described the death trains as a horrible experience, with horrible conditions. All you could do for comfort was to lay on each other. There were no windows, and you could only see from the cracks in the train. They had absolutely nothing to eat on the train.  The train had gone for two weeks, eventually reaching its destination in Auschwitz, Poland.  When they arrived, the soldiers had said to leave everything that they had inside the trains, and that they were heading to the showers. You had a choice to either have them drive you to the showers or you walk to the showers. If you drove, you would end up in the crematorium, and eventually end up burned alive.  If you walked, you would end up in the actual showers. Rebecca’s parents had chosen to drive, and Rebecca chose to walk with her friends to the showers, instead of driving with her parents. This moment was the last time she ever saw her parents for the rest of her life. When she arrived, the first thing that they had done was to completely shave her head off. Then they put numbers on their arms to identify Jews.  Rebecca’s number was 77128. They had also given her shoes that had been collected from people that the Nazis killed. Most mornings in Auschwitz they were given a big bottle of plain black coffee, which they tried to wash themselves with. After that, they were sent to work. They would dig, and do it everyday. For lunch, they would have very salty soup. You were lucky to get some potatoes or some cabbage. The Nazis started  building mass graves for the people that they had killed, because they had so many bodies to get rid of, so they started to build mass graves. And the people that were not dead, were on the verge of death. And As American and British troops started to invade camps, they were starting to move closer to Auschwitz.

The Nazis started to transport the jews into other camps. Rebecca was moved to the Bergen-Belsen camp in northern Germany. Bergen-Belsen was liberated by British troops on April 15th, 1945. After the liberation, those that were alive were given food and water and medical attention. Later after she got liberated, she moved back to greece.

Once back in Greece, she had asked other survivors if they had seen her brothers, and they all said no. However, when she met up with one of her cousins in Greece, they had told her that her parents and three brothers were all murdered. They were all victims of the Holocaust. Rebecca was the only survivor in her immediate family. When she moved to Greece, she lived with her two cousins. Her cousins had also lost all their family members. Rebecca had extended family in America that had found out about her, and was sending her letters, saying that they will bring her to America, no matter what. In 1947, she arrived in America. She had gone to New York, where she stayed with her uncle and her cousins.  She obtained her student visa and had gotten registered into a University in New York. She later married Manny Hauser and moved to North Carolina in the 1980s, Where she lived to be 95 and peacefully passed on April 16th, 2018.

Her kids were Edward, Bonnie, and Mark.

In conclusion, she has spent over a year in agony, and is rewarded with a good life, with 3 children, and grandchildren, and more great grandchildren. She also spread her story with a lot of people, even having her own short documentary. She also spread holocaust awareness by sharing her story, her story in one of many.   And  learning about this changed my view on the holocaust entirely. My group I was able to Interview one of her children, Bonnie Hauser.

She was very helpful, giving us a lot of information about this. Interviewing her made me feel sad about how to holocaust actually happened. It also makes me feel grateful that I don't live in these times.   It makes me feel grateful that we can speak for ourselves.  

Works Cited:

In person interview, Hauser, Bonnie. Daughter of Hauser, Rebecca. Conducted by [taken out for privacy]

“The obituary of Rebecca Yomtov Hauser.” Walker’s Funeral Home, https://walkersfuneralservice.com/tribute/details/1671/Rebecca-Hauser/obituary.html#content-start

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz”, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, https://k12database.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2015/04/RebeccaHauser.pdf

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz: Rebecca Hauser's Story 1/7” Youtube, The Holocaust Speakers Bureau 22 Dec 2014,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbPudYTSWgs

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz: Rebecca Hauser's Story 2/7” Youtube, The Holocaust Speakers Bureau, 22 Dec 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2CApJAIMh8

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz: Rebecca Hauser’s Story 3/7” Youtube, The Holocaust Speakers Bureau, 22 Dec 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE1FNkFiRt4

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz: Rebecca Hauser’s Story 4/7” Youtube, The Holocaust Speakers Bureau, 22 Dec 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp72Cflb9Xw

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz: Rebecca Hauser’s Story 5/7” Youtube, The Holocaust Speakers Bureau,  22 Dec 2014 https://youtu.be/wnpLetUPuB0?si=Stxqxuz8NC6lb7tt

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz: Rebecca Hauser’s Story 6/7” Youtube, The Holocaust Speakers Bureau, 22 Dec 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zc7OwWLdB4

“A Greek Girl in Auschwitz: Rebecca Hauser’s Story 7/7” Youtube, The Holocaust Speakers Bureau, 22 Dec 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hroDx3tihDs&t=109s

My essay on Video Game health


Did you know that video games can increase your mental and physical health significantly? Gaming can be a very relaxing experience, and can make you happy while doing so. Video games are very good for you because it is excellent stress relief and can be an escape from your troubles. And, it develops some very important skills.

Video games can be very good for you in many ways. Here are some examples. One example is that it can be very helpful when dealing with depression, as video games can make you happy in all sorts of ways. Another example is that you can play with friends or make new friends online with other people. Another reason is that video games can significantly increase your hand-eye coordination.  Another example includes that video games can increase your problem solving skills. One way video games do this is by playing puzzle games. So, video games are good for your brain, but what about physically?

Video games can be very beneficial physically too. And there are many reasons why. Video games can help relieve pain from sickness or from recovering from an injury, as your brain focuses more on the game, and not the sickness or injury. This does not change your recovery time at all. Video games are also another way to increase your social skills, as most games require people to interact with each other. Games can also increase your team working skills, as most games require being in a team and acting strategically. Now that we have explored the positives, what about the negatives?

A lot of people think playing video games can be very bad for you, and can cause violence. Obviously, excessive play can be bad for you(like 10 hour sessions, these are bad for you), but not controlled amounts. Most parents have fallen for the myth that it ¨rots your brain.¨ This is a complete lie told to you by your parents. And, video games do not cause violence, it only happens when a child is overly obsessed, and needs help.

So, as we stated, video games are very good for you mentally and physically. Video games can be very good for making and keeping friendships. So, call or text your friend. Play some Fortnite together. It's good for you.

Works Cited:

“Why Gaming Is Better for Your Mental Health than You Might Think.” Barnardo’s, www.barnardos.org.uk/blog/why-gaming-better-your-mental-health-you-might-think  Accessed 1 May 2024.