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User:Techiebythebay/Silicon Valley Engineering Council

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Silicon Valley Engineering Council is an umbrella organization of engineering societies in the Silicon Valley of California.[1] One of its missions is to recognize the heritage of engineering in the Silicon Valley with its Hall of Fame for engineers that have had meaningful impact to society.[2]

Hall of Fame


There have been less than one hundred engineers added to the Silicon Valley Hall of Fame since it's inception in 1989. The inductees have demonstrated significant engineering or technical achievements, provided significant guidance in new and developing fields of engineering-based technology, and/or has managed or directed an organization making noteworthy contributions in design, manufacturing, production, or service through the uses of engineering principles and applications.[3]

Inductees into the Hall of Fame

Inducted Inductee Significant Engineering Contribution
1998 Mr. William J. Adams, Jr. contribution
1993 Mr. Michael H. Antonacci contribution
1991 Dr. Dale L. Compton contribution
1997 Mr. Sam Cristofano contribution
1994 Dr. Joseph B. Franzini contribution
1994 Dr. Paul J. Friedl contribution
1997 Dr. James F. Gibbons Founded Silicon Fab at Stanford University
1995 Dr. Edward L. Ginzton CEO of Varian; IEEE Medal of Honor
1995 Mr. Norman O. Gunderson contribution
1991 Dr. William R. Hewlett Founder Hewlett-Packard
2017 Dr. Chenming Hu contributions
1992 Mr. Reynold B. Johnson contributions
2018 Dr. Randy Howard Katz Berkeley Chancellor of Research; RAID technology
1992 Dr. John G. Linvill contributions
2019 Tsu-Jae King Liu contributions
1990 Mr. A. Louis London contributions
1998 Dr. Gordon E. Moore Founder & co-chairman of Intel; Moore's Law
1995 Mr. George S. Nolte, Sr. contribution
1993 Dr. Robert N. Noyce Realized first Integrated Circuit
1997 Dr. Bernard M. Oliver contribution
1991 Dr. David Packard Founder Hewlett-Packard; Presidential Medal of Freedom
1993 Dr. Robert J. Parden contribution
2019 Mark Pasquale contribution
1996 Dr. Richard K. Pefley contribution
1996 Dr. William J. Perry Secretary of Defense; Stealth Aircraft technology
1992 Ms. Mary G. Ross contribution
1990 Mr. Leo W. Ruth contribution
2017 Dr. Richard Stuart contribution
1994 Dr. George L. Sullivan contribution
1994 Mr. Daniel M. Tellep contribution
1990 Dr. Frederick E. Terman contribution
1992 Mr. Fred H. Tibbetts contribution
1996 Dr. David A. Thompson contribution
1993 Dr. Russell Varian Founded Varian; Klystron technology
1993 Dr. Sigurd Varian Founded Varian; Klystron technology
1991 Ms. Esther William contribution

