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User:Tayuke/Especially for Youth/Temp

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EFY Mission Statement


The object of EFY is to help participants "come unto Christ" by showing encouragement, assistance and guidance. EFY helps to create an environment where youth can grow and develop in their physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. This program also provides youth counselors and speakers who teach effectively, administer appropriately, who are strong in the LDS religion and demonstrate strong Christlike attributes.

History of EFY


EFY had its humble beginning in 1976, when the first session was held on the BYU Provo Utah campus. This session was attended by 172 participants and 15 counselors. BY 1977, an incrase of 500 percent occured with the attendance of 863 participants in two sessions. Since beginning 30 years ago, EFY has expanded throughout the United States, Canada, and the first session in the United Kingdom is expected to be held August 15 - 21, 2006.

EFY Themes


In 1982, EFY introduced its first annual theme. Since then, a theme and a scripture have set the tone for each EFY Session.

  • 1982: The Time Has Come
  • 1983: Ascending Together
  • 1984: Discovering New Horizons
  • 1985: Let Your Light Shine
  • 1986: Lovin' Life
  • 1987: Sailin' Home
  • 1988: Win the Race
  • 1989: Forever, My Friend
  • 1990: Learning For Myself
  • 1991: Walk With Me
  • 1992: Of One Heart
  • 1993: Sharing the Light
  • 1994: Serving With Strength
  • 1995: Return With Honor
  • 1996: Living the Legacy
  • 1997: Treasure the Truth
  • 1998: Joy in the Journey
  • 1999: A Season for Courage
  • 2000: Forward With Faith
  • 2001: Remember the Promise
  • 2002: We Believe
  • 2003: Look and Live
  • 2004: Stand in the Light
  • 2005: A More Excellent Way
  • 2006: The Greatest Gift
  • 2007: Power in Purity
  • 2008: Steady & Sure
  • 2009: Be Thou an Example —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:45, 18 May 2008 (UTC)

Week at EFY


Monday: On this day, participants check in and register with the EFY office. They receive their participant t - shirt, journal, wristband (to identify themselves), CD, room and roomate. After check - in occurs, the particpants receive the opportunity to meet the other kids in their group and counselors. Later, they get to meet the rest of their company - a group of boys, girls and their counselors. A company can range from having 18 to 40 kids in a single company. Orientation is also held, where the EFY Session Director, who talks to the participants at the morningsides and during the Thursday Night Fireside, introduces himself (or herself) and his wife (or husband), and the EFY rules are explained. After a quick dinner, all the EFY participants return to have Family Home Evening, where they hear from the Session Director and play games with their company.

Tuesday: After the morningside, EFY participants receive the opportunity to attend classes throughout the morning and afternoon. Participants receive free time, and then a casual dress dance is held. Here, participants receive instruction on the do's and don't's of dancing prior to the dance.

Wednesday: Participants attend more classes throught the morning and afternoon. After their free time, they get together with their company and prepare their banner and cheer for Games Night. Here, participants compete against other companies for points, and present their cheer and banner to the Session Director, his wife and other counselors to judge. After Games Night ends, participants get together with their groups and have a Pizza Party.

Thursday: This is the church day of EFY. Here, all participants and counselors are required to wear their best church dance throughout the day, with the exception of the Variety Show. Here, the young men and the young women break off into their separate groups and each hear from the Session Director and his wife separatley. They also attend classes about the duties of young men and young women. The Variety Show is also held on this day, where participants, after a try - out, get to showcase their talents to the rest of the EFY session. After free time, all the particpants come together for an invitation to reverence, and get the opportunity to hear from the Session Director at a fireside. Here, a musical program is held, with participants in the chorus. The musical program usually has a certain theme that goes with the Session Director's talk. After the musical program, the Session Director adresses the youth, and all the youth sing the EFY Medley, which has become the official/unofficial EFY theme song. Aftewards, a testimony meeting is held among three or more companies.

Friday: On Friday, participants hear from their Session Director for the last time, and participate in a service project. The service projects can range from cutting and tying blankets to coloring children's car street and city maps. A For the Strength of Youth activity is also held, where the youth get to act out different scenarios and decide what choices they'd make if placed in that particular situation. Afterwards, a "Take it Home" activity is held, where the Session Director gives a brief talk, and the counselors tell the youth about a DVD they will be receiving. The DVD is based off the EFY theme, and contains lessons that can be used for Family Home Evening and for teaching non member friends the gospel. After a brief free time, counselors and participants come together in Sunday dress, and attend a banquet. Here, awards are given to each group, and much cheering ensues. Afterwards, companies get together to take pictures, and are then taken to a dance. After the dance, the closing ceremonies are held, whe participants watch a slideshow on the week, and the companies get together to sing the EFY Medley.

Saturday: Partcipants check out from their EFY session and get a final opportunity to say good - bye to everyone in their company.


  • Ronald C. Hills was the continuing education administrator who created EFY.
  • Jeffrey R. Holland, now of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, was a banquet speaker at the first EFY session.
  • The first EFY session which was held away from BYU Provo took place in June 1986 at San Diego State University.
  • By the year 2002, nearly 2,000 EFY classes had been taught.
  • Nearly 410,000 participants had attended EFY by the year 2004.
  • The largest EFY session ever was held in July 2004 on the BYU Provo cmapus. This session had 1,400 participants and 200 counselors in attendance.
  • This EFY session ordered an estimated 816 pizzas with a total of 6,350 slices.
  • The first Spanish speaking EFY session was held in 2004 in Salt Lake City. This session had 60 participants and 6 volunteer counselors.
  • Each EFY session is composed of 55% girls and 45% guys.
  • The most popular banquet dessert is triple - layer chocolate cake.
  • All EFY sessions are organized and managed out of the EFY home base at BYU Provo.
  • As of 2005, the total number of participants who have attended EFY over the years is 409,484.
  • EFY participants have come from the following countries:



All information has come from EFY particpant journals from the years 2005 and 2006, agendas (schedules) from those years and from personal experince from the author of this page.

  • 2005 Particpant Journal: See pages 72 - 73
  • 2006 Participant Journal: See pages iv - v