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Sources for article:

"The NAEYC Presidency." YC: Young Children, vol. 71, no. 4, Sept. 2016, p. 38. EBSCOhost, ezproxy.ecc.edu:2443/login?url=https://ezproxy.ecc.edu:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eue&AN=117901374&site=ehost-live

This source shows what the standard procedure is for the passing of a President and how to find a replacement.

Daniel, Jerlean1. "A Letter to NAEYC Members.." YC: Young Children, vol. 67, no. 4, Sept. 2012, p. 90. EBSCOhost, ezproxy.ecc.edu:2443/login?url= https://ezproxy.ecc.edu:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eue&AN=85350257&site=ehost-live

This is a letter that was written to the members of NAEYC about an increase in dues for members. I can use this information in the article because there is no information yet noted about dues of members of NAEYC listed in the article.

Brayfield, April A., Sandra L. Hofferth, and Sharon G. Deich. "Caring for Children in Low-income Families." Google Books. The Urban Institute, 1993. Web. 26 Feb. 2017. <https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=C8udXWuI84cC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=naeyc%2B&ots=LxwiQMnyGv&sig=C-SCceK7uMUVO86A3esEGDIiUoo#v=onepage&q=naeyc&f=false>.

This is a book written by experts on the different aspects of a child development that aides in behavior and other things related to that. This book was written with NAEYC and lists where they get some of their guidelines from. I can add this to my article because this information does not yet exist in the original article.


This section of the NAEYC website lists all the members of the current board and other information about the governing board. I can use this in my article to double check information already included in the article and add things that aren't there yet.

I plan on using these four sources to help add to my article about NAEYC. I plan to add to the article so that it doesn't come up as being to much like an advertisement, rather than just an article about the company. I also want to add information to the article that I feel is important that has not yet been added to the original article.

What I plan to add to the article:

  1. On September 1, 2012 The NAEYC Board sent out an e-mail to its members regarding the increases in dues that different levels of members would be receiving.
    1. ~ This was the first raise in dues since 2000, this increase was a result of the increasing cost of member benefits
    2. ~ What a due is/what is its importance.
  2. Procedures on what to do after the passing of a President/ member of the NAEYC team.
    1. ~ Who took over after this last president.
    2. ~ Use this information and double check the Governing Board table in the article.
  3. This book had many useful things in it, it talks about poverty with children, the cost of daycare, and was written with the help of NAEYC so it also includes some of the standards NAEYC has in their own daycare facilities.
    1. ~LOTS of statistics in this book. Especially about children from low-income families.
    2. ~ Copy information from the tables and graphs and fit it into the article. (Table 3.1) (Figure 3.21)
    3. ~ Information from the very last page on the relationship between NAEYC and the Administration for Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF)
  4. The NAEYC website itself is a good source for straightforward information.
    1. ~ The section I am most focused on is not the association itself but the governing board and what actually goes in to the accreditation process and how these people become apart of the NAEYC team.
    2. ~ Double check the table in the article for reliable information, the NAEYC website would have no reason to list members that didn't actually exists, so I believe it is a very credible resource.


  1. In order to keep the programs going, NAEYC members must pay dues for funding of the programs they run. In September of 2012, the NAEYC members at that time received a letter/e-mail regarding a due increase. This was the first time since 2000 that there was an increase in dues (Under the Policy and Advocacy section.)
  2. Under the Presidents section {| class="wikitable" |Deborah Cassidy (President Elect) |2014-2016 (passed away in 2016) |- |Carol Brunson Day |2014-2017 (retired in 2017) |- |Tammy L. Mann |2017-present |}
  3. On July 21, 2016 Deborah Cassidy who was President elect, eventually NAEYC President, passed away. When this tragic event took place, NAEYC members of the Executive Committee had to find a replacement to take Deborah's place as NAEYC president. They decided on who this would be based on their qualifications and the NAEYC rules and regulations. They were also careful to try and find a person who had been on the Governing Board most recently. Based on this criteria, the committee decided on Tammy L. Mann to become the next president of NAEYC. She had a long and good reputation with the NAEYC governing board and was head of several committees within NAEYC. The NAEYC committee unanimously decided that Tammy would be the President until the end of what would have been Cassidy's term. Her term will be up in 2019, however, she is still currently actively president of NAEYC today. ( under the Presidency section)
  4. Caring for Children in Low-Income Families: A Substudy of the National Child Care Survey, 1990 Caring for Children in Low-Income Families is a study that NAEYC conducted with The Urban Institute in 1990 on affordable child care facilities for low- income families. This book explores multiple different aspects of the lives of low-income children and day care. The study also examines aspects of the family lives. For example, whether a home has a single parent, two parents, unemployed parents, or other odd family situations and how that effects the children and their abilities to receive proper education. This was a very thorough and detailed study conducted by NAEYC and it helped them to better suit their own child care facilities to adapt to the needs of low-income families (under the journals and publications section)