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I am Tacticus. The word comes from two ancient Greek military authors: Aeneas Tacticus, and Aelianus Tacticus.

My talk page can be found here; feel free to let me know you stopped by and why you noticed me.:)

General Interests


As may be obvious, I have an interest in history, modern and historical military issues, and political and economic issues related there to. However, I follow many subjects, and am somewhat fanatical about certain aspects of grammar and spelling, so I do a lot of minor edits.

Pages I Edit Or Monitor


The following are pages I have some interest in, and have probably done some (non-minor) editing on. However I started this section years after I started sporadically editing Wikipedia, so I'm certain to miss many. I mainly keep this list for my own amusement (and because my memory, you know, sometimes isn't), but if some theoretical visitor finds it interesting, all the better. (Leave me a note if so.)
