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Dr. Vijay K Srivastava is an Indian scientist who conducted research in the field of satellite remote sensing applications to Forestry. He served as subject matter specialist (Forestry) in Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad and National Remote Sensing Centre (ISRO), Hyderabad, from where he superannuated in 2012.



Dr. Srivastava hails from Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh. After obtaining B.Sc. degree in Botany, Zoology and Chemistry from Gorakhpur University in 1970, obtained Master’s degree from Department of Biosciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot in 1972. Thereafter, joined the same department to carry out research on community Organization in grassland and earned the Doctoral degree in 1979. Dr. Srivastava is a keen social worker as well. He meets his social responsibilities through Rotary International.

Academics & Service


After completing M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Plant Ecology under the illustrious guidance of Late Prof. S.C.Pandeya, started research carrier as Research Officer (Forest Ecology) in 1977 at Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRI), Dehra Dun, India, a premier Forestry institute in South Asia. After assimilating various aspects of Silvics, Silviculture and Forest Management, moved to Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad in 1983 as Subject Matter Specialist (Forestry). After serving in SAC in various capacities primarily with Geomatics in Forestry, superannuated from National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO, Hyderabad in 2012.

His passion for teaching the basic subject of Ecology, Forestry, Remote Sensing and GIS made him a Visiting Faculty for post graduate courses in the Department of Botany and Department of Environmental Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, for about a decade. During the period, along with his primary jest for Geomatics applications in Forestry, supervised dissertation projects of about 30 students for the award of M.Sc, M.Tech., M.Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees.



His major contributions have been the development of remote sensing methodology for deriving forest / tree mensurational parameters and forest resources inventory from satellite data and preparation of forest Working Plans for forest management in India. He has also contributed immensely in conducting Floral Biodiversity Inventory at Landsacpe level in part of Western Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot, India. He has also developed and validated methodology for assessing and mapping Non-timber forest produce (NTFP) in India. His current interest lies in developing the subject of “NTFP Ecology”. He played a pivotal role in executing ISRO-GBP project on Land use / Land cover dynamics in Indian River basins and impact of human dimensions thereof, which involved development of model for creating land use / land cover scenario for the future with respect to indicative climatic, topographic, anthropogenic and socio-economic drivers.



His research carrier which spanned over more than three decades enabled him to be nominated as member to many national committees on the subject and allowed him to present the research findings in numerous national and international seminars and symposia including 13th World Forestry Congress. As a result, about seventy research papers have been published in various international and national peer reviewed journals, seminars, symposia and as scientific and technical notes. His list of publications may be referred.

In addition, he has delivered many invited lectures and key note addresses in many seminars and symposia including Indian Science Congress (Botany Section).

He has thus, over the years developed expertise in the applications of remote sensing and GIS in Ecology including Biodiversity, Forest Mensuration and Forest Management, Land use/ Land cover dynamics. Presently, he is organizing his research experience in a book titled “Geomatics in Forestry” and working towards developing the subject of “NTFP Ecology”. Dr. Srivastava can be reached at vijayks52@gmail.com.



1. ShijoJoseph,Anitha,K.,Srivastava,V.K.,Reddy,S.,Thomas,A.Pand Murthy,M.S.R. 2012. Rainfall and elevation influencethe local scale distribution of tree communities in thesouthern region of Western Ghats Biodiversity hotspot (India). Intern. J. Forestry Research,Volume 2012, 10p.

2. Joseph,S.,Reddy,S.,Thomas,A.P.,Srivastava,S.K. andSrivastava, V.K. 2010. Spatial interpolation of corban stock: a case study from Western Ghats Biodiversityhotspots, India. Intern. J. Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 17:6,481-486.

3. V.K.Srivastava and D.Anitha 2010. Mapping of non-timberforest products using remote sensing and GIS. Tropical Ecology, vol 51(1), 107-116.

4. Behera, M.D. and Srivastava, V.K. 2008. ERS-1 SAR and Landsat _ 4 TM synergism for forest cover studies, Intern. J. Geoinformatics, vol. 4(2), 13-20.

5. Srivastava, VK, Rai, AM, Dixit, RK, Oza, MP and Narayana, A. 1999. Preparation of volume table of sal (Shorea robusta) :An approach using satellite data. Inter. J. ofApplied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (ITC Journal), vol. 1(3/4), 214 – 221.

6. Oza, MP, Srivastava, VK and Devaiha, PK. 1996. Estimating tree volume in tropical dry deciduous forest from Landsat TM data. J. Geocarto Intern., vol. 11(4), 33-40.

7. Oza, MP, Srivastava, VK and Devaiha, PK. 1992. Estimating mean crown diameter of teak plantations from Landsat MSS data. Intern. J. Remote Sensing, vol. 13(12), 2363-2369.

8. Oza, MP, Srivastava, VK, Pariswad, BS and Setty, KRV. 1989. Relationship between Landsat MSS data and forest tree parameters. Intern. J. Remote Sensing, vol. 10(11), 1813-1819.


10. P. S. Roy, M.S.R. Murthy, A. Roy ,S.P.S. Kushwaha, S. Singh, C.S. Jha, M.D. Behera, P.K. Joshi, C. Jagannathan, H.C. Karnatak, S. Saran, C.S. Reddy, D. Kushwaha, C.B.S. Dutt, M.C. Porwal, S. Sudhakar, and V.K. Srivastava, 2013. Forest Fragmentation in India, Current Science. VOL. 105(6), 7p.

11. Yajnaseni Palchoudhuri, P.S Roy and V.K Srivastava, 2013. A NEW SOCIO- ECONOMIC INDEX FOR MODELING LAND USE & LAND COVER CHANGE- A CASE STUDY IN NARMADA RIVER BASIN, Journal of Social and Economic Development (In Press)

12. Jyotishman Deka, Om Prakash Tripathi, Mohamed Latif Khan, Awadhwesh Kumar and Vijay Kumar Srivastava 2013. Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Dynamics in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh, N.E. India using Remote Sensing and GIS. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (In press).

13. A.Roy and Srivastava,V.K. 2012. Geospatial approach to identification of potential hotspots of Land cover change for biodiversity conservation: A case study in Western Ghats of Goa. Current Science, VOL. 102, NO. 8, 25 APRIL.

14. Srivastava,V.K. 2011. NTFP as a basis of social security to biodiversity conservation and management.in ProgressiveStudies in Biodiversity and Climate Change (ed.By Behera,M.D.) (in press).

15. Kukreja, M., Joshi, B.D. and Srivastava, V.K. 2007. Indentification of Forest dependent endangered birdshabitats: Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Him., J. Env. Zool., vol 21(1), 61-68.

16. Srivastava, VK, Rai, AM, Dixit, RK, Oza, MP, Narayana, A. and Murthy, E.S. 1998. Significance of crown diameter in forest mensuration. Indian Forester, vol. 127 (12).

17. Srivastava, VK and Oza, MP, 1991. Identification of teak (Tectona grandis L.) Plantations using multitemporal Landsat data. Indian Forester, vol. 117 (3), 178-186.

18. Srivastava, VK, 1986. Diversity and dominance in two man-made forests at Dehra dun, India, Ind. J. For, vol. 9(4), 287-292.

19. Kaul, ON and Srivastava, VK. 1985. Energy budgets inslash pine (Pinus elliottii) Plantations at Dehra dun, India, Ind. J. For., vol. 8(1), 1-5.

20. Srivastava, VK and Sharma, SC. 1984. Growth of Pinus patula stands I. Dry matter production. Indian Forester, vol. 110(9), 915-930.

21. Gurumurty, K and Srivastava, VK. 1984. Studies on growth correlations in Pinus elliottii. Indian Forester, vol. 110(3), 269-273.

22. Gurumurty, K and Srivastava, VK, 1982. Estimation ofneedle area in pines. Ind. J, Forestry, vol. 5(1), 52 - 54.

23. Kaul, ON, Singh, RP, Srivastava, VK and Gurumurty, K, 1982. Distribution of organic matter in Pinus elliottii plantations. Indian Forester, vol. 108(1), 30-50.

Seminars & Symposia


24. Sampath Kumar P, Anjum Mahtab, Arijit Roy, Srivastava V K and Roy P S 2014. Impact of drivers On the Land use / land cover change in Goa, India. International Symposium, India Geospatial Forum, 5-7 February, 2014, International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India.

25. Srivastava. V.K. 2009. Tree species diversity in part of Western Ghats forest in India, XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aries, Argentina, 18-25 Oct., 2009.

26. Srivastava. V.K. 2009. Economic evaluation of tree diversity in part of Western Ghats forests in India. XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aries, Argentina, 18-25Oct., 2009.

27. Srivastava, V.K., D. Anitha and Rao, Y.L.P. 2009. Preparing forest working plan using remote sensing data andGIS : A Case study. XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aries, Argentina, 18-25 Oct., 2009.

28. Srivastava, V.K., Roy, A. and D. Anitha, 2009. Ecologyof Non-Timber Forest Products ( NTFPs) : Assessment and Mapping. XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aries, Argentina, 18-25 Oct., 2009.

29. Srivastava, V.K, Y.L.P. Rao, D.Anitha and N. Madhura, 2007. Geomatics in Working Plan Preparation in India. ESRI’s Intern. Users Meet, California University, San Diago, 18-20 June, 2007.

30. Neeti, Madhura Niphadkar and V.K.Srivastava. 2006. Assessing Forest management Options Using GIS – A case study of Nashik district, India, ESRI Intern. Users Meet, California University, San Diago, California, 8-11 August, 2006.

31. Srivastava, VK, Kukreja, MK and Neeti, 2002. Prioritization of biologically rich areas for conservation in Western Ghats districts of Maharashtra. International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring, ISPRS Technical Commission VIIA, NRSA, HYDERABAD, INDIA, DEC. 3-6.

32. Jadhav, RN et al, and Srivastava, VK. 1987. Large scale forest type mapping using satellite data. 49th Intern. Astronomical Congress, Barmingham, England.

33. Kaul, ON, Gurumurty, K and Srivastava, VK, 1978. Photosynthetic productivity and utilization of photosynthetically active radiation in Pinus elliottii plantations (Abstract), Intern. Symp. On Biological Applications of Solar Energy, Madurai University, India.


34. Srivastava, V.K. and Dwivedi, R. S. 2008. Gaur Van Upajo ka nirdharan Aantar Kendra Hindi Takniki Sangosthi, IIRS, NRSC, Dehradun, 11 Nov., 2008.

35. Srivastava, V.K. 2007 Sudur samvedan taknik dwara gaur (akashthiy) van upaj ka man chitran – aek prayas (in Hindi), ISRO /DOS Inter – Centre Hindi Seminar, NRSA, Hyderabad, May 3, 2007.

36. Srivastava, VK. 1997. Biodiversity conservation: Role of Remote Sensing. Workshop on Biodiversity – its theory, field methods and interpretation, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Bhuj (Kachchh).

37. Srivastava, VK. 1996. Use of remote sensing inBiodiversity studies. National Seminar on Biodiversity, Plant Growth Regulators and Biotechnology. Botany Dept., Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. India.

38. Srivastava, VK and Oza, MP. 1996. Forest resource inventory from satellite data – A case study. Symp. On Inventory and Monitoring ofLand and Aquatic Ecosystems, Botany Section, 83rd Indian National Science Congress, Punjabi University, Patiala.

39. Srivastava, VK. 1996. Remote Sensing for conservation and management of biodiversity. Symp. On the Conservation of Biological Resources, Botany Dept., the Institute of Sciences, Mumbai.

40. Oza, MP, Srivastava, VK and Devaiha, PK. 1995. Predicting mean crown diameter in a tropical dry deciduous forest from Landsat TM data and site characteristics. ISRS National Symp. On Development of Hill Regions, IIRS, Dehradun.

41. Srivastava, VK. 1994. Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences – An ecological Understanding. Seminar on Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Physics Dept., Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.

42. Srivastava, VK. 1993. Community analysis in tropical forest – A case study. Proc. National Symp. On the Intern. Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Anna University, Madras, India.

43. Jadhav, RN et al., and Srivastava, VK, 1986. Status of forest mapping and damage detection project under IRS-UP for the state of MP. Appraisal Seminar on Remote Sensing, MPCOST, Bhopal.

44. Srivastava, VK, Thakkar, PS, Kandya, AK and Chaturvedi, N. 1984. Mapping of eroded lands along the river Sabarmati using mutli date satellite data. 5th Annual Conf. Of IIG, Ahmedabad.

45. Kaul, ON and Srivastava, VK, 1980. Energy budgets in slash pine (Pinus elliottii) plantations (Abstract). NASI GOLDEN JUBILEE SYMP. ON RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY, Allahabad.

Scientific & Technical Reports


46. Sampath kumar, P.,Roy,A,Hehtab,A, Palchowdhuri,Y, Nanibabu,B, Srivastava,S.K., Srivastava,V.K. and Roy, P.S. 2012.Simulating Land use /Land cover change.Technical Report, ISRO-GBP Project on Land Use andLand Cover Dynamics and Impact of Human Dimensions in Indian River Basins. IIRS, Dehra dun, India, March, 2012, 31pp.

47. Palchaudhary,Y.,Nanibabu,B.,Srivastava,V.K, Roy, A. and Roy,P.S. 2011.Drivers of Land Use and Land Cover Change. Scientific Report, ISRO-GBP project on Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Impact of Human Dimensions in Indian River Basins. IIRS, Dehradun ,India,Sept.2011,48pp.

48. Srivastava,V.K,Mahtab,A,Palchaudhary,Y. and Nanibabu,B. 2011. Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics, Technical Report, ISRO-GBP project on Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Impact of Human Dimensions in Indian River Basins. IIRS, Dehra dun, India, Sept., 2011, 67 pp.

49. Kukreja, M., Joshi, B.D. and Srivastava, V.K. 2007. Identification of forest dependent avian habitats: using remote sensing and GIS. In Biodiversity and Environmental Management (Ed byB.D.Joshi, C.P.M.Tripathi and P.c. Joshi), APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi. Page 107-115.

50. Y.L.P.Rao, D.Anitha and V.K.Srivastava. 2006 . Forest Working Plan for Pune Forest Division, Maharashtra, India, for 2004-05 to 2014-15. 560 p, (Submitted to state Govt. Approved for implementation)

51. Srivastava, V.K., M. Niphadkar, Neeti, Manoj Kukreja, S. Ravana, M.K. Janardhanam, V. Joshi and S. Rajkumar, 2003. Biodiversity in the Western Ghats Districts of Maharashtra and Goa, SAC/RESIPA/FLPG/FED/DOS- DBT/SR/02/2003. 243pages.

52. Srivastava, VK, Neeti, Kukreja, MK and Kale, V. 2003.Biodiversity characterization at landscape level using remote sensing and GIS in Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary, Kolhapur, FINAL REPORT,SAC/RESA/FLPG/FED/DOSDBT/SR/01/2003, Space Applications Centre(ISRO), Ahmedabad, 60pp.

53. Srivastava, VK, 2001. Microwave remote sensing applications in Forestry: State of Art, SAC/RESA/FLPG/FED/SN/04/2001.

54. Srivastava, VK, Madhura Niphadkar, Neeti, Kukreja, MK, Janarthanam, MK, Joshi, VC and Rajkumar, S. 2001. Biodiversity characterization at landscape level using Remote Sensing and GIS. Final Report for the state of Goa. SAC/FLPG/RESA/FED/DOSDBT/SR/20/2001.

55. Srivastava, VK, Neeti, Kukreja, MK, Niphadkar, M and Ravana, S. 2001. Biodiversity characterization at landscape level using Remote Sensing and GIS. Final Report for the Western Ghats districts of Maharashtra. SAC/FLPG/RESA/FED/DOS-DBT/SN/21/2001.

56. Srivastava, VK, Neeti, Kukreja, MK, Niphadkar, M and Ravana, S.2000. Biodiversity characterization at landscape level using Remote Sensing and GIS. Status report for the case study in the Western Ghats districts of Maharashtra. SAC/FLPG/RESA/FED/DOSDBT/SN/17/2000.

57. Srivastava, VK, Niphadkar, M and Sinha, N. 2000. Vegetation analysis of Western Ghat districts of Maharashtra and Goa. SAC/FLPG/RESA/FED/DOS-DBT/SN/17/2000.

58. Srivastava, VK and Rai, AM, 1998. Estimating growing stock in sal (Shorea robusta) plantations from satellite data RSAM/SAC/RSAG/SR/02/98.

59. Gupta, PC et al., and Srivastava, VK. 1998. Mapping of flood effected area in part of eastern Uttar Pradesh using microwave (Radarsat) data. RSAC-UP/DIR/TN/01/1998. Remote Sensing ApplicationsCentre, UP, Lucknow.

60. Srivastava, VK, Oza, MP, and Devaiha, PK. 1991. Estimation of production potential in teak plantations using remote sensing data. SAC/RSA/RSAG-LRD/SN/02/91.

61. Jadhav, RN et al, and Srivastava, VK. 1990. Manual for procedure for forest mapping and damage detection. ISROSAC-TR-88-90, ISRO. Dept. of Space, Bangalore.

62. Srivastava, VK and Oza, MP, 1989. Reflectance behavior of leafless tree canopies. SAC/RSA/RSAG-LRD/SN/08/89.

63. Srivastava, VK and Oza, MP and Setty, KRV. 1987. Estimation of production potential in teak plantations. Part-2, Relationship between tree parameters and Landsat MSS radiance values. IRSUP/SAC/FMDD/SN/09/87.

64. Srivastava, VK et al., 1986. Estimation of production potential inteak plantations. Part –1. Enhancements for identification ofplantations. IRS-UP/SAC/FMDD/SN/08/86.

65. Jadhav, RN, Kandya, AK, Srivastava, VK and Kimothi, MM. 1986. Anapproach for the IRS-UP project on Forest Mapping and DamageDetection. IRS-UP/SAC/FMDD/SN/07/86.

66. Jadhav, RN et al., and Srivastava, VK, 1986. Forest type, density and teak plantations mapping at 1: 50,000 scale through visual analysis of Landsat MSS data – A case study for one Survey of India topographical map covering a part of Yellapur Forest Division (Karnataka). IRSUP/SAC/FMDD/SN/05/86.

67. Jadhav, RN, Srivastava, VK, Kandya, AK and Kimothi, MM. 1985. Forest mapping using remote sensing techniques --- An outline of procedure. IRS-UP/SAC/FMDD/06/85.

68. Kimothi, MM, Jadhav, RN, Kandya, AK and Srivastava, VK 1985. Report on the revised forest cover mapping in Madhya Pradesh using Landsat 1984 data. IRS-UP/SAC/FMDD/SN/04/85.