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The Grand Lodge of the French Masonic Alliance



The Grand Lodge of the French Masonic Alliance (GL-AMF) is a Masonic French obedience formed in April 2012, born from a split of the French National Grand Lodge.


It was born from a split of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) and had already 5,000 members in May 2012. Its aim was in particular to restore the link with regular lodges, particularly the United Grand Lodge of England (GLUA) after that 34 large foreign lodges took the decision to suspend their "recognition" at the GLNF in 2011 and 2012. However, on June 11th, 2014, the United Grand Lodge of England announces the return of its recognition to the GLNF.

By December 31st, 2015, the GL-AMF had 14,857 Brothers among 747 Lodges.

It signs agreements or friendship’s treaties allowing in particular the inter-visits with the Grand Lodge of France, the Scottish Grand Lodge reformed and rectified as Occitanie (GLERRO) and the Grand Lodge traditional and symbolic Opera.

Pupitre rituel franc maçon

In October 2016, the grandmaster presiding over the obedience announces his resignation/abdication as a result of difficulties on implementing the decisions of the congress and invoking the obstruction of the high-ranking court on his management. He is replaced according to the statutes of the obedience by Dominique Moreau.

In September 2018, the Lodge inaugurates new premises that it owns. The installation is done after the acquisition and renovation of a building of 1,000 m2 that gathers eight temples onto two floors that can receive from 20 to 50 people. The space also includes two meeting rooms and administrative offices. In 2018, about fifty Masonic lodges gather in these premises, representing about 1,500 members. On the occasion of this inauguration in the presence of dignitaries from friendly obediences, the Grand Master Jean-René Dalle, recalled the position of the GL-AMF in the current of French Freemasonry of spiritual tradition by claiming 15,000 members in 700 lodges. From 2018, it publishes a quarterly research journal, “Les Cahiers de l'Alliance”, in which the mission is to treat Masonic thoughts and its spiritual tradition in the contemporary practice of spiritualist Freemasonry.


Since its inception elected leaders have been known as Grandmasters

Alain Juillet (2012-2015);

Claude Beau (2015-2016);

Dominique Moreau (2016-2018);

Jean-René Dalle (2018-).

Rites performed

The lodges of the GL-AMF practice the following rites:

Scottish Rite old and accepted;

French rite;

Scottish Rite (rectified);

Rite emulation;

Standard Scottish Rite;

York Rite.


The GL-AMF groups within the same entity free lodges that have their own legal status. Within the GL-AMF each rite is administered by a "House of Rite" whose head is "assistant" of the Grand Master of the GL-AMF. The GL-AMF members (who are all members of the GL-AMF affiliated lodges) gather once a year in convent and general assembly. There are no intermediate regional structures between the affiliated lodges and the GL-AMF.