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About myself


I am currently a student at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. Go Eagles! I am also currently a Combat Medic in the Georgia Army National Guard. I graduated high school in May of 2009 from Glynn Academy which is located in Brunswick, Georgia. During my four years of high school I was involved in an abundance of academic clubs, such as, National Honors Society, Beta club, student council, key club, and was awarded the Hope Scholarship upon graduation. Some of the activities I was involved in during high school were cheerleading, soccer, tennis, president of Pirates of the Spanish Main (a community service high school sorority), youth group leader for my church, The Chapel (Methodist church), and I was and still am an avid volunteer for the Triumph Foundation (an autism awareness organization in Glynn County, Georgia). A few of the awards I achieved in the past two years of high school were class of 2009 Homecoming Queen, voted "best all around" by my awesome classmates my senior year, placed first in the Southeastern Scholarship Pageant in 2009, Rotary Youth Leadership Award in 2008, and was one of the YWCA Tribute to Women’s Leadership Award recipients in 2009.

Favorite quotes


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -MarkTwain

My army life and plans for my future


After high school graduation, I left for Ft. Leonard, Missouri for basic training, also known as "boot camp". Training to become a Combat Medic was next. I was in Ft. Houston, Texas for about five months and graduated training in February of 2010. No, I did not join the army to kill people, in fact, I joined the army to do the opposite, to help heal people. One of my goals for the army is that one day they will pay for my medical school so that I can have my life long dream job as a Physician's Assistant. I am a strong believer in the Christian faith and I feel that God is leading me to be a medical missionary.

My plans for Wikipedia


Being a new Wikipedia user, I will confess I am a little intimidated by the other more experienced users, but I intend to take on the challenge and contribute Articles in hopes that all of my hard work does not get deleted! I am sure that harsh criticism will be coming my way in the near future, but I think I can handle it. Also, I plan to attempt to edit random articles for a college English assignment.

Technical proficiencies


As for my technical proficiencies, I am not an expert, but I do know how to work with technology. Even though I took computer class throughout my high school years and made an “A” in all of them, I will humbly admit that I am definitely not very computer smart in any way. Although, I have been known to make some pretty gnarly power points in my day! In all seriousness though, I do have a passion for learning and I would greatly appreciate any assessments, good or bad, on any of my future articles or edits. I use internet explore 8 and I do have access to many different programs that will help me tremendously in writing my Wikipedia articles. I look forward to being a Wikipedia user!