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Mammals in Slovakia


Debord, Marcuse, false needs


From article Culture industry (on the work by Adorno e Horkheimer ): "Herbert Marcuse was the first to demarcate true needs from false needs." Quote: "diffondere la consapevolezza di esigneze vere".

Daffà - ToDo

  • Sociologist Max Weber as a prominent writer on patriarchy. Missing from current articles.

Useful ref.: Adams, Bert N. and Rosalind A. Sydie, Sociological Theory, Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge, 2001 [1] [2]

  • Differenza tra paesi svilupati e invia di sviluppo. Secondo gli scholar marxisti, le cause dei sottosviluppati non sono la mancanza di tecnilogia e di industrializzazione, ma il neo-colonialismo, lo sfruttamento e gli interventi militari (p.22 Sociology, Phenomenology and Marxian Analysis: A Critical Discussion of the ... Di Barry Smart).

Like oil on fire: "Finally, I have often ascertained that the abandonment of the ad hominem critique is the prelude to the abandonment of all critique, when it is not the sign of a subsequent transformation of this or that subversive who is displayed as a renegade."

  • "We want a radical critique — a critique ad hominem." DEBORD, RIESEL, VIÉNET

Paris, 11 November 1970 [3]



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