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User:Sultan of Gandamatto

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Sultan Mardan is a first ruler Sultan of Macadar

Private Landscaping Terrence of Macadar


Gandamatu spring and meneral water is among the private water supply located at the terrence valley of Macadar (pat ka apo),it is a clear spring water and meneral known as Barit de Gandamatu.The water supply may serve just a single property of SGandamatus mother namely Hadja Amina wife by Hadji Yunus son of Sulayman Apha.

Muhammad Nayef His Royal Highness Sultan Muhammad Nayef is An appointed or Crowned Sultan of Gandamatu in 'Metro' Macadar that means entire 'Pat Ka Apo sa Macadar' the oldest town of Lumbatan Lanao del sur, Philippines.

  • Reign: 09 february 2010-present

Born: Royal House of 'Sultan Mardan of Macadar. he's a great grandson of late Sultan Mardan the 2nd (Sulayman Maruhom Apha) uncle by General Mamarinta B. Lao AFP.



About Mamarinta Lao: The first Filipino-Muslim Military General of AFP

General Mamarinta Lao being so braved, hospitable and humble Military,

First honor in his Elementary grades, Valedictorian in High School and honor student in College degree, he was the first Filipino Muslim became a general in the Philippine Armed forces, Lao served as military governor of the province Lanao in 1975, three years after martial law was declared by late President Ferdinand E. Marcos.

General Mamarinta B. Lao was born on February 29, 1916 at the house of his grandfather Apha and his wife Pinangao in Bukalan Simbowar Macadar, Lumbatan Lanao Del Sur now is Malalis, Sultan Dumalondong municipality; both his parents belong to the royal family of Ranao particular on the “Pat ka Apo sa Macadar”. From the line of Akonga who was married to Paramata Andong one of the nine royal princess of Unayan.

Salsila narrated that Kalangit was married to Bae sa Calawaan or Kaalawan, begot the “4 PAT KA APO SA MACADAR” Namely; Akong, Kait, Daet, and Kaboa. Akong married to Paramata Andong one of the nine royal princess of Unayan, begot Sultan Mardan, Pirako and Sultan Mangatong. Sultan Mardan is the first Rulers Sultan of Macadar,wife bai sittie Bainal sister by Tominaman (formerly Datu sa Tambac) begot 5 children one of them was Datu Kalipa begot 'Omera', begot Tomindug, begot Apha begot Abdullah begot Datu Mamarinta B. Lao the first Filipino-Muslim General of Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)

The General had life first at Macadar where he study for primary grades and Nanagen for his elementary grades as honor student, he continue his High School at Lumbatan National Agricultural High School (LNAHS) as Valedictorian. Two-year college equivalent course at Lanao Provincial Normal School with honor,

Military Rank


A military career started with Schooling at the general Service School. The advance Infantry School and the Division staff School USAFFE all in Baguio City. He topped off his military education by attending and completing the command and General Staff School on December 20, 1958. So far, he has attended thirty seminars and workshop both local and International.

The General has had more than 40 years of military service starting as citizen army soldier and finally as Commanding General the IV PC Zone Mindanao and Sulu areas. In 1966 he retired from military while assigned as Officer of the Chief of Staff, Armed forces of the Philippines (AFP). On June 22, 1974, he was recalled to active duty and assigned as Chief Officer for Special Assistance on the Cultural Community Affair/Office, with his assignment as Junior Officer at the SRC, Camp Keithley Lanao in 1938. Then he quickly rose from the ranks, occupying such positions as Company Commander. Assistant G-3 of the Hq. 101st Division, USAFFE, base in Malaybalay, Bukidnon in 1942; Assistance CO2 of the 81st Division, Lanao Sector Force, USAFFE intelligence and operations officer of the 128 Inf. Regiment guerilla, 10th military district; and commanding officer, 3rd PC 5th repl Bn. USAFFE based in Camp Overton, Lanao in 1946. He became company commander; and assistant provincial commander; Chief Criminal Investigation Service, PC Camp Evangelista, Cagayan de Oro in 1957; Zone Intelligence Officer, IV PC Zone, Cagayan De Oro City; and commanding General

General Lao also served as Provincial Governor of Lanao Del Sur from April 21, 1975 to April 10, 1976. He also served as General Manager of Lanao Del Sur Electric Cooperative (LASURECO) that benefited by the Maranao/Iranaons of Lanao del Sur and President of Visayas-Mindanao Electric Cooperative General Managers Association.

The wise General has been the recipient of a number of awards, citations, and commendations. He was twice awarded as Company Commander, and two time awarded as best provincial commander with a hundred of medals, decorations and citations from (AFP) civil and religious Groups, His contemporaries and inner circle include former Lanao Del Sur representative Ali Dimaporo, Domocao Alonto who proposed the creation of the Mindanao State University, former governor Mandangan Dimakuta and Colonel Malamit Umpa. Lao is said to be the last to die among them.

Gen. Lao married to Hadja Soraya Lao of the royal house of Lumbatan and left behind ten children and hundreds of grandchildren, mostly professionals who have been living in the United States and urban centers inside and outside of Lanao.

His Career as military brought inspiration courage and hopes too many Iranaons in the province of Lanao. He became popular locally and even internationally for his charismatic personality to help his people in any form.

He is the good example of leadership, mentor and model of our young Iranaons who wants to follow the foot step of the late General. His moral teaching and advice are very important and memorable! We should follow his foot step, died at the age of 89. He was buried in his home in Dansalan College Compound Marawi City Lanao Del Sur Mindanao Philippines.

Post War History


A major revamp in the Armed Forces set-up was effected on March 30, 1950 when President Elpidio Quirino issued E.O. No. 308 which called the merger of the Philippine Constabulary with the Armed Forces, making it one more major command. Due to the unstable peace and order conditions existing in the countrysides brought about by the resurgence of the Hukbalahap (Huk) which require more personnel strength, the Philippine Army was called upon to assist in the pacification drive with the employment of its combat arms - the Battalion Combat Teams or BCTs, with PC men absorbed by the BCTs. It was by virtue of E.O. 308 and pursuant to Administrative Order No. 113, dated April 1, 1950, the PC was formally merged with the Armed Forces of the Philippines; the merger was completed on July 27, the same year. Under the E.O., the power of executive supervision and all authority and duties exercised by the Secretary of Interior in relation to the PC or its individual members were transferred to and exercised by the Secretary of National Defense. With the appointment, on American advice, of former USAFFE guerilla Rep. Ramon Magsaysay as Secretary of National Defense in September 1950 and the subsequent appropriation by Congress of more funds for the drive against the Communist movement in the Philippines, more BCTs were formed.

The delineation of the missions of the then four major services - Philippine Army, Philippine Constabulary, Philippine Navy, and Philippine Air Force - were underlined by EO No. 389 dated December 23, 1950, which abolished the Philippine Service Command and the Philippine Ground Force. Headquarters Armed Forces of the Philippines became known as "General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines"; while General Headquarters, Philippine Constabulary became known as "Headquarters, Philippine Constabulary", the nomenclature it had in the prewar years. Also, the major commands were abolished and in their places were activated the four major services. As defined in Executive Order (E.O.) No. 389, the main function of the PC was maintaining peace and order within the country and to be the country's national police force even though it was a branch then of the military.

In the reorganization that followed, the four Military areas created pursuant to EO No. 94, series 1947, were not altered substantially, but were nevertheless placed under the administrative and operational control of GHQ before OSACCA,GHQ President,Brigadier general Mamarinta B. Lao AFP. This was the era of oldest famous military in the AFP.



Macadar is a jungletown of 'UNAYAN' right now it is An oldest town of Lumbatan Province of Lanao del sur Philippines.

Barit de Gandamatu


Land Mark of Macadar 'Itugon o pagtaw sa Raya ko masa a pangulaon' dikhate (Gandamatu Spring Mineral Water).