User:Stumps/Neglected Poets
From The Neglectorino Project ...
Darryl Gray, Christopher Dewdney, David Melnick, Tom Veitch, Phil Boiarski, Dick Higgins, Muriel Rukeyser, Samuel Menashe, Jane Mayhall, Jayne Cortez, Samuel Greenberg, Steve Carey, Bill Bissett, Piero Heliczer, Jackson Mac Low, Joan Murray, Paul Blackburn, Armand Schwerner, Rosalie Moore, Alexandra Grilikhes, Jay Pinsky, Tim Dlugos, Merle Hoyleman, Candace Kaucher, Rafal Wojaczek, Gil Orlovitz, Ilisa Sequin, William Wantling, Alfred Starr Hamilton, Wendy Einhorn, Paul Brown, Simon Cutts, Spike Hawkins, George Albon, Beverly Dahlen, David Larsen, Robert Head .... more to come