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User:Stig124/Public Digital Identity System (Italy)

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The Public Digital Identity System (Italian: Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale or SPID) is an Italian Single sign-on infrastructure made to allow access to public, administrative and private digital services with verified identity in Italy.



To be eligible for SPID, you need to either be :

- an Italian citizen that has a valid Italian Identification document (Electronic identity card, Driver's license, Passport)

- or a foreigner residing in Italy, with a valid Permesso di soggiorno or Permanent residency permit and one of the above Italian document



Contrary to other public SSO services, like France's FranceConnect, authentication is not managed by public entities, but by multiple private companies that, as Identity providers, are all approved by, SPID's managing authority, the Agency for digital Italy (Agenzia per l'Italia digitale, AgID)

