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Twelve Sky 2




Twelve Sky 2, [1] is in ongoing development and is being distributed by ALT1 Co., Ltd., [2] a company previously known as Gigassoft Co., Ltd. [3]. Just as with Twelve Sky, its predecessor, Twelve Sky 2 is a free to play, massively multiplayer online role-playing game, otherwise known as a MMORPG, available via a client-server, downloaded from the internet.

Due to the design of the game and the background story or lore, the origins of which are found in Chinese Cosmology, Twelve Sky 2 is especially popular in the Asian marketplace. As such, the game's development team was very pleased to attend the 6th. annual ChinaJoy [4] exposition, which featured their game, in 2008. As a result of ChinaJoy, Twelve Sky 2 was also featured on the udn [5] news site, [6] garnering 9 out of 12 photographs and commentaries, in their report on 18th. July 2008. [7]

ChinaJoy, founded in 2003, is thought to be the 2nd. largest games exposition in the world. [8]

The China Digital Entertainment Expo & Conference (ChinaJoy) is sponsored by the General Administration of Press and Publication of P. R. China (GAPP), the Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R. China, General Administration of Sport of P.R. China, the Informatization Office of the State Council of P.R. China, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the National Copyright Bureau of P.R. China and Shanghai Municipal Government. It is organized by the China Game Publishers Association, Howell International Trade Fair Limited, and Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication.

During the 3-day exhibition period of 2005, ChinaJoy Expo had attracted over 100,000 visitors with the participating companies totaling 156 which came from 10 countries including the United States, Japan, Korea, France, Britain, Russia, Canada, Australia, Iceland and China. There were a total of 1042 journalists from more than 400 domestic and overseas media participating in the spot report of this exhibition, and the professionals in the industry of Digital Interactive Entertainment who visited the expo for business negotiation totaled 13,075. All the trade visitors are came from 16 countries including China, the United States, Japan, Korean, British, France, Canada, Australia, Spain, Vietnam, India, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. [9]

NB - With regards to the publishing history of Twelve Sky 2 to date: The game has been available to players in some jurisdictions, in open beta, [1] in a number of Asian languages. The only English language version available to date, is the European closed beta, [2] which is governed by the NDA, or Non-Disclosure Agreement. As a result of the language barriers, together with the restriction on the release of information, generalized terms are being used for the moment. As more of the game content becomes available, through translation and with the end of closed beta versions, then this Wikipedia entry will be far more delineated and precise.



While these two games can be played independently of each other, it should be noted, that many of the elements introduced in Twelve Sky, have subsequently been imported into Twelve Sky 2, although somewhat modified. For example, once again there are 3 established factions, each with their respective territories, weapons' class and armours to choose from, when first creating a character avatar. However, with the equalization of the 3 factions' statistics and attributes, as well as the addition or resurgence of a fourth faction, and that faction's influence and territories, the similarities between the two games end there.

This fourth faction is voluntarily populated by players from the first 3 factions. The fourth faction choice is automatically made available as a character path, only when a player has reached the status of Master level 1, which is the equivalent of 113 levels. In order to join the fourth faction, a player must relinquish all ties to his original faction and their territories, i.e., a guild membership, if any, must be terminated and friend lists cleared. Also, once the player has joined the fourth faction, the bond is permanent. That character avatar cannot return to his previous status. He may choose not to participate in any one faction's efforts, in essence becoming a lone or rogue player.

In addition to a fourth faction, an alliance system has also been put into place, to allow for a formal recognition of power sharing and especially, of offensive battle plans. This alliance system, restricted to a maximum of 2 factions, once established by the leaders, extends to all of the members of the two allied factions. As a result, during battles, the allied players will no longer be red-flagged as enemies to one another. Allied players will be able to comunicate with each other at any time, just as they would with members of their own faction, as long as the alliance is in effect.

This game's developer is especially proud of the GXD game engine, [10] which was designed in-house, and from which the game greatly benefits.

There is a wide variety of mobs, all artistically rendered which, when attacked, display the typical color coded alerts, with respect to the level of the mobs in the environment, versus the players' levels. The generally accepted protocol is used, i.e., grey, pink or red colors to denote mobs below, within or above the attacking player's level.

Background Story


The outline for Twelve Sky 2, as provided by the developer, [11] allows each publisher of the game editorial rights, to accomodate different styles and settings, dependant on their target audiences. Taking advantage of this opportunity, any publisher can establish a mood and set the stage for an outcome, unique to their own version of the game. In addition, even in its original state, the story which follows, is rich in details of the kind that are especially enjoyed by serious role-players.

1. Endless War


Many years ago the country was ruled by the Twelve Legions. Their reign was brutal and harsh. Many lived impoverished and as slaves. Only in the far northern region was there a leader who openly opposed the cruelty inflicted upon the people, and that leader was Saga Swordsman, Lord Chen. His clan was the Sky Clan; one of the most prominent clans in the Realm. There had been many legends about the incredible abilities of the twelve High Masters, and about the sacred stones that were shared with the Twelve Legions. These stones, it was said, gave the Legions their powerful hold over the people.

It was during a fierce uprising, when one of the southern tribes began fighting back against the tyranny of the Legion Lord controlling their territory, that Lord Chen decided to put an end to the evil grip of the Twelve Legions. He devised a plan to take back the control of the sacred shards and combine them once again to give the Sky Clan the power they would need to finally put an end to the inhuman suffering of the people.

The battle that was feared would last decades, ended within only a few days. The power of Chen’s sword was too great, even for the combined effort of the other Legions, and peace finally came to a nation that had for so long only knew pain and suffering.

In the years that followed, the nation flourished under the watchful eyes of the Sky Clan. Then one catastrophic morning, it all ended. The Mountain, Fujimiya had heaved a great plum of smoke and commenced to cover the entire region of the Sky Clan.

For years the people had believed the Saga Swordsman and the rest of the Sky Clan had perished in that fatal blast, and with the loss of Lord Chen the land was left without a leader. Once again the 12 legions rose, but without the power of the shards that they had once possessed, they could no longer control the tides of war, and the land began to bleed as the cries of its people spread.

2. Ancient China


Forged from the fires of Chaos, fed by the blood of a thousand wars, one heart begins to beat to the rhythm of the cries of his people for release, and from out of the darkness that binds all life... he came.

Taolinn, his eyes burning with the hunger of battle, his lust for blood unquenched, his heart pulls him toward his destiny… and the battlefield that he will soon call home.

Entering the sacred city of Lao, Taolinn sees a country torn apart from the incessant wars of its people; the very people who now watch him with battle wary eyes. The purpose that had once compelled them to wage war has been lost within the shrouded memories of their elders, until only hatred, bathed in the pain of hundreds of years of war, now serve as their reason.

He finds himself confronted by the Chieftain of the Dragon Clan, Yudi, who takes an arrogant stand before him and demands to know his intentions.

Taolinn smiles a lazy smile, knowing that this man is no match for his skills. He watches as other clan members gather around their chieftain, eyeing the rogue traveler warily.

Yudi is furious at the audacious arrogance of this stranger. Who is this man who seems to know nothing of manners? How dare he stare him down in such open defiance!

When the stranger only continues to watch and smile, refusing to respond, Yudi knows it is time to demonstrate the reason he is the Chieftain Lord of the Dragon Clan

The whisper of steel awakens the quiet warrior’s senses. He turns and slowly withdraws his own weapon, facing Yudi without a hint of fear.

Yudi pauses as he hears the gasps of his fellow clan members.

…No, it cannot be…

He blinks in awe as his mind registers that which the others have already confirmed. There in the young warrior’s hands, is the legendary sword of the Saga Swordsman, Lord Chen, the last Chieftain of the Sky Clan, and the only High Master to have ever defeated the Chieftain Lords of the Twelve Legions. Unable to move, Yudi can only stare at the 12 sacred shards, shining brilliantly from the hilt of the monstrous sword. As he does, he remembers the teachings of his master, telling him of the power of the sacred shards…

“….He who holds the shards, holds the power of the 12 Legions, and with that power, could rule an Empire…”

It was long thought that Master Chen had perished, during the catastrophic blast of Mt. Fujimiya that had buried half the nation in ash and destroyed the entire Sky Clan region. So few had survived, and fewer still who could remember the once prosperous people of the Sky Clan. After the death of Chen, the land was left without a leader. Once again the 12 legions rose, but without the power of the shards that they had once possessed, they could no longer control the tides of war, and the land began to bleed as the cries of its people spread.

Yudi, lowered his weapon and looked into the face of the warrior. “Master Chen?” He whispered.

“I am Taolinn, one of the 12 High Masters of the Sky Clan,” the warrior replied. “Too long has the land bled from honorless battles. Too long have warriors fought for principles that are beneath the dignity of true masters.” He paused and then lifting his great sword, held it out toward Yudi, allowing the shimmering light to dance through the sacred shards as he spoke again. “I come to your people to offer a great honor. Bring them to the legendary battlefields, receive your holy stones and dare to prove your worth. Battle my minions, survive my quests, rise upon the battlefield and show dominance over the other tribes, gain control of their holy stones, and those strong enough, cunning enough, brave enough, will join with us and learn the mastery of the Sky Clan.”

An uproar of excitement tore through the valley as word spread of the visitor’s revelation.

“Today is a great day,” he told them. “And should be marked as the first year of the 12Sky.”

The quiet warrior waited for the sounds of excitement to diminish and then continued. “The Sky Clan will return when the time comes that you have warriors worthy of our interests…”

“My father is more than worthy!” shouted MauLi, a young girl of about 7 years, pushing her way through the throng of onlookers as she interrupted. She stopped and looked up adoringly at Yudi. “Isn’t that right father,” she huffed, boldly staring up into the quiet warriors face. She didn’t see the flicker of surprise in Taolinn’s eyes as he appraised the young girl. Of course her outburst had no doubt caused her father some shame, but her courage and loyalty could not be ignored. He looked up to see the reaction her words had on Yudi and saw that he had not been mistaken about how her father would react. Yudi’s face was red and the look he was casting upon the girl, made the warrior feel suddenly protective.

“What is to say we are not worthy now?” Yudi asked, his face reflecting not only the insult he felt from the bite of the warrior’s words, but the shame his daughter now caused him.

Taolinn turned an appraising look upon the Chieftain, walking around him slowly. “Are you?” he asked, without really wanting or expecting an answer. “Let’s see.”

In an instant the sky turned dark and the air grew cold around them. There was an expectant hush from those who gathered to watch and as the rumble of the earth grew beneath their feet, all who were witness, felt a sense of foreboding as the sound of a thunderous roar echoed across the valley toward them.

Yudi glanced back at his warriors with the look of one who has savored the power of battle, and with a victorious shout, roused his army to face this new challenge.

Quickly the seasoned warriors of the Dragon Clan moved into battle positions, weapons ready as they waited for their unseen adversary. They did not have to wait long as the trees parted beneath the weight of the powerful creature’s claws…

The battle that followed was violent and brief. The bodies of Yudi’s warriors lay scattered upon the ground. Only a handful, including Yudi, had managed to escape the inconceivable power of the monster that now turned its gaze upon the warrior who had summoned it. Though there were few who lived to tell the tale…The image of the warrior standing proud and defiant before the incredible beast, would burn in their memories forever; an image that would live on in the telling of how the silent warrior, Taolinn, born of the Sky Clan, defeated that which an army of warriors could not.

3. The First Year of the 12Sky


From far and near they came, friend and foe, coming to test their strengths, wits, and skills against each other upon the great battlefields. Chieftain Lords with their legions, masters and rogues, all answered the challenge to lay claim to the destiny that would mark them among the greatest combatants ever.

In the twilight of the first moon, the blood of the dead and wounded commence to paint the grisly scene of the struggle for victory, and as the land began to bleed, it brought with it the dawning of the new factions.

From the territories to the South, came the Dragon Clan. Masters of the sword, saber, and gauntlet; these fierce warriors use their inner energy with deadly accuracy. Proud and loyal, they would rather fight to the death than surrender. Their Chieftain, Lord Yudi was one of the few who had seen the power of the 12sky, as the legendary sword of Master Chen was now called, and lived to tell about it.

From the lands to the West, came the Snake Clan, bringing with them an awesome display of powerful weapons. These aggressive warriors can slay their opponents with sound waves that transmit over long distances.

From the mountainous regions of the East, came the Tiger Clan. These powerful warriors rely on their strength alone… and for good reason. Unlike the Snake Clan, they are far superior in physical stature, with attributes higher than the other two Clans. Their weapons, though appearing to be huge and mighty, are relatively weak, inflicting low damage. One would be foolish however, to underestimate them because of their low speed and agility; they more than make up for it with their immense power. Many have perished due to this mistake.

As these factions grew, so did their strength and abilities. In a short time the battlefields gave way to dangerous beasts; monsters possessed with deadly powers that presented all challengers with treacherous quests. Only the most experienced warriors would even dare to attempt them. The rewards though, out weighed the risks and soon, within the midst of each faction, came warriors of proven stature. And again they waited, wondering if the promise that had been made a decade ago, would be upheld….

4. A Warriors Heart


It was not long after High Master Taolinn had established the new rebirth of their society and returned to his own land of the Sky Clan, that a regrettable tragedy occurred between the Dragon Clan and Tiger Clan.

Master Yang, the High Master and trainer of the Dragon Clan’s most accomplished warriors, had accidently killed Master Jin, a revered head master of the Tiger Clan, during an intense contest of combat skills. This broke down a long time peace agreement between the two factions.

To make matters worse, when she had come of age, a marriage had been arranged for Chieftain Lord Yudi’s daughter, MauLi. However, MauLi had refused to conform to tradition and at the age of 15, defied her father and began associating with Qing, a trainer from the Tiger Clan. When she had told her family of her intentions to marry Qing, her father refused to give his blessing and grew angry, demanding that she stay with her own people and marry as had been arranged.

MauLi, having been denied what she felt was her only chance for happiness, decided to leave her father’s Clan and join the Tiger Clan to be with Qing. However, fate has a way of being cruel and love often more so. For it wasn’t long before MauLi discovered Qing’s true nature, and the love that she had felt for Qing began to wither like the delicate petals of a flower deprived of nourishment. Qing, she now knew, had been merely using her to gain information about her father, Chieftain Lord Yudi, and his plans for his army. Once she had left her own people, she was of no further value to Qing, and he tossed her and her love aside as easily as he would toss the shattered remains of a broken blade.

Humiliated and unable to return home, MauLi vowed to bring back the honor, not only to her name, but to her family’s name as well. MauLi knew that the only way to do this was to become a warrior, and not just any warrior, a warrior worthy to be accepted into the Sky Clan…

5. War


In the days following the death of High Master Jin, many within the Tiger Clan called for war to avenge the death of their revered Trainer. Chieftain Lord Reni, a dark and formidable leader, refused the peace talks offered by Lord Yudi. Instead, he pushed his main forces deep into the Dragon Clan’s lands and began a fierce campaign that he felt would punish Yang, the High Master of the Dragon Clan, for the insult he paid upon his people and for leaving Qing, Jin's only son, without a father.

For more than five years the battle was waged and in that time, seeing the emerging abilities of Jin’s son, Lord Reni quickly adopted Qing, and began an intense training for the boy that would eventually lead to Qing surpassing most of the Tiger Clan's best warriors.

Qing was fiercely loyal to Lord Reni and when the opportunity presented itself, Qing found a way to repay his Lord by using Yudi's very own daughter, MauLi, to unwittingly supply them information concerning Yudi’s troops. This deception had proven disastrous for the Dragon Clan, causing them to lose more than one third of their original claim upon the land. Defeated and humiliated, the Dragon Clan had no idea it was MauLi that had been the cause of their downfall.

For Qing however, these victories had exalted him to the status of Trainer of the thin blade within his own clan. He had high ambitions and was in the midst of achieving them, until MauLi had foolishly ruined them by leaving her own people to come and join with him and the Tiger Clan. He couldn't believe the naivety of the girl. It gave him only a small amount of pleasure to see her face fall as he explained his duplicity in using her.

6. Quiet Assassin


Lord Sato, Chieftain of the Snake Clan, had watched the Tiger Clan slowly gaining in its fight for dominance. Already the Dragon Clan had been forced to relinquish much of their hard earned lands to the powerful forces of Lord Reni; bolstering the arrogant leader even more. At first Lord Sato could not understand how a powerful clan such as Lord Yudi’s, could be so easily defeated. In every battle, it seemed as if Lord Reni knew exactly what Lord Yudi would do and already had a counter for it. It appeared as if Reni knew every one of Yudi’s moves before he even made it.

This had caused some alarm, not only in the Dragon Clan but in the Snake Clan as well. How would it be possible to fight such a shrewd adversary? Already the power drunk, Lord Reni, had turned his ever consuming lust for domination toward the lands controlled by the Snake.

When Lord Sato had learned of Lord Yudi’s daughter’s disappearance, he knew the missing puzzle piece to Lord Reni’s success would be with her. There had been rumors that Yudi’s daughter had ran away to join with Qing, one of the Tiger Clans best swordsmen. However, Sato knew the history of Qing and knew it was not for love that he would be after Yudi’s daughter. Realizing that there would be much to gain he sent his assassins, some of the most silent and skillful Masters in the art of stealth, to locate MauLi and bring her to him.

Lord Sato knew that if Lord Yudi had only lost the battles due to the grief brought on by that of his missing daughter. He knew from experience how much fight was left in the old Dragon Chieftain, and it was foolish of Lord Reni to underestimate him.

MauLi had been found staying with a rogue clan in a remote are of Bamboo Crane Woods. Not only had she been taken in by the clan, she had managed to convince them to train her in the fighting techniques they possessed, and to their amazement had turned into a very adept pupil. By the time Feng, the Snake Clan’s master trainer of the double blade, had found her, she had astonishingly succeeded in defending herself from him. Something Feng could not believe was possible. After reluctantly reporting this to Lord Sato, Feng was sent again, this time with a letter of invitation.

7. The Return


A light morning rain greeted the warriors who stood waiting along the edges of Western territory. Today the three factions would be facing each other in a battle for control of this region. Many of the citizens from the surrounding areas had turned out on the battleground to witness the exhibition and were waiting for it to begin when a cold wind swept in from the north. All eyes turned toward the heavens and watched as the air grew silent and the sky began to darken. A bolt of lightening split the sky as its thunderous clap reverberated across the land, rumbling far into the distance. Children clung to their mothers as warriors fell back into a protective stance, sheltering the onlookers from the ominous feeling of danger that seemed to be lurking everywhere.

Far to the North, a heavy mist began to form, hugging the hills and mountains as it moved forward, slowly creating a protective veil over the entire valley as it did. Then, like ghosts they came… 12 shadowy figures walking amidst the unmistakable visages of dragons.

Publishing History


2008 GF YOYO, [12] (China) [13]

2008 Game Flier, [14] (Taiwan) [15] & (Malaysia) [16]

2008 KTH, Inc., [17] (South Korea) [18]

2009 YNK Japan Inc., [19] (Japan) [20]

2009 MAYN Interactive Pte Ltd., [21] (Europe) [22]

2009 Aeria Games & Entertainment, Inc., [23] (pre-release North America) [24] & [25]

  1. ^ Developer Journal, Sang Chan Lee, Gigassoft Co.,Ltd. [3] 18 February 2009
  2. ^ Gigassoft Co.,Ltd., Name Change Announcement [4] March 2009
  3. ^ Gigassoft Co.,Ltd. Company Information [5] 2008
  4. ^ 7th. China Digital Entertainment Expo & Conference 23-26 July, 2009 [6] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  5. ^ udn.com Company Profile [7] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  6. ^ udn.com News Website [8] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  7. ^ udn Coverage of Twelve Sky 2 ChinaJoy Participation [9] 18th. July 2008.
  8. ^ Howell International Trade Fair Ltd.'s Résumé & Action Plan for ChinaJoy [10] 26th. February 2009.
  9. ^ Shanghai Cultural Information Promotion of 4th. Annual ChinaJoy [11] 28th. July 2006.
  10. ^ MMORPG.com Twelve Sky 2 Overview [12] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  11. ^ Background Story provided to Aeria Games and Entertainment [13] 03 March 2009
  12. ^ GF YOYO Games Portal [14] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  13. ^ China Twelve Sky 2 Game Website [15] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  14. ^ Game Flier Games Portal [16] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  15. ^ Taiwan Twelve Sky 2 Game Website [17] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  16. ^ Malaysia Twelve Sky 2 Game Website [18] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  17. ^ KTH, Inc., Business Portal [19] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  18. ^ South Korea Twelve Sky 2 Game Website [20] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  19. ^ YNK Japan Inc., Business Portal [21] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  20. ^ Japan Twelve Sky 2 Game Website [22] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  21. ^ MAYN Interactive Pte Ltd., Business Portal [23] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  22. ^ Europe Twelve Sky 2 Game Website [24] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  23. ^ Aeria Games & Entertainment, Inc., Business Portal [25] Retrieved 17th. March 2009.
  24. ^ Aeria Games Acquisition of Twelve Sky 2 [26] 27th, February 2009.
  25. ^ Aeria Games Acquisition of Twelve Sky 2 [27] 03rd. March 2009.