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My name is Stefan Alexandrov Stefanov. Born 1966.

  • I am born in Sofia, Bulgaria. Elementary schools: 56th, 119th. High schools 35th - with extensive Russian language (1 year) and National High School for Math and Natural Sciences (НПМГ) which I graduated.

After doing my military service in the town of Sliven I went abroad. I have lived in the following places:

  • Prague, Czech republic - 10 years. I graduated from The Charles University as M.S. in Molecular biology and genetics. I later worked in few institutes, tried even some business and lived through the changes at the end of the 80-ies.
  • Vienna, Austria - 6 years. I graduated from The University of Vienna as Ph.D. in Molecular genetics.
  • Italy - Bolzano, Merano, and Milano - 3 years. I got married there and tried to work in my field. I worked at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Software company in Appiano and European Academy in Bolzano in the field of bioinformatics.
  • USA - since 2003. I am postdoctoral fellow at NCI in NIH in bioinformatics on US government award. Mostly involved in Whole Genome Association Studies (WGAS) about breast cancer. Except biology my work includes programing in Perl, PHP, MySQL and R in Unix environment.

I live in Maryland, near Washington DC

All those years I have been visiting often Bulgaria and never lost connection with my country and my native city Sofia.