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User:SsSsSølarRadia -75/sandbox

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Hi there.

Random thungs



Category 5 hurricane (SSHWS)
DurationXjqbdorx 27473727457 – NEVER!!!
Peak intensity765 mph (1235 km/h) (1-min);
666 mbar (hPa)

Can't you tell I came from Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki from FANDOM? Dvbdsbbsnjs do mdzcGunzo4

Also I sadly don't edit there anymore so (Redacted) that thought.

Cempaka will move slowly northwestward and move ashore in around 18 hours. After landfall, a looping overland track will weaken the sytem substantially but not completely kill it.

OOOO! A TYPO! How original. Nice typing there, JTWC!

Wikipedia has some weird rules, or I just chose the wrong license for my 'joke image'. Uhh.

History of 'an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling'




Bye. I said bye. Shoo! Leave! Are you just going to sit on your lazy chair, couch, sofa, bed, whatever, and just read this sentence? That is not something productive. Read a book, play a game, talk to your family, text to your friends, cook a meal, buy groceries, watch your television, laugh at the hypothetical extraterrestrial beings flying in gray spinny things that abduct absolutely anything in can find breathing oxygen, these are all things you could do, with so much more. You got potential, but just looking at a stupidly long paragraph that slowly makes you lose your brain cells? No, do something productive. I can do this all day. You came here to my sandbox looking at my weird stuff I've done to the small subpage to my user page, and now you are reading a paragraph like you would be reading a huge graphic novel, but this 'graphic novel' that you are reading is actually pointless words that should've never existed. As the subpages owner types these sentences on a 2020 iPhone 11, he occasionally gets typos and slaps his computer chair's right armrest in slight frustration every time he makes 3 typos in a row. Besides, he could just annoy you with ibtemtiojak typis kike tgis, but that doesn't seem humane because the human eye processes these letters and think it is junk but rethinks and reanalyzes those words and finds out that those letters are grammatical errors and then read the next sentence and then- you get it. Can't you believe that the subject has already changed? I've used every basic punctuation already! How a sentient monkey can type on a technological device type such long words that a dolphin would not understand. Not even those extraterrestrials that I talked about earlier would not understand the hardest language on Earth language you are seeing with your own naked eyes, but are you really? You are just looking at letters, but are you really? You are just looking at tiny microscopic pixels, but are you really? You are literally looking at a device. Yours or someone's device you borrowed to be exact. How did I know? You can't use the internet without a device! But now the user that's typing this should REALLY, REALLY go to sleep and catch some Zs because it is 6:01 in the MORNING. Now goodbye, go do something productive. I said leave. Fine, its the bottom of the page. ;)

I'm just a box... I'm fragile, you might make me spill my content!
...e can't see me ty- HOW DID YOU GET HERE?! Didn't I tell you to leave? Is it so hard to follow one simple direction? Wow, you might get a reward for NOT FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS!!! I wonder who taught you how to be like that. You hurt my brain. Whatever, maybe if you get the infamous core row nah vie russ you would be more careful about your actions. Don’t wear a mask, breathe deeply on someone else’s breath, and start the suffering. (Actually, do not do that) I am not ok. *Sleeps and wakes up 7.45 hours later* Leave my premises, I'm tired. I just woke up and came back from going out, so would you leave? It would be very nice of you if you actually follow directions. This is not a game. This is not an essay. This is basically a totally waste of time of you being here. WASAWDASDAWDSWWASDWADAADWDSW I'm playing an io game on my 🪟💻. Click click clikc. Typo intended for your ADHD. Oo, is that too much? This is my sandbox, and I can type whate- no I do not have the time to type what-the-hell-ever I want. I advice you to leave now, so, umm, bye? Secure, Contain, Protect. You are an SCP, I have sent agents to pick you up. See you soon! (TBC)