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User:Spearspa/Autonomous Mental Development

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Autonomous Mental Development

The Autonomous Mental Development (AMD) is an organization which publishes a newsletter every six months seeking to inform of advancements in a multidisciplinary fields including: artificial intelligence, neuroscience, psychology, robotics, and other related fields. This is a term used to describe the artificial learning of robotic systems in regard to natural learning systems.

AMD is funded by the Computational intelligence Society (IEEE) and has been since April of 2004 when the first newsletter was released. The newsletter focuses on a question and answer style where at the end of each issue a question regarding current or future research is posed and the next newsletter compiles the responses to that question and poses another.

The newsletter supports an automatic e-mail list for discussion of research and distribution of the newsletter. This newsletter is accessible to all who choose to subscribe.



AMD Newsletter: http://www.cse.msu.edu/amdtc/amdnl/
