User:SoxBot III/Source
The following is automatically generated by SoxBot III. It uses ClueBot classes for interacting with the wiki, and also uses some of ClueBot's code for interacting with IRC.
* SoxBot Anti Testing Bot
* Copyright (C) 2009 X! (soxred93 _at_ gmail _dot_ com)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
$version = '2.2';
$pids = array();
define( 'SIGNATURE', '[[User:SoxBot III|SoxBot III]] ([[User talk:SoxBot III|talk]] | [[User:X!|owner]])' );
define( 'SCORELIMIT', -10 );
declare(ticks = 1);
if( $argv[1] == "debug" ) { define( 'DEBUG', 1 ); } else { define( 'DEBUG', '0' ); }
$http = new http;
$wpapi = new wikipediaapi;
$wpq = new wikipediaquery;
$wpi = new wikipediaindex;
$simplewpapi = new wikipediaapi;
$simplewpapi->apiurl = '';
$simplewpq = new wikipediaquery;
$simplewpq->queryurl = '';
$whitelist = $wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Whitelist');
$trustedusers = array(
$badtemplates = array(
$triggercharacters = array( '!', '@', '~', '.', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '?' );
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, "sig_handler");
pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, "sig_handler");
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "sig_handler");
$ircconfig = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$owner.'/Channels.js'));
$tmp = array();
foreach ( $ircconfig as $tmpline ) {
if ( substr( $tmpline,0,1 ) != '#' ) { //Ignore comments
$tmpline = explode( '=',$tmpline,2 );
$tmp[trim( $tmpline[0] )] = trim($tmpline[1]);
$ircchannel = $tmp['ircchannel'];
$irctechchannel = $tmp['irctechchannel'];
$ircverbosechannel = $tmp['ircverbosechannel'];
$ircotherchannels = $tmp['ircotherchannels'];
$ircvandalismchannel = $tmp['ircvandalismchannel'];
$ircaivchannel = $tmp['ircaivchannel'];
$irclogchannels = $tmp['irclogchannels'];
$ircwikilinkchannels = $tmp['ircwikilinkchannels'];
$ircpeakchannels = $tmp['ircpeakchannels'];
$channels = array($ircchannel,$irctechchannel,$ircotherchannels,$ircverbosechannel,$ircvandalismchannel,$ircaivchannel,$irclogchannels,$ircwikilinkchannels,$ircpeakchannels);
$stalk = array();
$edit = array();
//Start with stalking users...
$tmp = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Autostalk.js'));
foreach ( $tmp as $tmp2 ) {
if (substr($tmp2,0,1) != '#') {
$tmp3 = explode('|',$tmp2,2);
$stalk[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]);
//Now with stalking pages...
$tmp = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Autoedit.js'));
foreach ( $tmp as $tmp2 ) {
if (substr($tmp2,0,1) != '#') {
$tmp3 = explode('|',$tmp2,2);
$edit[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]);
//And finish with an unset...
//We use array_unique and filter here because there are often duplicate entries
$channels = array_filter(array_unique(array_merge($channels,$stalk,$edit)));
//Now to split out commas in leftover channels
$c = array();
foreach( $channels as $chan ) {
$chan = explode(',',$chan);
foreach( $chan as $ch ) {
$c[] = strtolower($ch);
$channels = array_filter(array_unique($c));
echo implode(', ', $channels);
//DEBUGGING, so it doesn't take 30 seconds when I'm starting and stopping the bot constantly
if( DEBUG == 1 ) {
$channels = array( '##juliancolton' );
$enwiki_mysql = mysql_connect( "",$databaseuser,$databasepass,/* Force reconnect --> */ true );
@mysql_select_db( "enwiki_p", $enwiki_mysql ) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
$mysql = mysql_connect( "sql:3306",$mysqluser,$mysqlpass );
@mysql_select_db( $mysqldb, $mysql ) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
$irc = fsockopen($ircserver,$ircport,$ircerrno,$ircerrstr,15);
$ircpid = pcntl_fork();
$pids[$ircpid] = $ircpid;
if ($ircpid == 0) {
fwrite( $irc,'PASS '.$ircpass."\n" );
fwrite( $irc,'USER '.$user.' "1" :SoxBot III (version '.$version.')'."\n" );
fwrite( $irc,'NICK '.$user."\n" );
//Do we still have the connection?
while (!feof($irc)) {
//Get the data
$data = str_replace(array("\n","\r"),'',fgets($irc,1024));
//Strip colors, it screws up the bot
$data = preg_replace('/'.chr(3).'.{2,}/i','',$data);
echo 'IRC: '.$data."\n\n";
Data for a privmsg:
$d[0] = Nick!User@Host format.
$d[1] = Action, e.g. "PRIVMSG", "MODE", etc. If it's a message from the server, it's the numerial code
$d[2] = The channel somethign was spoken in
$d[3] = The text that was spoken
$d = $me = explode(' ',$data);
//Get the plain text of the message
//Why not use $me[3] here? Because $me[3] is only the text up to the first space
unset($me[0], $me[1], $me[2]);
$me = substr(implode(' ', $me),1);
//Get the nick of the user
$nick = substr($d[0],1);
$nick = explode( '!', $nick );
$nick = $nick[0];
//Get the user's cloak
$cloak = explode('@',$d[0]);
$cloak = $cloak[1];
if( !empty($cloak) ) echo "Cloak is $cloak.\n";
//Because there's more than one SoxBot, it reads its own posts, causing endless loops
if( $cloak == "wikipedia/soxred93/bot/SoxBot" ) continue;
//Easier to recognize variable
$chan = strtolower($d[2]);
//Playing a game of ping pong with the server
if (strtolower($d[0]) == 'ping') {
fwrite( $irc,'PONG '.$d[1]."\n" );
//Time to join the channels
elseif ( ( $d[1] == '376' ) or ( $d[1] == '422' ) ) {
foreach ($channels as $joinchan) {
echo "\n\nJOINING $joinchan...\n\n";
fwrite( $irc,'JOIN '.$joinchan."\n" );
unset( $joinchan );
foreach (explode(',',$ircchannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :IRC logging enabled.'."\n" );
//Main message parser
elseif ($d[1] == 'PRIVMSG') {
//Wikilinker function
if (preg_match_all('/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/', $me, $l) && !preg_match('/(\!shortpath|\!link)/i',$data)) {
if( !in_arrayi( $chan, explode( ',',$ircwikilinkchannels ) ) ) {
echo "Message in $chan is not in a channel I am allowed to wikilink.\n";
$i = 1;
$links = array(); //Will store the full urls
foreach($l[1] as $link) {
if($i >= 5) break;
//Deal with piped links
if( strpos( $link, '|' ) !== false ) {
$link = explode('|', $link);
$link = $link[0];
$link = str_replace('$1',$link,'$1');//Append url
$link = str_replace(' ','_',$link);//Prevent encoding spaces
$link = str_replace(array('[',']'),'',$link);//Remove illegal characters
$link = urlencode($link);//Urlencode it
$link = str_replace('%2F','/',$link);//Handle subpages cleanly
$link = str_replace('%3A',':',$link);//Handle subpages cleanly
$links[] = $link;
$links = implode( ', ', $links);
if( stripos($chan, "##juliancolton") !== false && 1 == 2 ) {//Disabled... 1 is never equal to 2
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$d[2].' :Yeah, bitches, here\'s the links! '.$links."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$d[2].' :'.$nick.': '.$links."\n" );
//Template linker function
if (preg_match_all('/\{\{(.*?)\}\}/', $me, $l) && !preg_match('/(\!shortpath|\!link)/i',$data)) {
if( !in_arrayi( $chan, explode( ',',$ircwikilinkchannels ) ) ) {
echo "Message in $chan is not in a channel I am allowed to templatelink.\n";
$i = 1;
$links = array(); //Will store the full urls
foreach($l[1] as $link) {
if($i >= 5) break;
//Deal with piped links
if( strpos( $link, '|' ) !== false ) {
$link = explode('|', $link);
$link = $link[0];
$link = str_replace('$1',$link,'$1');//Append url
$link = str_replace('subst:', '', $link);//Remove subst
$link = str_replace(' ','_',$link);//Prevent encoding spaces
$link = str_replace(array('[',']'),'',$link);//Remove illegal characters
$link = urlencode($link);//Urlencode it
$link = str_replace('%2F','/',$link);//Handle subpages cleanly
$link = str_replace('%3A',':',$link);//Handle subpages cleanly
$links[] = $link;
$links = implode( ', ', $links);
if( stripos($chan, "##juliancolton") !== false && 1 == 2 ) {//Disabled... 1 is never equal to 2
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$d[2].' :Yeah, bitches, here\'s the links! '.$links."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$d[2].' :'.$nick.': '.$links."\n" );
//Main function parser
if ( in_array( substr($me,0,1), $triggercharacters ) ) {
$command = explode(' ',substr(strtolower($me),1));
$command = $command[0];
echo "Got a command! The command is: ".$command."\n";
//List of accepted commands
$commands = array(
/* 'die', */
/*'restart', */ //die and restart are broken right now
//Don't do anything if the command doesn't even exist
if( !in_arrayi( $command, $commands ) ) {
echo "Command not allowed.\n";
//PRIVMSG command, just a shortcut
$cmd = 'PRIVMSG '.$chan;
//Get the parameters
$param = explode(' ', $me);
$param = implode(' ', $param);
$param = trim($param);
echo "Params: $param\n";
//Different functions for different commands
switch ($command) {
case 'lastedit':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
if (preg_match("/\[\[(.*)\]\]/",$param,$m)) {
$param = $m[1];
$rv = $wpapi->revisions($param,1,'older');
if( $rv[0]['user'] ) {
fwrite($irc,$cmd.' :'.$r2.''.urlencode($r2).'&diff=prev' .
'&oldid='.urlencode($rv[0]['revid']).' * '.$rv[0]['user'].' * '.$rv[0]['comment']."\n");
case 'stalk':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
if (preg_match("/\[\[User:(.*)\]\]/",$param,$m)) {
$param = $m[1];
$uc = $wpapi->usercontribs($param,1);
if( $uc[0]['title'] ) {
fwrite($irc,$cmd.' :[['.$uc[0]['title'].']]'.urlencode($uc[0]['title']).'&diff=prev' .
'&oldid='.urlencode($uc[0]['revid']).' * '.$r2.' * '.$uc[0]['comment']."\n");
case 'status':
//Get titles bot has reverted, and remove ones older than 24 hours
$titles = unserialize(file_get_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/titles.txt'));
foreach ($titles as $title => $time) {
if ((time() - $time) > (24*60*60)) {
$count = count($titles);
//Is bot enabled?
if (!preg_match('/(yes|enable|true)/i',$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Run'))) {
$run = false;
} else {
$run = true;
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :I am '.$user.'. I am currently '.($run?'enabled':'disabled').'. I currently have '.$wpq->contribcount($user).' contributions.'."\n" ); sleep(1);
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :I am currently running version '.$version.' of SoxBot Anti-Testing Bot.'."\n" ); sleep(1);
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :I have attempted to revert '.$count.' unique article/user combinations in the last 24 hours. '."\n" ); sleep(1);
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :I have attempted to revert '.($wpq->contribcount($user) - 5341).' edits throughout my lifetime. '."\n" ); sleep(1);
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :I log all information to '.$ircchannel.'. This channel is '.$chan.".\n" );
case 'c':
case 'count':
//Reconnect if it has dropped the connection
if (!mysql_ping($mysql)) {
$mysql = mysql_connect( "sql:3306","soxred93",$toolserver_password );
@mysql_select_db( "u_soxred93", $mysql ) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
//Get the aliases of certain users
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM names" );
$contents = array();
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {
$contents[ $row['nick'] ] = $row['user'];
//First see if there's no param at all, which implies that they want their own count
if( !$param || $param == '' ) {
//Check if it's in the known nicks
if( isset($contents[$nick])) {
$param = $contents[$nick];
//Check if it's a valid user, for users who use their WP name as their nick
elseif( $wpapi->users($nick) ) {
$param = $nick;
//Don't know? Ignore.
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given. Talk to X! if you want .count to work for your nick.'."\n" );continue;
//Now see if someone passed a nick as a param
elseif( isset($contents[$param])) {
$param = $contents[$param];
$r3 = urlencode($param);
$r3 = str_replace('+','_',$r3);
if( $chan == "#wikipedia-simple" ) {
$count = $simplewpq->contribcount($param);
$r3 .= "/simple";
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$param.' has '.$count." contributions. For more info, see$r3 \n" );
$param = str_replace('_', ' ', $param);
if (!mysql_ping($enwiki_mysql)) {
$enwiki_mysql = mysql_connect("",$databaseuser,$databasepass,/* Force reconnect --> */ true);
@mysql_select_db("enwiki_p", $enwiki_mysql) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM archive WHERE ar_user_text = \''.mysql_real_escape_string($param).'\';';
echo $query;
$result = mysql_query( $query, $enwiki_mysql );
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
$edit_count_deleted = $row['count'];
unset( $row, $query, $result );
if (!mysql_ping($enwiki_mysql)) {
$enwiki_mysql = mysql_connect("",$databaseuser,$databasepass,/* Force reconnect --> */ true);
@mysql_select_db("enwiki_p", $enwiki_mysql) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM revision WHERE rev_user_text = \''.mysql_real_escape_string($param).'\';';
echo $query;
$result = mysql_query( $query, $enwiki_mysql );
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
$edit_count_live = $row['count'];
unset( $row, $query, $result );
$edit_count_total = $edit_count_live + $edit_count_deleted;
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$param.' has '.$edit_count_total." total contributions, $edit_count_live live edits, and $edit_count_deleted deleted edits. For more info, see$r3 \n" );
case 'soxbotcounts':
$b = array(
'SoxBot II',
'SoxBot III',
'SoxBot IV',
'SoxBot V',
'SoxBot VI',
'SoxBot VII',
'SoxBot VIII',
'SoxBot IX',
'SoxBot X',
$ms = '';
$count = 0;
foreach( $b as $bot ) {
$count += $wpq->contribcount($bot);
$ms .= "\002" . $bot . "\002 -> " . $wpq->contribcount($bot) . ". ";
$ms .= "\002" . 'Total' . "\002 -> " . $count . ". ";
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$ms." \n" );
unset($b, $bots, $bot, $ms);
case 'cluebotcounts':
$b = array( 'ClueBot', 'ClueBot II', 'ClueBot III', 'ClueBot IV', 'ClueBot V', 'ClueBot VI');
$ms = '';
$count = 0;
foreach( $b as $bot ) {
$count += $wpq->contribcount($bot);
$ms .= "\002" . $bot . "\002 -> " . $wpq->contribcount($bot) . ". ";
$ms .= "\002" . 'Total' . "\002 -> " . $count . ". ";
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$ms." \n" );
unset($b, $bots, $bot, $ms);
case 'maxlag':
$ml = $wpi->getMaxlag();
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Current maxlag level: '.$ml[2]." seconds lagged. Server: ".$ml[1].". \n" );
case 'commands':
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Allowed commands: '.implode(', ', $commands).". \n" );
case 'eval':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
$code = $param;
if ($cloak == $ownercloak) {
$result = eval($code);
if( $result != '' && !$result ) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Eval result: "'.$result.'"'."\n" );
} else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :eval can only be used by '.$ownercloak.'.'."\n" );
case 'amsg':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
if (in_array($cloak, $trustedusers)) {
foreach( $channels as $ch ) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$ch.' :Message from '.$nick.': '.$param."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :amsg can only be used by trusted members.'."\n" );
case 'die':
if ($cloak == $ownercloak) {
//Edit cron to stop the automatic restarting of the bot
$crontab = shell_exec('crontab -l');
file_put_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/crontab', preg_replace('/(.*) (.*) \* \* \* \/usr\/local\/bin\/phoenix/', '#\1 \2 * * * /usr/local/bin/phoenix', $crontab));
shell_exec('crontab /home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/crontab');
posix_kill(posix_getppid(), SIGTERM);
if( posix_get_last_error() != 0 ) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.posix_strerror(posix_get_last_error())."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :If you say so.'."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :die can only be used by '.$ownercloak.'.'."\n" );
case 'restart':
if (in_array($cloak, $trustedusers)) {
posix_kill(posix_getppid(), SIGTERM);
if( posix_get_last_error() != 0 ) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.posix_strerror(posix_get_last_error())."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :If you say so.'."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :restart can only be used by trusted members.'."\n" );
case 'namesadd':
if (in_array($cloak, $trustedusers)) {
$param = explode(' ',$param);
//Check if the connection is still there
if (!mysql_ping($mysql)) {
$mysql = mysql_connect( "sql:3306","soxred93",$toolserver_password );
@mysql_select_db( "u_soxred93", $mysql ) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
mysql_query( "INSERT INTO names VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($param[0])."', '".mysql_real_escape_string($param[1])."');", $mysql );
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Done!'."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :namesadd can only be used by trusted members.'."\n" );
case 'namesdel':
if (in_array($cloak, $trustedusers)) {
$param = explode(' ',$param);
//Check if the connection is still there
if (!mysql_ping($mysql)) {
$mysql = mysql_connect( "sql:3306","soxred93",$toolserver_password );
@mysql_select_db( "u_soxred93", $mysql ) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
mysql_query( "DELETE FROM names WHERE '".mysql_real_escape_string($param[0])."' = nick;", $mysql );
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Done!'."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :namesdel can only be used by trusted members.'."\n" );
case 'replag':
$servers = array(
'display' => 's1',
'serv' => 'sql-s1',
'db' => 'enwiki_p'
'display' => 's1-c',
'serv' => 'sql-s1',
'db' => 'commonswiki_p'
'display' => 's2',
'serv' => 'sql-s2',
'db' => 'dewiki_p'
'display' => 's3',
'serv' => 'sql-s3',
'db' => 'frwiki_p'
'display' => 's3-c',
'serv' => 'sql-s3',
'db' => 'commonswiki_p'
$r = array();
$msg = "Replag: ";
foreach( $servers as $serv ) {
$display = $serv['display'];
$domain = $serv['serv'];
$db = $serv['db'];
$mysql = mysql_connect($domain.':'.$databaseport,$databaseuser,$databasepass,/* Force reconnect --> */ true);
mysql_select_db($db, $mysql);
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rc_timestamp) as replag FROM recentchanges ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1" );
if( !$result ) fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Couldn\'t get a result.'."\n" );
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
$secs = $row['replag'];
$msg .= "\002" . $display . "\002 -> ";
if( $secs > ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) ) {
$msg .= "\00305";
elseif( $secs > ( 60 * 60 ) ) {
$msg .= "\00308";
else {
$msg .= "\00302";
$msg .= secs2str($secs);
$msg .= "\003";
$mysql = mysql_connect( "sql:3306",$mysqluser,$mysqlpass );
@mysql_select_db( $mysqldb, $mysql );
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$msg."\n" );
case 'setspeak':
if ($cloak == $ownercloak) {
file_put_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/channel', trim($param));
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Done!'."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :setspeak can only be used by '.$ownercloak.'.'."\n" );
case 'speak':
if ($cloak == $ownercloak) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.file_get_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/channel').' :'.$param."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :speak can only be used by '.$ownercloak.'.'."\n" );
case 'link':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
if (preg_match('/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/', $data, $l)) {
$links = $l[1];
if( strpos( $links, '|' ) !== false ) {
$links = explode('|', $links);
$links = $links[0];
$links = str_replace(' ','_',$links);//Prevent encoding spaces
$links = str_replace(array('[',']'),'',$links);//Remove illegal characters
$links = urlencode($links);
$links = str_replace('%2F','/',$links);//Handle subpages cleanly
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$nick.':'.$links."\n" );
elseif (preg_match_all('/\{\{(.*?)\}\}/', $data, $l)) {
$links = $l[1];
if( strpos( $links, '|' ) !== false ) {
$links = explode('|', $links);
$links = $links[0];
$links = str_replace(' ','_',$links);//Prevent encoding spaces
$links = str_replace(array('{','}'),'',$links);//Remove illegal characters
$links = urlencode($links);
$links = str_replace('%2F','/',$links);//Handle subpages cleanly
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$nick.':'.$links."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Couldn\'t find link.'." \n" );
case 'version':
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :I am currently running version '.$version.' of SoxBot Anti-Testing Bot.'."\n" );
case 'shortpath':
$param = preg_match('/\[\[(.*)\]\] \|\| \[\[(.*)\]\]/', $me, $arts);
if( count($arts) < 3 ) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Not enough parameters.'."\n" );
$results = $http->get(''.urlencode($arts[1]).'&to='.urlencode($arts[2]));
$articles = preg_match_all('/\<a href=\"http:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/(.*?)\"\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/',$results,$m);
$articles = $m[2];
$count = (count($articles)-1);
if( $count >= 0 ) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :It takes '.$count.' clicks to get from '.$arts[1].' to '.$arts[2].'.'."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Article was created before the last database dump.'."\n" );
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Taken from'.urlencode($arts[1]).'&to='.urlencode($arts[2]).'.'."\n");
if( count($articles) < 9 ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Articles: '.implode(" --> ", $articles)."\n" ); }
case 'h':
case 'hits':
//Reconnect if it has dropped the connection
if (!mysql_ping($mysql)) {
$mysql = mysql_connect( "sql:3306","soxred93",$toolserver_password );
@mysql_select_db( "u_soxred93", $mysql ) or die( "MySQL error: " .mysql_error() );
//Get the aliases of certain pages
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM names" );
$contents = array();
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {
$contents[ $row['nick'] ] = $row['user'];
//First see if there's no param at all, which implies that they want their own user talk page
if( !$param || $param == '' ) {
//Check if it's in the known nicks
if( isset($contents[$nick])) {
$param = "User talk:".$contents[$nick];
//Check if it's a valid user, for users who use their WP name as their nick
elseif( $wpapi->users($nick) ) {
$param = "User talk:".$nick;
//Don't know? Ignore.
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given. Talk to X! if you want .hits to work for your nick.'."\n" );continue;
//Now see if someone passed a nick as a param
elseif( isset($contents[$param])) {
$param = "User talk:".$contents[$param];
if( $chan == "#wikipedia-simple" ) {
$simplehits = 'simple';
else {
$simplehits = 'en';
$r3 = urlencode($param);
$r3 = str_replace('+','_',$r3);
$r3 = str_replace('%2F','/',$r3);
$results = $http->get(''.$simplehits.'/'.date("Ym").'/'.$r3);
$json = json_decode($results);
if($json) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$json->{'title'}.' has been viewed '.$json->{'total_views'}.' times in '.$json->{'month'}.". See ".''.$simplehits.'/'.date("Ym").'/'.$r3."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Couldn\'t find hit count.'."\n" );
case 'rfxupdate':
if (in_array($cloak, $trustedusers)) {
echo "Updating...\n";
echo shell_exec("/usr/bin/php /home/soxred93/bots/rfx-report.php");
echo shell_exec("/usr/bin/php /home/soxred93/bots/rfx-tally.php");
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Done!'."\n" );
else {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :rfxupdate can only be used by trusted members.'."\n" );
case 'ip2host':
case 'rdns':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
$rdns = shell_exec("/bin/sh /home/soxred93/ $param");
if( !$rdns ) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Not found.'."\n" );continue;
$rdns = substr( $rdns, 0, ( strlen( $rdns ) -1 ) );
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Result: '.$rdns."\n" );continue;
case 'host2ip':
case 'dns':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
$dns = shell_exec("/bin/sh /home/soxred93/ $param");
if( !$dns ) {
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Not found.'."\n" );continue;
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Result: '.$dns."\n" );continue;
case 'rand':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
$rand = explode( ' ', $param );
$rand = mt_rand($rand[0],$rand[1]);
if( $rand[1] > 20 ) break;
echo "Random number: $rand\n";
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Result: '.$rand."\n" );
case 'howlong':
if( !$param || $param == '' ) { fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :Required parameter not given.'."\n" );continue; }
$rand = explode( ' ', $param );
$rand = mt_rand($rand[0],$rand[1]);
if( $rand[1] > 20 ) break;
echo "Random number: $rand\n";
$randstr = "8";
$randstr .= str_repeat( "=", $rand );
$randstr .= "D";
fwrite( $irc,$cmd.' :'.$randstr."\n" );
posix_kill(posix_getppid(), SIGTERM);
$run = $wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Run');
//Don't post source if it is disabled
if( file_get_contents( '/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/postsource' ) == 1 ) {
'The following is automatically generated by [[User:'.$user.'|'.$user."]]. It uses [[User:ClueBot/Source|ClueBot classes]] for interacting with the wiki, and also uses some of ClueBot's code for interacting with IRC.\n\n".'<syntaxhighlight lang="php">'.str_replace('</sou<!-- -->rce>','</sou<!-- -->rce>', file_get_contents(__FILE__))."</sou<!-- -->rce>\n\n\n\n",
'Automated source upload.');
//Get list of articles and users to stalk
$stalk = array();
$edit = array();
$tmp = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Autostalk.js'));
foreach ($tmp as $tmp2) { if (substr($tmp2,0,1) != '#') { $tmp3 = explode('|',$tmp2,2); $stalk[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]); } }
$tmp = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Autoedit.js'));
foreach ($tmp as $tmp2) { if (substr($tmp2,0,1) != '#') { $tmp3 = explode('|',$tmp2,2); $edit[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]); } }
//Start IRC feed parser
while (1) {
$feed = fsockopen($feedhost,$feedport,$feederrno,$feederrstr,30);
if (!$feed) {
$feed = fsockopen($feedhost,$feedport,$feederrno,$feederrstr,30);
if (!$feed) die($feederrstr.' ('.$feederrno.')');
fwrite($feed,'USER '.$user.' "1" "1" :SoxBot Wikipedia Bot.'."\n");
fwrite($feed,'NICK '.$user."\n");
while (!feof($feed)) {
$rawline = fgets($feed,1024);
$line = str_replace(array("\n","\r","\002"),'',$rawline);
$line = preg_replace('/\003(\d\d?(,\d\d?)?)?/','',$line);
//echo 'FEED: '.$line."\n";
if (!$line) { fclose($feed); break; }
$linea= explode(' ',$line,4);
if (strtolower($linea[0]) == 'ping') {
fwrite($feed,'PONG '.$linea[1]."\n");
} elseif (($linea[1] == '376') or ($linea[1] == '422')) {
fwrite($feed,'JOIN '.$feedchannel."\n");
} elseif ((strtolower($linea[1]) == 'privmsg') and (strtolower($linea[2]) == strtolower($feedchannel))) {
$message = substr($linea[3],1);
if (preg_match('/^\[\[((Talk|User|Wikipedia|Image|MediaWiki|Template|Help|Category|Portal|Special)(( |_)talk)?:)?([^\x5d]*)\]\] (\S*) (http:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/index\.php\?diff=(\d*)&oldid=(\d*)|http:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/\S+)? \* ([^*]*) \* (\(([^)]*)\))? (.*)$/S',$message,$m)) {
$messagereceived = microtime(1);
$change['namespace'] = $m[1];
$change['title'] = $m[5];
$change['flags'] = $m[6];
$change['url'] = $m[7];
$change['revid'] = $m[8];
$change['old_revid'] = $m[9];
$change['user'] = $m[10];
$change['length'] = $m[12];
$change['comment'] = $m[13];
// include 'cluebot.stalk.config.php';
$pos = strpos($change['flags'], 'B');
if ($pos !== false) continue;
$stalkchannel = array();
foreach ($stalk as $key => $value) if (fnmatch(str_replace('_',' ',$key),str_replace('_',' ',$change['user']))) $stalkchannel = array_merge($stalkchannel,explode(',',$value));
foreach ($edit as $key => $value) if (fnmatch(str_replace('_',' ',$key),str_replace('_',' ',$change['namespace'].$change['title']))) $stalkchannel = array_merge($stalkchannel,explode(',',$value));
// if ($change['user'] == $owner) $stalkchannel[] = $ircchannel;
$stalkchannel = array_unique($stalkchannel);
foreach ($stalkchannel as $y) {
fwrite($irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :New edit: [['.$change['namespace'].$change['title'].']]'.'&oldid='.urlencode($change['revid']).' * '.$change['user'] .
' * '.$change['comment']."\n");
//Update $stalk, $edit, and $channels variables
if (($change['namespace'] == 'User:')) {
if (strtolower($change['title']) == strtolower($user.'/Run')) { $run = $wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Run'); }
if (strtolower($change['title']) == strtolower($user.'/Whitelist')) { $whitelist = $wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Whitelist'); }
if (strtolower($change['title']) == strtolower($user.'/Autostalk.js')) {
fwrite( $irc,'PART '.implode(',',$stalk)." Parting due to ".$change['user']." editing User:".$user.'/Autostalk.js'."\n" );
$tmp = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Autostalk.js'));
foreach ($tmp as $tmp2) { if (substr($tmp2,0,1) != '#') { $tmp3 = explode('|',$tmp2,2); $stalk[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]); } }
fwrite( $irc,'JOIN '.implode(',',$stalk)."\n" );
echo $change['title'];
if (strtolower($change['title']) == strtolower($user.'/Autoedit.js')) {
fwrite( $irc,'PART '.implode(',',$edit)." Parting due to ".$change['user']." editing User:".$user.'/Autoedit.js'."\n" );
$tmp = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Autoedit.js'));
foreach ($tmp as $tmp2) { if (substr($tmp2,0,1) != '#') { $tmp3 = explode('|',$tmp2,2); $edit[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]); } }
fwrite( $irc,'JOIN '.implode(',',$edit)."\n" );
if (strtolower($change['title']) == strtolower($owner.'/Channels.js')) {
$ircconfig = explode("\n",$wpq->getpage('User:'.$owner.'/Channels.js'));
$tmp = array();
foreach($ircconfig as $tmpline) { if (substr($tmpline,0,1) != '#') { $tmpline = explode('=',$tmpline,2); $tmp[trim($tmpline[0])] = trim($tmpline[1]); } }
$tmpold = array();
$tmpnew = array();
foreach ($tmp as $tmp2) foreach (explode(',',$tmp2) as $tmp3) $tmpnew[$tmp3] = 1;
foreach (explode(',',$ircchannel.','.$irctechchannel.','.$ircotherchannels.','.$ircvandalismchannel.','.$ircaivchannel.','.$ircverbosechannel.','.$irclogchannels.','.$ircwikilinkchannels.','.$ircpeakchannels) as $tmp3) $tmpold[$tmp3] = 1;
foreach ($tmpold as $tmp2 => $tmp3) if (isset($tmpnew[$tmp2])) unset($tmpold[$tmp2],$tmpnew[$tmp2]);
foreach ($tmpnew as $tmp2 => $tmp3) $tmpnew1[] = $tmp2;
foreach ($tmpold as $tmp2 => $tmp3) $tmpold1[] = $tmp2;
$tmpold = $tmpold1; $tmpnew = $tmpnew1; unset($tmpold1,$tmpnew1);
fwrite( $irc,'JOIN '.implode(',',$tmpnew)."\n" );
fwrite( $irc,'PART '.implode(',',$tmpold)." Parting due to ".$change['user']." editing User:".$owner.'/Channels.js'."\n" );
$ircchannel = $tmp['ircchannel'];
$irctechchannel = $tmp['irctechchannel'];
$ircverbosechannel = $tmp['ircverbosechannel'];
$ircotherchannels = $tmp['ircotherchannels'];
$ircvandalismchannel = $tmp['ircvandalismchannel'];
$ircaivchannel = $tmp['ircaivchannel'];
$irclogchannels = $tmp['irclogchannels'];
$ircwikilinkchannels = $tmp['ircwikilinkchannels'];
$ircpeakchannels = $tmp['ircpeakchannels'];
if (($change['namespace'] != '') || ($change['flags'] == 'move')) continue; //Ignore moves and nonmainspace edits
//Add namespace to the title
$change['title'] = $change['namespace'].$change['title'];
//Don't bother with forking if it is disabled
if (!preg_match('/(yes|enable|true)/i',$run)) {
//Start the fork!!!
$feedpid = @pcntl_fork();
//$pids[$feedpid] = $feedpid;
if ($feedpid != 0) continue;
//echo posix_getpid()."\n";
$diff = $wpi->diff($change['title'],$change['old_revid'],$change['revid']);//Get diff
$score = score($testlist,$diff[0],$log);//Match edit against $scorelist
$score -= score($testlist,$diff[1],$log2);//Add points for each instance removed.
$url = ''.urlencode($change['title']).'&diff='.urlencode($change['revid']).'&oldid='.urlencode($change['old_revid']);//Url of the diff
$tmp = unserialize(file_get_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/titles.txt'));
if (
($score <= SCORELIMIT)
&& (!preg_match('/\<code\>/', $wpq->getpage($change['title']))) //Ignore pages with <code>
&& ((($wpq->contribcount($change['user']) < 50) || preg_match('/(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)/', $change['user'])))//Ignore accounts with >50 edits
&& (!preg_match('/^\* \[\[User:('.preg_quote($change['user'],'/').')|\1\]\] \- .*/',$whitelist)) //Ignore users listed on User:SoxBot III/Whitelist
&& ((!isset($tmp[$change['title'].$change['user']])) || ((time() - $tmp[$change['title'].$change['user']]) > (24*60*60)))//Ignore users and pages who were reverted in last 24 hours
&& ($tmp[$change['title'].$change['user']] = time())
&& ((file_put_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/titles.txt',serialize($tmp))) !== false)
&& (($change['length'] < 600) || ($score <= -35))//Make threshold for reverting higher if the changed length is high
) {
//Get maxlag, and don't revert if it is high.
$curmaxlag = $wpi->getMaxlag();
if( $curmaxlag[2] > $maxlag ) {
foreach(explode(',',$irctechchannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :'.$curmaxlag[1].' is lagged out by '.$curmaxlag[2].' seconds. ('.$curmaxlag[0].')'."\n" );
//Notify in channel
foreach (explode(',',$ircchannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Reverting revision'.$change['revid'].' by '.$change['user'].'.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Reverting revision '.$change['revid'].' by '.$change['user'].'.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
unset($diff, $revision, $url);
//Were we beaten?
$currev = $wpapi->revisions($change['title'],3,'newer',false,$change['revid']);
if (($currev[0]['revid'] != $change['revid']) && ($currev[0]['user'] != $change['user']) && $currev[0]['user']) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `beaten` (`id`,`article`,`diff`,`user`) VALUES (NULL,\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['title']).'\',\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['url']).'\',\''.mysql_real_escape_string($currev[1]['user']).'\')');
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Inserting '.$change['revid'].' into `beaten` table.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
else {
//Check if user was reverted recently
$query = 'SELECT date,user,article FROM testing WHERE user=\''.
'\' AND article=\''.
'\' AND date=\''.
date( 'Y-m-d' ).
echo $query;
if (!mysql_ping($mysql)) { $mysql =
mysql_connect($mysqlhost,$mysqluser,$mysqlpass,/* Force reconnect --> */ true);echo "Ping?\n";
mysql_select_db($mysqldb, $mysql);
$result = mysql_query($query);
if( !$result ) { die( "MySQL error: ".mysql_error() ); }
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Querying if '.$change['user'].' has been reverted recently.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
echo "Querying if user has been reverted recently.\n";
if ( mysql_num_rows( $result ) != 0 ) {
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Yes, not reverting.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :No, will continue to revert.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
//Insert into table. `reverted` is 0, will be changed to 1 later if the revert succeeded
$query = 'INSERT INTO `testing` ' .
'(`id`,`user`,`article`,`diff`,`old_id`,`new_id`,`reverted`,`date`,`score`) ' .
'(NULL,\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['user']).'\',' .
'\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['title']).'\',' .
'\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['url']).'\',' .
'\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['old_revid']).'\',' .
'\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['revid']).'\',0,' .
'\''.date( 'Y-m-d' ).'\',' .
if (!mysql_ping($mysql)) {
$mysql = mysql_pconnect($mysqlhost,$mysqluser,$mysqlpass,/* Force reconnect --> */ true);
if (!$mysql) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }
if (!mysql_select_db($mysqldb, $mysql)) { die ('Can\'t use database : ' . mysql_error()); }
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Inserting '.$change['revid'].' into `testing`.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
if (mysql_affected_rows( $mysql ) == 0) {
echo "Problem?\n";
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :MySQL error? '.mysql_error()."\n" ); usleep(500);
$mysqlid = mysql_insert_id();//So we can change `reverted` to 1 later
//Get rollback token
$token = $http->get('');
$token = unserialize($token);
$token = $token['query']['pages'][$wpq->getpageid($change['title'])]['revisions'][0]['rollbacktoken'];
echo "Token: $token\n";
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Getting rollback token.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
if( $token == '' ) {
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Error getting token.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
//Do the revert!!!
$return = $wpi->rollback(
'Reverting possible test edit(s) by [[Special:Contributions/'.$change['user'].'|'.$change['user'].']] ' .
'to '.(($revid == 0)?'older version':'version by '.$revdata['user']).'. ' .
'[[User talk:'.$owner.'|Was this a mistake?]] (BOT EDIT)',
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Rolling back '.$change['revid'].'.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
echo "Reverting.\n";
//If it returned true, let's warn the user
if ($return !== false) {
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Returned true, attempting to warn.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
$warning = getWarningLevel( $change['user'] );
$warning++;//Increase warning level
//Max warning is 4
if ($warning < 5) {
//Add shared IP notice if the user is an IP, and if it's the first warning
$append = '';
if (
$warning == 1 &&
preg_match('/(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)/', $change['user'])//*puke* This regex just checks if it is an IP
) {
$append = ":''If this is a shared [[IP address]], and you didn't make the edit, consider [[Wikipedia:Why create an account?|creating an account]] for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant notices.''\n";
//Tell the CVN bots if it is a repeat vandal/tester
elseif ($warning > 2) {
foreach (explode(',',$ircvandalismchannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :computer bl add '.$change['user'].' x='.(24*$warning).' r=Test edits to [['.$change['title'].']] (#'.$warning.').'."\n" ); usleep(500);
//Get talk page content
$talk = $wpq->getpage('User talk:'.$change['user']);
'User talk:'.$change['user'],$talk."\n\n".'{{subst:User:'.$user.'/warn|1='.$change['title'].'|2='.$warning.'|3='.$mysqlid.'}} '.SIGNATURE.' 12:00, 19 January 2020 (UTC)'."\n".$append,'Warning user of test edits (Warning #'.$warning.')',false,null,false); //This fugly code warns the user
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Warning '.$change['user'].'.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
elseif ($warning > 4) {
//Let's report them to AIV!
$aiv = $wpq->getpage('Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism/TB2');
if ( preg_match('/(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)/', $change['user']) ) {
$template = "IPvandal";
else {
$template = "Vandal";
if (!preg_match('/'.preg_quote($change['user'],'/').'/i',$aiv)) {
//Only report if they haven't aren't already there
foreach(explode(',',$ircaivchannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :@admin Reporting [[User:'.$change['user'].']] to [[WP:AIV]]. Contributions: [[Special:Contributions/'.$change['user'].']] Block: [[Special:Blockip/'.$change['user'].']]'."\n" ); usleep(500);
foreach (explode(',',$ircvandalismchannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :computer bl add '.$change['user'].' x='.(24*$warning).' r=Vandalism to [['.$change['title'].']] (#'.$warning.").\n" ); usleep(500);
$aiv = $aiv . "\n" .
"* {{".$template."|1=".$change['user']."}} ".
"User made possible test edits, such as [".$change['revid']." 1]. ".SIGNATURE." 12:00, 19 January 2020 (UTC)";
$wpi->post('Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism/TB2',$aiv,'Reporting [[Special:Contributions/'.$change['user']."|".$change['user']."]] (BOT EDIT)");
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Warning level is 4, reporting to AIV.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
} else {
foreach (explode(',',$ircaivchannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :@admin [[User:'.$change['user'].']] has vandalized at least one time while being listed on [[WP:AIV]]. Contributions: [[Special:Contributions/'.$change['user'].']] Block: [[Special:Blockip/'.$change['user'].']]'."\n" ); usleep(500); //Ping the admins!
//Now that it was reverted, let's update the table
mysql_query('UPDATE `testing` SET `reverted` = 1 WHERE `id` = \''.mysql_real_escape_string($mysqlid).'\'');
else {//Somehow, it returned false. Let's figure out why.
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Returned false, figuring out why.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
$currev = $wpapi->revisions($change['title']);
if (($currev[0]['revid'] != $change['revid']) && ($currev[0]['user'] != $change['user'])) {
//We've been beaten!!!
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `beaten` (`id`,`article`,`diff`,`user`) VALUES (NULL,\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['title']).'\',\''.mysql_real_escape_string($change['url']).'\',\''.mysql_real_escape_string($rev['user']).'\')');
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :I was beaten by '.$rev['user'].'!'."\n" ); usleep(500);
else {
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :There was an unknown rollback error.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
file_put_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/errors.txt',file_get_contents('/home/soxred93/bots/soxbot-test/errors.txt')."Date: ".date( 'Y-m-d' )."\n".$return."\n----------------------\n") or die('Error');
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :Rollback result has been posted to errors.txt.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
echo "ERROR\n";
}//End if ($return !== FALSE)
}//End if beaten check
//Remainder of $ircverbosechannel
foreach (explode(',',$ircverbosechannel) as $y) {
fwrite( $irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :-- Done --.'."\n" ); usleep(500);
}//End check for vandalism
}//End regex for parsing IRC feed
}//End checking for privmsg
}//End while
}//End while