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Kyu / Dan Belt Kata Required for this Grade
10th Kyu White Belt None
9th Kyu White Belt, Yellow Tip None
8th Kyu Yellow Belt Taigyoku Shodan (adults only)
7th Kyu (ho) Yellow Belt, Orange Tip Taigyoku Shodan (adults only)
7th Kyu Orange Belt Taigyuyoku Nidan (adults only)
6th Kyu Green Belt Saifa
5th Kyu Blue Belt Saifa
4th Kyu Red Belt Bassai Dai
3rd Kyu Brown Belt Bassai Dai
2nd Kyu Brown Belt, Black Tip Seiunchin
1st Kyu Brown Belt, Double Black Tip Empi
Shodan Ho Provisional Black Belt Sanseryu, Sepai
Shodan 1st Dan Black Belt Sepai, Hangetsu
Nidan 2nd Dan Black Belt Kururunfa, Kanku Dai
Sandan 3rd Dan Black Belt Shishoshin, Kanku Sho
Yondan 4th Dan Black Belt Seisan, Sochin