^According to the ultra-high chronology (H-HC): Hammurabir. c. 1933 – c. 1890 BCE. The Fall of Babylon occurred c. 1736 BCE.
^According to the high chronology (HC): the kings from the third dynasty of Ur r. c. 2161 – c. 2053 BCE.
^According to the high chronology (HC): the kings from the first dynasty of Babylon r. c. 1950 – c. 1651 BCE. Hammurabi r. c. 1848 – c. 1806 BCE. Ammisaduqa r. c. 1702 – c. 1682 BCE. The Fall of Babylon occurred c. 1651 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the first dynasty of Uruk r. c. 2775 – c. 2500 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the second dynasty of Uruk r. c. 2500 – c. 2348 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the first dynasty of Ur r. c. 2700 – c. 2300 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the first dynasty of Lagash r. c. 2520 – c. 2300 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the king from the third dynasty of Uruk r. c. 2348 – c. 2316 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the dynasty of Akkad r. c. 2334 – c. 2154 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the fourth dynasty of Uruk r. c. 2154 – c. 2124 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the second dynasty of Lagash r. c. 2260 – c. 2023 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the dynasty of Gutium r. c. 2220 – c. 2119 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the king from the fifth dynasty of Uruk r. c. 2124 – c. 2112 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the third dynasty of Ur r. c. 2112 – c. 2004 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the dynasty of Larsa r. c. 2025 – c. 1736 BCE.
^According to the middle chronology (MC): the kings from the dynasty of Isin r. c. 2017 – c. 1792 BCE.
^According to the low chronology (LC): the kings from the dynasty of Akkad r. c. 2270 – c. 2083 BCE.
^According to the low chronology (LC): the kings from the second dynasty of Lagash r. c. 2140 – c. 2046 BCE.
^According to the low chronology (LC): the kings from the dynasty of Gutium r. c. 2141 – c. 2050 BCE.
^According to the low chronology (LC): the kings from the third dynasty of Ur r. c. 2048 – c. 1940 BCE.
^According to the low chronology (LC): the kings from the fifth dynasty of Uruk r. c. 2055 – c. 2048 BCE.
^According to the low chronology (LC): the kings from the first dynasty of Babylon r. c. 1830 – c. 1531 BCE. Hammurabi r. c. 1728 – c. 1686 BCE. Ammisaduqa r. c. 1582 – c. 1562 BCE. The Fall of Babylon occurred c. 1531 BCE.
^According to the ultra-low chronology (NC): the kings from the dynasty of Akkad r. c. 2200 – c. 2018 BCE.
^According to the ultra-low chronology (NC): the kings from the third dynasty of Ur r. c. 2018 – c. 1911 BCE.
^According to the ultra-low chronology (NC): the kings from the first dynasty of Isin r. c. 1922 – c. 1698 BCE.
^According to the ultra-low chronology (NC): the kings from the first dynasty of Babylon r. c. 1798 – c. 1499 BCE. Hammurabi r. c. 1696 – c. 1654 BCE. Ammisaduqa r. c. 1550 – c. 1530 BCE. The Fall of Babylon occurred c. 1499 BCE.