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User:Sof1998/Heritage studies and ICT 2020-2021

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



My first contribution is about the page of Grassobbio in Wikipedia.it = Grassobbio - Wikipedia:

  • I  added a paragraph about the town coat of arms of Grassobbio (with the related reference) found thanks to the official website of the town hall of the district.  
  • I added a sentence about the origin of the name of Grassobbio in the part of the history (with related reference) found in the official website of the districts of Bergamo.
  • I modifyed the expiring date of the mandate of the mayor Ermenegildo Epis because it was not updated
  • I added the reference at the end of the paragraph “Storia” because there was no references
  • References added:   - Popolazione residente al 31 dicembre 2019; ^ Grassobbio | COMUNE BERGAMO ^ Grassobbio (BG) ·      

The second contribution is about the page of Grassobbio in Wikipedia English = Grassobbio - Wikipedia:

  • I added the number of the inhabitants updated in the first lines of the page, with the related reference (Istat).
  • I translated the part of the town coat of arms (with reference) and I added the translation of the History part.
  • References added: same of the Wikipedia in Italian version


As far as the heritage part is concerned, I created a page with my colleague Rebecca Ponti (Reb1998). The page is Santuario di Santa Maria Assunta (Grassobbio). The first time we created the page, we started from the red link (created by us), but a user deleted it immediately because he considered the title (so the name of the church) wrong and he thought that the page, which was almost empty (only with the template), has already been finished. In this way, we created a new page in our Sandbox with the correct name, adding Grassobbio in the parenthesis.

ITALIAN VERSION-> Santuario di Santa Maria Assunta (Grassobbio) - Wikipedia

My friend and I divided the work, always helping each other because we did it together.  I did:

  • The first sentence of the location of the church
  • I added three images -> these images are made by us because we went to the sanctuary to take the pictures, with the help of the priest of our town Grassobbio, who opened us the church to take some pictures. He gave us a DVD about the history and the description of the Sanctuary. Thus, we used it as sources of the information we put in the page.
  • The history part
  • The last two paintings -> La morte di Maria and L’Assunzione
  • References added: ^  Itinerari Bergamo e il libro di Leonio Callioni (a cura di) Grassobbio, Tracce di storia 2004° versione e infine il DVD Il Santuario di Santa Maria Assunta de Il Calendario AIDO 2017, 2017.

ENGLISH VERSION -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Reb1998/sandbox (I write here the sandbox of my friend Rebecca because we translated the page in her sandbox. The page does not exist in an English version, so we thought to translate it from our Italian version. I wrote you a couple of e-mails to control the page, but as the 10th is the time limit to sand you the document we leave you the page in the sandbox, that is the page in English finished)

The following passage has been to translate the Italian version into an English one. We created this page in Rebecca’s sandbox and we did the part we did not do in Italian (you can see my part also in my English sandbox: User:Sof1998/sandbox - Wikipedia), so:

  • I did the translation of Architectural part
  • I translated the Art part
  • I translated two paintings -> History of Gioacchino and Anna and The Annunciation
  • I created the template
  • Everything with the related references -> the same of the Italian version


I had a conversation in a discussion page of a User, here the link to look at it: User talk:S0091 - Wikipedia. It was just after he deleted the English page of Grassobbio because of the lack of references or not reliable ones. Then I adjust everything thanks to this user too. He was very disposable.

He deleted my part twice, but interacting with him in the “Discussion” he made me understand kindly the problem, so I could solve it very quickly, thanking him so much. The problem was that in the first part (town coat of arms) the sources according to him at the beginning were not reliable, so I found another page with the same information and I could add the reference (the same of the Italian version).  In the part of History there were no references because of the lack of references even in the Italian page of Grassobbio. So, the user deleted everything; I asked him for some information about the problem and he kindly explained me. So, I put the references in the Italian version and then the same references in the English one.


I uploaded these images on my Wikimedia Commons -> Uploads by Sof1998 - Wikimedia Commons

I took these photos in the church Santa Maria Assunta (with the related Wikipedia page) to put them on the page in Italian version.


When we went to the shrine to take some photos, we called the priest of our district too. He was so kind to open the church and to explain us something about the history of it. Then he gave us a DVD with the complete description of the architectural and the art part. Then we called the previous priest, because we are still in touch and asked some information to him too.

Finally, as I said above, I cooperated with my colleague and friend Rebecca (Reb1998): we live in the same town (Grassobbio) and we worked very good together: we help each other both in writing and in finding information.