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Curiosity: Rise and Resist, remove45, sosamerica, thomaspaine accts. postclimpets? Cross-poll w/ womarch lampreys





Representative support via Politico

January: New term begins. (0→4)

1/3-4: Al Green, Rashida Tlaib, Brad Sherman, Gwen Moore

April 18: Mueller report released (4→18)

4/18 Jackie Speier

4/22: Jimmy Gomez, Ilhan Omar, Val Demings

4/23-5: Ayanna Pressley, Maxine Waters, AOC, Juan Vargas, Earl Blumenauer, Jared Huffman, Filemon Vela, Norma Torres

4/28: Cedric Richmond

5/2: Barbara Lee

May 29: Mueller public comments (18 → 87)

5/20-21: +17

5/29-30: +22

6/01-06: +8

6/13-28: +20

7/11: +2 Bonnie Coleman, Ruben Gallego

July 24: Mueller testimony (87 → 151)

7/16-23: +12

7/24-8/2: +25

8/08-27: +17

9/12-16: +10

Sept 24: Impeachment inquiry begins (151 → 228, first R)

9/23-4: +70

9/25-6: +6

9/27: Gov Phil Scott (R-Vt), Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV)

9/28: Gov Charlie Baker (R-MA)

10/2: Max Rose (D-NY)

Personal, Public speech

  • Talk archives (official, universital)

National politics


Global politics








44 1/2


70-year-old Cartman

Abusive Dad President

Agent Orange


{Alzheimer, Blackmailer, Conspiracist, Cheeto, Fearmonger, Supremacist} in Chief

Boss Tweet

Cadet Bone Spurs

Category 45 Hurricane

Der Gropenfuhrer


Invidious Prevaricator

John Barron


Old Yeller

Prima Donald

Race-baiting {Vulgarian, Xenophobic Religious Bigot}


Wizard of Id

America's Stable Genius

Angry {Creamsicle, Cotton Candy, Marmalade, Mango, Velveeta Brick, Canteloupe}

Alleged Millionaire

Artful draft dodger

{Flamboyant Orange} Autocrat



Corn Husk Doll Cursed by A Witch

Creep Throat

The Clodfather

Dolt .45

Dunning J. Kruger

El Trumpo Loco

Empty desk

{Fanta, Mango} Menace

The Great Pumpkin

Grabass Grampa

The Glutton with the Button

{Hairmonger, Hamberdler, Jabba}

Hurricane Don

Insecure Grubber

King of Debt

The Man in the High Chair

The Manchurian Canteloupe

{Marmalade, Marzipan, Mythomaniacal, Bankrupt} {Taffy Bellows, Mountain of a Man, Dementor}

Naranja Narcissist

Orange Overlord

President {Joker, Trimp}

Alf Capone

{Tangerine} Caligula

Benito Cheetolini

Butternut Berlusconi

Mango Mussolini

{Fat, Meth} Nixon

Tangerine Palpatine

{Apricot, Papaya} Pol Pot

Curdled sweet potato

Feral shouting meatball

Fuckface Von Clownstick

Last Year's Rotting Halloween Pumpkin

Soulless Ginger Orangutang

Super Callous Fragile Racist Extra Braggadocious

Undisciplined, Hobbit-handed Omnishambles

Vaseline-dipped Circus Peanut