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2020 Coronavirus Pandemic in Iasi, Romania




11 March, 2020: First Two Cases


The first case diagnosed in Iasi was on 11 March, 2020. A 42-year-old man who had arrived from Venice, Italy on March 2 developed symptoms two days later, on March 4. Later on the day of March 11, the second case was diagnosed in an asymptomatic 38-year-old border policeman who had traveled to Warsaw, Poland on official business. He had arrived back in Iasi on March 9 and reported having contact with an infected person in Warsaw. As of March 14, he remained asymptomatic.

16 March, 2020: Oncology doctor diagnosed after trip to Paris; suspected of return to work


Professor Lucian Miron, MD, head of the clinic at the regional Oncology hospital in Iasi, has been diagnosed with coronavirus after a two-day trip to Paris March 10-11, 2020. According to the hospital manager, Mirela Grosu, Dr. Miron asked her if he could return to work prior to completing his two-week self-isolation. Grosu told reporters that she had consulted with the hospital's epidemiologist and agreed, pending the results of a coronavirus test. The test was positive, and Dr. Miron was admitted at 22:00 that evening, March 16, to the Infectious Disease Hospital of Iasi. It was subsequently discovered that his wife, a doctor at the children's hospital of Iasi, had accompanied him to Paris and that she had returned to work without self-isolation. She was quarantined along with him at the Infectious Disease Hospital under the assumption that she, too, would be positive. As of March 17, both were asymptomatic.

In a phone interview on March 16, Dr. Ingrid Miron stated that there was no mandatory self-isolation for returnees from Paris on March 11. She said she informed her managers at the hospital and that they had called Televerde (the national coronavirus information hotline) and been advised that France travel was not considered a risk. She stated, and co-workers also described that she wore a triple-level mask after returning to work. Dr. Miron said that she and the management of the Children's Hospital followed all regulations in place at the time of her travel. [1] [2] [3]

16-17 March, 2020: Children's Hospital locked down after infected doctor's wife returns to work


On the evening of March 16, Saint Mary's Children's Hospital of Iasi enclosed all patients, staff and visitors inside overnight while contact tracing was conducted in the immediate aftermath of the coronavirus diagnosis of the husband of Professor Ingrid Miron, MD, who had returned to work at the hospital after visiting Paris despite self-isolation regulations. Professor Miron's own coronavirus test results were pending, and she later was found free of the virus. Her husband, Professor Lucian Miron, MD, chief of the oncology clinic at Iasi's regional Oncology hospital, had been diagnosed with coronavirus after a two-day trip to Paris. As of 17 March, there were conflicting sources on whether he had visited the oncology clinic after returning from Paris, with the preponderance of sources saying he stayed away.

On the evening of March 17, Professor Ingrid Miron, MD, tested negative for coronavirus. Nonetheless, she departed work for 14 days' home isolation. Both hospitals are in the process of investigating the extent of contact with the doctors, and five colleagues of Lucian Miron are now in quarantine. On the morning of March 18, the Oncology Hospital could neither confirm nor deny whether Professor Lucian Miron, MD had visited the premises after returning to Paris. They intend to provide more conclusive details after the investigation is concluded. [4][5]


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  1. ^ "A fost sau nu la IRO după ce s-a întors din Paris medicul infectat cu noul virus?". Ziarul de Iasi.
  2. ^ "A fost sau nu la IRO după ce s-a întors din Paris medicul infectat cu noul virus?". Ziarul de Iasi.
  3. ^ "EXCLUSIV: Ce a declarat dr. Ingrid Miron-soţia medicului ieşean depistat cu coronavirus".
  4. ^ "Spre deosebire de soţ, Ingrid Miron, medic la Spitalul de Copii din Iaşi, testată negativ la coronavirus". Ziarul de Iasi.
  5. ^ "Fierbe lumea medicală. A fost sau nu "împrăștiat" coronavirus la IRO Iași?". Ziarul de Iasi. Retrieved March 18, 2020.
  6. ^ "Nimeni nu a mai ieșit și nu a mai intrat în clinica în care lucrează medicul suspectat de coronavirus".
  7. ^ "Medicul ieşean Lucian Miron, șeful Clinicii de Oncologie, infectat cu coronavirus". Ziarul de Iasi.

2020 coronavirus pandemic in Romania