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Gojko Marić

Gojko Marić (born on 18th October 1991) is an Serbian musician, composer and multi-Instrumentalist, producer and sound engineer also best known as a member of the Symphonic Black Metal band Welicoruss[1]. He is also the co-owner of Hell Blast Studios and Hell Blast Promotion[2] together with Alexey Boganov.


Basic shape of the Rhoads V (without the Floyd Rose Tremolo)

Gojko started getting involed into music at young age. His father Djordje Maric who is a composer and a guitar virtuoso started showing him how to play guitar due to Gojko's constant interest in Guitar. At the age of 11 he moved to Cyprus[3] and there he started getting deeper involved with music. On his 12th birthday his parents noticed his passion about the guitar grow bigger and bigger so they decided to buy him an Acoustic Guitar[4].  A bit later he started listening to heavier music (Black[5] & Death[6] metal genre) and he was forced to play Black/Death and many different heavy genres on a Acoustic Guitar. At the age of 15 he got his first Electric Guitar[7], which happen to be Jackson Randy Rhodes (Flying V)[8] and that's because he was mostly inspired by Dave Mustane[9] from Megadeth[10] and besides that he just absolutely loved the way the Flying V shaped guitars looked like. He also is a huge fan for V shaped guitars, and he loves to exclusively play only on V shaped guitars.

Classical/Neo-Classical Music

From his age of 15 and on he became extremely obsessed with Classical Music[11], which of course influenced his playing dramatically. Guitar wise he was into Yngwie Malmsteen[12] and Jason Backer[13] at the time and later Stephan Forte[14] & Jeff Loomis[15]. But that was not enough, he started exploring along the Classical Music (Specifially and mostly Romantic era[16]) and because a huge fan of Frédéric Chopin[17], Alexander Scriabin[18], Sergei Rachmaninoff[19], Franz Liszt[20] and Johann Sebastian Bach[21]. Which created a desire to start learning how to play piano[22].

Progressive Music

At the age of 16 he bought him self an Electric Piano on which he spend countless hours learning and practising, he even took a special music class in his school which was oriented towards Classical Music. After a while he even started going to piano and theory lessons to gain a faster result in his learning. All this led him to get even deeper involved into piano-piano like-synth world, so he bought him self a MIDI-Controller[23] and after a while a synth/keyboard and started getting into the world of Synth[24] which was mainly an influence by Jordan Rudess[25] and Kevin Codfert[26] (Adagio[27]) but also by keyboardist like Derek Sherinian[28], Kevin Moore[29] etc.

Jazz Music

Besides his piano/synth world Gojko also grew a huge interest in drums[30] specially by listening to bands like Absu[31] and Opeth[32]. So a year later he bought him self a drum-kit and started learning progressively drums. His biggest drum influences are Proscriptor McGovern (Russley Randell Givens)[33], Mike Portnoy[34], Marco Minnemann[35], JoJo Mayer[36], Mark Guiliana[37] etc. An interesting change happen at his 18 when he dived into the world of Jazz[38], and started learning bass seriously and regularly visiting the local jazz bar (Jazzy B)[39]. He was going there regularly and jamming jazz. At the period his wish was to get involved into the family of the Woodwind Instruments[40], while his biggest wish remains to learn how to play Saxophone[41]. He then started learning a lot of different Woodwind Instruments and getting more involved into Folk[42] and different Folk oriented genres, not to be mixed with today's "Pagan/Folk"[43]. He actually enjoys real Folk style of music that is blended from his Heritage like one of his favourite time composers and musicians and actually a dear friend[44] in personal life Slobodan Trkulja[45].

Private Life

He spend all his childhood playing different instruments, switching from instrument to another. He never wanted to be way too good or virtuoso at a instrument. He wanted to play as many as possible different instruments so he could grasp different approaches, because he says that the way you approach the guitar needs a special package of techniques and a special form of thinking, if you take that form of thinking and apply to a piano weird things will start happening. There for he always was more focused in the experimenting and creating and composing. He also said that if he is be remember, he doesn't want to be remember as "guitarist" or a "pianist". He wants to be remember as "a person who used different instruments to express different moods & emotions."


He loves to create his own samples and morph them into atmospheric and different kind of noises. Actually around 90% of the sounds he was using when he was composing the "Δόγμα των Νεκρών" album were created by him, in his own studio. Besides sampling he has a big fan of Modular Synthesis[46]. He collect all different kind of effect pedals that he does not only with his guitar, but he uses them to stack big piles of sounds, reverbs and drone like noises.


In his privet life Gojko is also a Polyglot[47], he knows 8 languages which are:

Greek[48], Serbian[49], Russian[50], English[51], Czech[52] and also has knowledge of dead languages[53] like Ancient Greek[54], Latin[55] and Sumerian[56].


The knowledge of the dead languages his continues to study up to date (along with Philosophy, Religion, History & Mythology) in the of the oldest universes in Europe and also within the ranks of the upper 1.5 percent of the world's best universities, University of Charles[57]. In school he was also studying Spanish[58], Italian[59] and French[60] for many years but after years of not using them, he claims he complete forgotten then, even tho he has authentic diplomas. Besides languages he is also has a wide knowledge in Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian History and Mythology. Also in from his young age he was always been interested in painting and drawing.


Since 2016 owner and co-created of the "Hell Blast Studio" and producer too. He Mixes, Masters Recrods and Musically Produces albums, depending on what the client needs. After working less than a full year he is starting already to get a rather small but slowly growing reputation in the underground for his skills in creating insane ambient and scary atmospheres. He's being hired by different bands to create intros, outros, songs and ambient atmospheres. Besides the studio he can also be hired as a performing musician in the studio as well as composer/guest musician.

Frozen Winds

He joined the band[61] in the year 2012 as Pianist/Keyboardist and also as composer. While he was part of the Black Metal project Frozen Winds, he participated in various ways in the creational process of the first Demo[62] & EP[63] being released. He also helped in bringing Konstantinos Charalambous into the bands as a new 2nd guitarist.

The New Sound

The atmosphere that was added to the album by the sample that were created by Gojko was unrepeatable and very authentic and unique. People who saw the concerts live with Frozen Winds with have said that they had goosebumps rushing all over their body by the sounds that were coming out Gojko's hands.[64] There are also a lot of interviews[65] done over this matter but are deeply lost within the undeground blogs and all of them are in Greek.

1st Album

He took part in the compositions of 1st debt album "Δόγμα των Νεκρών" translated from Greek Necromantic Arts an album that was dedicated to P.H.Lovecraft[66] and to his book Necronomicon[67]. His fascination about the Necronomicon that he shared with Adonis Kilionis the leader of Frozen Winds summed up to creation of the 1st debt album. The compositions to the dept album were roughly done before end of the 2012 and that's when he started forming ambient sounds to the album.


In the begging of the 2013 he has finished 90% of his compositions for the 1st Debt album, leave the last song, for last as he wanted to do just before the recording of the album. Once the songs have been completely composed including the keyboards, he and Adonis meet up and wrote down all the parts to every song including all the note notations to each and every song of the album. Ever since 2013 Frozen Winds has played numerous concerts with Rotting Christ[68], Septic Flesh[69], Ctulu and many others where during all this time Gojko was waiting for the band to record the album so he could lay down and record his already composed key parts. Where 3 years later before the end of 2017 he got a shocking message that he is being "kicked out" of the band for taking to long to deliver the compositions to the keyboards. Despite of the fact that all the keys have been composed together with the members of the band beforehand and that he was waiting for the band to finally record the drums, guitar and bass so he could lay down the keys, they blamed him for taking too long and they didn't even want to hear him out as they have decided together to kick him out.


File:Welicoruss live on Gothoom Festival in Slovakia.png
Welicoruss live on the Gothoom Festival in Slovakia. From left to right: Gojko Marić, David Urban, Alexey Boganov, Dmitriy Zhikharevich.


With Welicoruss it all started in 2013 when he moved from Cyprus to Czech Republic[70] in search for a Professional band. That's the same year Alexey Boganov moved from Novosibirsk, (Siberia) Russia[71] to Czech Republic to re-start the band from zero. He and Alexey teamed up pretty fast and took manner under their hands, looking for new band members, trying to make new contacts. The search was fast (around 3 months) and they managed to find a bassist & drummer. On their mutual agreement Alexey & Gojko, decided that band would way better of with just 4 musicians without the keyboards, as that would make the less problems in the band, due to past experience of the both musicians and also more convenient to tour when you are 4 people.

Recording "Аз Есмь'"

and learned the new album "Аз Есмь'"[72] which was representing to him and at that period of time not quite yet finished, it was at strong 70-80% done where he changed some of the riffs, melodies, almost all the solos[73]. And as they agreed with Alexey, they left 2 or 3 of the old solo's for the authenticity. The recording of the guitars was done in 2 days and few extra hours, according to the Welicoruss vlog[74]. Where he had to chance to change numerous riffs on the albums compose some parts, regulate others and add his solo guitars. The Album "Аз Есмь'" was also co-produced by Gojko Maric & Alexey Boganov.


The band practically started off immediately in Europe[75] with playing couple of shows in Czech Republic with Arkona[76] and playing on big festival such as Made of Metal Festival[77]. But their real life journey start off from the year 2015. The official release of the 3rd studio album[78] was on January 31, 2015 and the album was available in all the stores. And their new album hit the best possible reviews[79], no matter which magazine reviews the album. In 2015 Welicoruss play some of the largest Metal Festivals in Europe in many different countries such as Exit Festival, Made of Metal Festival[80], Gothoom Festival[81], Wolfszeit Festival[82], Vekeri Openair and besides all the festival they did around 50-60 concerts across the whole Europe. In countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, Hungary, Serbia.


Welicoruss also got reached out by many companies out there to be endorsed by them. Besides musicans endorsments Welicoruss managed to get endrosed and sponsered by many other companies such as a clothes store Rock Fastion[83] which covers all of their metal clothing. Welicoruss are also endorsed by a world wide known Historic shop that works with Paramount Pictures[84], The Witcher (video game)[85], Vikings (TV-Series)[86], Wardruna[87], Disney[88] and many other world wide known assossicains (Wolflund[89] also goes under the name Drakkaria[90] within the teritory Czech Republic). AMT Electronics[91], InTune GuitarPicks[92].


In 2016 the list of the concerts grows to around 60-65. The band in 2016 follows with another success of booked festivals, Rock Of Sadska[93], Schlichtenfest[94], Rockova Hostim[95], Basinfire Festival[96], MetalGate Czech Death Festival[97], Ragnarok Festival[98] and Arden Rock & Metal Festival[99]. Reaching out to even higher public, in only 2 years Welicourss managed to gain fans across the entire Europe, and have their songs played on Local Metal Radio stations and national radio station[100] in countries like: Greece, Cyprus, Serbia, Croatia, Switzerland, Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Slovenia, France & Germany. Also in 2016 Welicoruss released 20.000 CD's[101] for free with the famous German Metal Magazine Legacy[102] which were all spread and sold across the whole Germany and including the German speaking countries; Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg.

Further Success

Besides all the success the band also played concerts and shared stage with bands like Arkona, Nargaroth[103], Gorgoroth[104], Cynic[105], Skyforger[106], Marduk[107], Napalm Death[108], Lychgate[109], The Great Old Ones[110], Root[111], Nuclear Assault[112] and many more... Before the end of 2016 Welicoruss also announced that they will be playing on the worlds biggest Metal Festival Hellfest[113].

Live Gear

When if comes to live gear, he likes to have as little gear as possible achieving the same result live as in studio. And he also does not like to have too many thing, because he believes that is unnecessary. The more compact the gear the better, which is exactly why he always uses only one multi-effect guitar pedal[114] and a small amp that can plug-in into any possibly available cabinet.

  • Vox ToneLab SE
  • AMT Electronics TC-3
  • Jackson RX10D
  • Jackson JS32 (With Floyd Rose)
  • Elixir Strings


A complete list of all project.

Project Album / EP Year
Frozen Winds Prophets With Distorted Faces 2011
Frozen Winds Δόγμα των Νεκρών TBA
Welicoruss Аз Есмь' 2015

Guest Appearance

A complete list of all project.

Project Album / EP Year
Lilium Artis Into The Void... 2016
Cruadalach Back To Life - A Tribute To Goodbye To Gravity 2016
Dilirium TBA 2017
Odraedir Legends Of The Dark Times TBA

Reference List

  1. ^ "Welicoruss". Wikipedia. 2016-12-02.
  2. ^ "Booking Agency that books all the concerts for Welicoruss".
  3. ^ "Cyprus". Wikipedia. 2017-01-13.
  4. ^ "Acoustic guitar". Wikipedia. 2016-11-28.
  5. ^ "Black metal". Wikipedia. 2017-01-09.
  6. ^ "Death metal". Wikipedia. 2017-01-14.
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  9. ^ "Dave Mustaine". Wikipedia. 2017-01-14.
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  12. ^ "Yngwie Malmsteen". Wikipedia. 2017-01-07.
  13. ^ "Jason Becker". Wikipedia. 2016-12-10.
  14. ^ "Stéphan Forté". Wikipedia. 2016-06-30.
  15. ^ "Jeff Loomis". Wikipedia. 2017-01-12.
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  18. ^ "Alexander Scriabin". Wikipedia. 2016-11-30.
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  81. ^ "Poster of Welicoruss headlining Gothoom Festival on the Warm up Party".
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  92. ^ "Custom Guitar Picks by InTune Guitar Picks, Inc". intunegp.com. Retrieved 2017-01-15.
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