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User:Shalomfrasier/Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya German

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Rav Avrahom Yeshaya German (הרב אברהם ישעיהו גרמן) was a son of Rav Avner German, renowned menahel of Be’er Hagolah Institutes, which was founded in 1979 at the behest of gedolim as a kiruv initiative to draw close our brethren who hailed from the former Soviet Union. Rav Avrohom Yeshaya’s mother, Rebbetzin Laya German a”h, passed away several years ago. Rav Avrohom Yeshaya was a talmid of the yeshiva of Rav Dovid Soloveitchik and also learned at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. He devoted considerable time to Yeshivas Gevuras Yitzchok-Kesher, an innovative makom Torah in Yerushalayim designed to deal with the unique issues of young people who have lost direction in life and are looking for a meaningful way back.

Rav Avrohom Yeshaya’s Yedios HaTorah and remarkably warm and caring personality came together in a stunning way to touch so many hearts and souls. He was a giant in Torah and a giant in middos, with his humility hiding much of the gadlus he attained.



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