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User:SethAllen623/Vital articles/Level/4/People/Scientists, inventors, and mathematicians

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Scientists, inventors, and mathematicians (510 articles)


Pre-modern figures (50 articles)


Ancient (26 articles)


Post-classical (24 articles)


Physics and astronomy (130 articles)


Early modern physicists (10 articles)


Late modern physicists (100 articles)

  1. Hannes Alfvén
  2. Luis Walter Alvarez
  3. André-Marie Ampère
  4. Anders Jonas Ångström
  5. Arthur Ashkin
  6. Amedeo Avogadro
  7. Henri Becquerel
  8. Hans Bethe
  9. Niels Bohr
  10. Ludwig Boltzmann
  11. Max Born
  12. Jagadish Chandra Bose
  13. Satyendra Nath Bose
  14. William Henry Bragg
  15. Walter Houser Brattain
  16. Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
  17. Henry Cavendish
  18. James Chadwick
  19. Pavel Cherenkov
  20. Ernst Chladni
  21. Steven Chu
  22. John Cockcroft
  23. Marie Curie
  24. Pierre Curie
  25. John Dalton
  26. John Theophilus Desaguliers
  27. Paul Dirac
  28. Freeman Dyson
  29. Albert Einstein
  30. Loránd Eötvös
  31. Michael Faraday
  32. Enrico Fermi
  33. Richard Feynman
  34. Léon Foucault
  35. William Alfred Fowler
  36. Ilya Frank
  37. Joseph von Fraunhofer
  38. Augustin-Jean Fresnel
  39. Murray Gell-Mann
  40. Stephen Hawking
  41. Werner Heisenberg
  42. Hermann von Helmholtz
  43. Joseph Henry
  44. Heinrich Hertz
  45. James Prescott Joule
  46. Michio Kaku
  47. Charles K. Kao
  48. Alfred Kastler
  49. Gustav Kirchhoff
  50. Lawrence Krauss
  51. Lev Landau
  52. Ernest Lawrence
  53. Tsung-Dao Lee
  54. Philipp Lenard
  55. Oliver Lodge
  56. Hendrik Lorentz
  57. Ernst Mach
  58. Heinrich Mache
  59. James Clerk Maxwell
  60. Maria Goeppert Mayer
  61. Lise Meitner
  62. Albert A. Michelson
  63. Robert Andrews Millikan
  64. Edward W. Morley
  65. Georg Ohm
  66. J. Robert Oppenheimer
  67. Hans Christian Ørsted
  68. Wolfgang Pauli
  69. Arno Allan Penzias
  70. Max Planck
  71. Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille
  72. Alexander Stepanovich Popov
  73. G. N. Ramachandran
  74. C. V. Raman
  75. Osborne Reynolds
  76. Wilhelm Röntgen
  77. Andrei Sakharov
  78. Erwin Schrödinger
  79. Julian Schwinger
  80. Rolf Maximilian Sievert
  81. Arnold Sommerfeld
  82. Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet
  83. John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
  84. Gerard 't Hooft
  85. Igor Tamm
  86. G. I. Taylor
  87. Edward Teller
  88. J. J. Thomson
  89. William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
  90. Shin'ichirō Tomonaga
  91. Charles H. Townes
  92. John Hasbrouck Van Vleck
  93. Johannes Diderik van der Waals
  94. Wilhelm Eduard Weber
  95. Steven Weinberg
  96. Eugene Wigner
  97. Edward Witten
  98. Chien-Shiung Wu
  99. Yang Chen-Ning
  100. Thomas Young

Astronomers (20 articles)


Chemistry (48 articles)


Life sciences (82 articles)


Biology (58 articles)


Medicine (24 articles)


Physical geography (10 articles)


Inventors and engineers (75 articles)


Mathematicians (90 articles)


Early modern (18 articles)


Late modern (72 articles)


Computer scientists and programmers (25 articles)
