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User:SethAllen623/Vital articles/Level/4/People/Religious figures

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Religious figures (250 articles)


Hinduism (36 articles)


Buddhism (30 articles)


General (5 articles)

  1. Gautama Buddha
  2. Nagarjuna
  3. Padmasambhāva
  4. Sokei-an
  5. Thích Nhất Hạnh

Chinese Buddhism (7 articles)

  1. Bodhidharma
  2. Dongshan Liangjie
  3. Huiyuan
  4. Huineng
  5. Kumārajīva
  6. Yunmen Wenyan
  7. Zhiyi

Indian Buddhism (8 articles)

  1. Ānanda
  2. Atiśa
  3. Buddhaghosa
  4. Khema
  5. Maudgalyayana
  6. Śāriputra
  7. Uppalavanna
  8. Vasubandhu

Japanese Buddhism (2 articles)

  1. Dōgen
  2. Kūkai

Korean Buddhism (3 articles)

  1. Choe Chiwon
  2. Jinul
  3. Wonhyo

Thai Buddhism (1 article)

  1. Somdej Toh

Tibetan Buddhism (4 articles)

  1. 5th Dalai Lama
  2. 7th Dalai Lama
  3. 14th Dalai Lama
  4. Longchenpa

Abrahamic religions (170 articles)


Judaism (12 articles)


Christianity (120 articles)


New Testament figures (16 articles)

  1. Jesus
    1. Saint Joseph
    2. Mary, mother of Jesus
    3. James, brother of Jesus
  2. Andrew the Apostle
  3. Biblical Magi
  4. James the Great
  5. John the Apostle
  6. John the Baptist
  7. Judas Iscariot
  8. Jude the Apostle
  9. Lazarus of Bethany
  10. Mary Magdalene
  11. Matthew the Apostle
  12. Paul the Apostle
  13. Saint Peter

Pre-Schism (36 articles)

  1. Ambrose
  2. Anthony the Great
  3. Arius
  4. Athanasius of Alexandria
  5. Augustine of Canterbury
  6. Basil of Caesarea
  7. Benedict of Nursia
  8. Saint Christopher
  9. Clement of Alexandria
  10. Clotilde
  11. Cyril of Alexandria
  12. Cyril of Jerusalem
  13. Saint Denis of Paris
  14. Dionysius Exiguus
  15. Ephrem the Syrian
  16. Saint George
  17. Gregory of Narek
  18. Gregory of Nazianzus
  19. Gregory of Nyssa
  20. Hilary of Poitiers
  21. Hosius of Corduba
  22. Irenaeus
  23. Isidore of Seville
  24. Jerome
  25. John Chrysostom
  26. John of Damascus
  27. Marcion of Sinope
  28. Martin of Tours
  29. Saints Cyril and Methodius
  30. Nestorius
  31. Saint Nicholas
  32. Origen
  33. Saint Patrick
  34. Peter Chrysologus
  35. Peter Damian
  36. Tertullian

Catholic Church (22 articles)

  1. Albertus Magnus
  2. Anselm of Canterbury
  3. Bernard of Clairvaux
  4. Bonaventure
  5. Columba
  6. Saint Dominic
  7. Francis of Assisi
  8. Blessed Gerard
  9. Jan Hus
  10. Ignatius of Loyola
  11. John of the Cross
  12. John Henry Newman
  13. George Pell
  14. Charles Reynolds
  15. Óscar Romero
  16. Elizabeth Ann Seton
  17. Mother Teresa
  18. Teresa of Ávila
  19. Thérèse of Lisieux
  20. Tomás de Torquemada
  21. John Wycliffe
  22. Francis Xavier

Popes (12 articles)

  1. Pope Benedict XVI
  2. Pope Clement I
  3. Pope Damasus I
  4. Pope Francis
  5. Pope Gregory I
  6. Pope Gregory II
  7. Pope Leo I
  8. Pope Leo XIII
  9. Pope John X
  10. Pope John XXIII
  11. Pope John Paul II
  12. Pope Pius IX

Orthodox Church (4 articles)

  1. Michael I Cerularius
  2. Patriarch Nikon of Moscow
  3. Philip II, Metropolitan of Moscow
  4. Grigori Rasputin

Protestantism (26 articles)

  1. Jacobus Arminius
  2. Francis Asbury
  3. Karl Barth
  4. Henry Ward Beecher
  5. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  6. William M. Branham
  7. John Calvin
  8. Thomas Cranmer
  9. Jonathan Edwards
  10. Jerry Falwell
  11. Charles Grandison Finney
  12. George Fox
  13. Billy Graham
  14. John Knox
  15. Martin Luther
  16. Aimee Semple McPherson
  17. Philip Melanchthon
  18. Pat Robertson
  19. Menno Simons
  20. Charles Spurgeon
  21. John Stott
  22. Desmond Tutu
  23. Charles Wesley
  24. John Wesley
  25. George Whitefield
  26. Huldrych Zwingli

Others (4 articles)

  1. Mary Baker Eddy
  2. Joseph Smith
  3. Emanuel Swedenborg
  4. Brigham Young

Islam (38 articles)


Other religions (14 articles)


Jainism (2 articles)

  1. Mahavira
  2. Rishabhanatha

New religious movements (7 articles)

  1. Báb
  2. Baháʼu'lláh
  3. Helena Blavatsky
  4. Aleister Crowley
  5. Gerald Gardner
  6. Anton LaVey
  7. David Miscavige

Sikhism (3 articles)

  1. Guru Arjan
  2. Guru Gobind Singh
  3. Guru Nanak

Zoroastrianism (2 articles)

  1. Kartir
  2. Zoroaster