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This is page I am making about copyright literacy.[1] The term copyright literacy was first used in 2013 by Tania Todorova from Bulgaria who wrote her PhD thesis on this topic.[2] Copyright literacy is defined as:

in 2016 Secker and Morrison defined copyright literacy as:

"Acquiring and demonstrating the appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable the ethical creation and use of copyright material."[3]

Add in IFLA definition: Copyright literacy can be defined as sufficient copyright knowledge to be able to take well informed decisions on how to use copyrighted materials.

Image of Queen Anne
Queen Anne

Here is a photo of Queen Anne. During her reign the first copyright law in the world was passed known as the Statute of Anne.

  1. ^ "Copyright Literacy". Copyright Literacy. Retrieved 2022-10-13.
  2. ^ "Copyright Literacy in Memory Institutions: Findings from scientific research project in Bulgaria | UNESCO Interfaculty Chair ICT in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage". unesco.unibit.bg. Retrieved 2023-08-16.
  3. ^ Secker; Morrison, Jane; Chris (2016). Copyright and E-learning: a guide for practitioners (2nd ed.). London: Facet Publishing. p. 211.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)