User:Sardanaphalus/Template:Microformat message
UF-adr UF-audio UF-audio-part UF-hcal UF-hcal-auto UF-hprod UF-hrecipe UF-media UF-hcard-org
custom: UF-coord-classes UF-date-part UF-date-warn UF-species
type/data = "a Geo microformat, which makes the location's coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit."
1-3 = |geo |latitude |longitude
precision warning
type/data = "a Geo microformat, which makes the location's coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map. As yet, [URL the standard for doing this] for off-world bodies is still under development, but is supported in some microformat parsers (e.g. [URL Swignition])."
1-4 = |body |geo |latitude |longitude
precision warning
format = hCalendar
data = event details
UF-geo (type/data) sentence
"Dates will only be included if..." sentence
"To include a URL..." sentence
1-7 = |attendee ................... |dtend |dtstart |location ......... |summary |url |vevent
UF-geo classes (geo latitude longitude)
nocollapse = on
precision warning
format = hCalendar
data = event details
"Dates will only be included if..." sentence
1-9 = |attendee |contact |description |dtend |dtstart |location |organiser |summary ... |vevent
nocollapse = on
"Pages which use multiple instances of this template can also use..." sentence
| format1 = ["...includes an"] hCard ["microformat, which makes..."]
| data1 = a person's, organization's or place's details ["parsable by computers..."]
| format2 = ["...includes an"] hCalendar ["microformat, which makes..."]
| data2 = event details ["parsable..."]
["For more information about the use of microformats..."]
| subsection1 = "Event dates will only appear..." [compare UF-hcal?]
"To include a URL..." [compare UF-hprod?]
[hCard classes used:]
|adr |agent |bday |category |county-name |extended-address |family-name |fn (required) |given-name |honorific-prefix |honorific-suffix |label |locality |n |nickname |note |org |role |url |vcard
[hCalendar classes used:]
|attendee |contact |description |dtend |dtstart |location |organiser |summary |url |vevent
| nocollapse = on
| format = hCard
| data = placenames and locations
"Within the hCard [microformat] is a Geo microformat..."
["For more information about the use of microformats..."]
"Subtemplates" subsection
[hCard classes used:]
|adr |agent |category |county-name |extended-address |fn (required) |label |locality |nickname |note |org |region |street-address |uid |url |vcard
[Geo classes used:]
|geo |latitude |longitude
| nocollapse = on
"Precision" subsection ("When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use {{coord}}'s |name= parameter.")
| format = hCard
| data = a person's name
"To include a URL..."
|agent |family-name |fn (required) |given-name |honorific-prefix |honorific-suffix |n |nickname |org |url |vcard
| nocollapse = on