How I Am Going To Fight Covid-19 Virus
The Covid-19 is a contagious virus. It is defined as an illness caused by a novel coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-NCov), which was first identified as a global outbreak of respiratory illness which was started in China. Most people got sick will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment but some will become seriously ill and require immediate medical attention.
The virus can spread from an infected person through respiratory droplets from the mouth or nose when they cough, sneeze, speak, or breath. We can be infected by breathing in the virus if we are near someone who has Covid-19 disease.
To prevent the disease from spreading is to protect ourselves by wearing always a mask and a face shield. Washing our hands frequently or using an alcohol-based hand rub. Maintain a safe distance from others for at least 1 meter or avoid being in the crowd like malls, restaurants, centers that can cause a high risk of spreading the virus. Follow protocols from the local government unit and get vaccinated.