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Octavia Butler was shy as a child. [1][2][3]


  1. ^ Butler, Octavia E. "Positive Obsession." Bloodchild and Other Stories. New York : Seven Stories, 2005. 123-136.
  2. ^ Butler, O.E. "Birth Of A Writer." Essence (Essence) 20.1 (1989): 74. Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.
  3. ^ Fox, Margalit (2006-03-01). "Octavia E. Butler, Science Fiction Writer, Dies at 58". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2016-03-07.





What happens in the story is about a child name Gan. A character name T’Gatoi’s sister has given two sterile eggs to Gan’s family. T’Gatoi gave one egg to Gan’s mother, brother, and sisters. Gan’s mother was friend with T’Gatoi in all her life. T’Gatoi always complain about Gan that Gan is so skinny. T’Gatoi was the one who also introduce a man to Gan’s mother that became a father of Gan. Gan’s mother had promised one of T’Gatoi children that Gan mother will give one of her child to someone. T’Gatoi told Gan to go kill a animal that is half of Gan’s size but Gan have never kill or slaughtered a animal before. The child Gan his brother and sisters was learning their family business and he spend his life time with T’Gatoi. Gan went to the cage and also shot a animal the biggest that he could find and than he carried it to the kitchen and also put the gun away where he got it to shot the animal. Gan also knew that birth was painful and also bloody and no matter what. Gan has to show respect to his older brother because there was a time his mom told him. When Gan sat at his mom table and also leaning on it that his dad had made for his mom before he died and  now he miss his father. Gan let T’Gatoi push him out the kitchen and then he also walked ahead of T’Gatoi toward his bedroom.


  • Mother said “ ‘He’s still too thin.’”
  • T’ Gatoi said to the mother, “ ‘Lien, I would like you to have what’s left of Gan’s egg.’”
  • T’ Gatoi told Gan, “ ‘Go out and slaughter an animal that is at least half your size.’”

"The Evening and the Morning and the Night"




What happen in the story The Evening and the Morning and the Night is about a girl name Lynn Mortimer. Lynn Mortimer’s parents took her to a Duryea-Gode disease ward when she was fifteen because of her eating habit that was poor that she was trying to show her own independence by getting careless with her own diet. Lynn Mortimer has the disease called Duryea-Gode. The disease that Lynn Mortimer has her father also got the disease when she just before she went off to college almost three years later. Lynn Mortimer majored in biology. A boy named Alan Chi who moved into the house of Lynn Mortimer and other DGDs and Lynn tell him about her family and her visit to the DGD ward when she was fifteen and also her suicide attempt. Lynn Mortimer and Alan Chi left L.A. and went to Dilg is a place where it was not just only patients but also most staff has DGD and that is where they meet Alan Chi’s mother Naomi Chi.


  • When Lynn Mortimer said   ‘“At first, because of my parents,” I said. “My father in particular. I couldn’t do that to him again.”’
  • When Alan Chi said ‘ “My mother started to drift when I was three”’
  • When Beatrice said to Lynn Mortimer, ‘ “My private number”’

"Speech Sounds"




What happen in the story Speech Sounds is about a girl name Rye. It is taking place in L.A. and there was a problem getting onto the Washington Boulevard bus. Rye is going on a journey that she believe she might have a group of relatives or family left that are still alive like a brother and two children of the brother that is twenty miles away in Pasadena. There was two young men on the bus was having a disagreement with each other that there was an misunderstanding and Rye was watching them carefully and know that there will be a fight. When there was a fight going on the bus and people started to get off the bus and the man that made the gesture started toward Rye and she don’t think she can outrun the man and the people who were around Rye was all strangers to her because she don’t know them. Rye lived in Los Angeles for fifteen years and was born in Pasadena and she lost reading and writing and she met a man Obsidian who was in a police uniform and at the end Rye decide to take the two children home with her that their mother was dead and she spoke again introducing her name to the children.


  • When Rye telling the two children ‘ “ It’s all right,” she told them “You’re going with us, too. Come on.”’
  • When Rye tells the boy, ‘ “It’s all right for me to talk”’
  • When Rye said to the two children, ‘ “ I’m Valerie Rye,” she said, savoring the words. “It’s all right for you to talk to me"

"Butler's Biography"


Octavia Butler was born in Pasadena in California. She was born in 1947 of June 22 and she was the only child of a housemaid Octavia Margaret Guy and a shoeshine man Laurice James Butler. She was raised by her mother Octavia Margaret Guy and her maternal grandmother and her father died when she was little seven years old. Butler has experienced cultural and ethnic diversity and also witnessed her entering to the white people’s house through the back door when she accompanied her mother to cleaning work place and they were being spoken in a disrespectful way. Butler’s mother brings magazines and books home the ones that the white families has thrown out for Octavia Butler to read when she was young. In her early age she believe her was ugly, and stupid, clumsy, and socially hopeless that the schoolwork a torment by her awkwardness. When Butler grew almost 6 feet tall she became a target for bullies. When butler was twelve she watched the televised version of a film called Devil Girl from Mars had convinced her or made her that she can write a great story. Butler’s writing has impressed a writers Guild teachers when she caught her break during a workshop that is open door. She worked on her series of novels for five years. After the death of Butler’s mother in 1999 she moved to Washington, Lake Forest Park. Butler during her last years she struggled with the writer’s block and depression because of the side effects of her medication of high blood pressure. Also, she passed away on the 24 of February 2006 outside of her home at the age of 58 in Lake Forest Park in Washington.

Wikipedia contributors. "Octavia E. Butler." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 11 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016.

"The Book of Martha."




What happen in the story The Book of Martha is  a girl or lady named Martha Bes who was looking around at the endless grayness that she could see God and God is talking to Martha Bes. Martha used her hands to cover her broad black face in fear and confusion and also whispered to herself if only if she could wake up. Martha also ask God where is this and where am I when she not really want to know and don’t want to be dead when she is only forty-three years old. Martha also remember that she was sitting at her computer to finish up on her fifth novel one more day’s work. Martha was enjoying herself  when she was writing that been going well for a change and work though the night on her fifth novel. Also when Martha was a girl she went to church and to Sunday school and to Bible class and also to vacation Bible school. Also, Martha at the end was standing by herself alone in her living room and also wondered at the words she had said and what it was and also wanted to forget it so badly.


  • When God said the Martha , ‘ “It’s difficult, isn’t it?” God said with a weary smile. You’re truly free for the first time. What could be more difficult than that?”’
  • When God asked Martha, ‘ “ Is that all you see?”’
  • When Martha said ‘ “I want to forget.”’





What happen in the story Amnesty is about the girl name Noah Cannon. The stranger-Community has a few thick, and also naked branches growing out and away from the main body and it is breaking the symmetry and that it makes the community look in an serious need of pruning. Noah Cannon could not read the electrical display even though she know the electrical display was a speech. The stranger-Community were addressing her that she saw the display it was the communications entities from the stranger community. The stranger-Community they wished to offer other privacy or simply disapproves themselves from the business being transacted that they drawn itself all together and made itself look like a spiny stone than a bush. Noah ant want the community people to think and tell them about what human government will not tell them. Noah never tried to tell anyone that she thought some communities, her employer and others seem to trust her and she trusted them as friends.


  • When Noah said, ‘“Of course the Communities knew we’re intelligent.”’
  • When Noah said, ‘“They’ll be offering some of you contracts soon.”’
  • When Thera Collier said, ‘“It happened to a lot of people,” Thera Collier said. “And it shouldn’t have happened to anyone.”’





What happen in the story Crossover is about a girl or a lady named Jane. The unnamed lady Jane was scared that she did not had an headache for three months. There was a liquor store where she worked at a corner that was only two blocks. Jane drank and doesn’t give herself time to think or taste or gag and also lived most of her life around the drunks.


  • When the unnamed lady (Jane) said, ‘“You didn’t have to meet me on the street today. Or come to the door just now. You didn’t have to talk about…”’

"Determined Agency: A Postsecular Proposal For Religion And Literature- And Science"


The main point of the source Determined Agency: A Postsecular Proposal For Religion and Literature- And Science.  The short story The Evening and the Morning and the Night by butler invites just the post secular and also scientifically-attuned approach modeled by a person named Wald.  It is also an imagination of a mental-degeneracy disease called DGD (Duryea-Gode disease) that was caused when a popular inoculation against cancer backfires and revolves the two main character  Lynn and Alan that were hopeless to manifest the affliction of the disease sometime in the middle of adulthood.  The two main Character Lynn and Alan in the story The Evening and the Morning and the Night were searching for an meaningful sense of personal agency to face the scapegoat of both biological determinism and their painful experiences. The two main character Lynn and Alan’s search leaded them to an retreat center for the DGD disease victims that run by a women or lady named Beatrice and she shows how human beings marred by the DGD disease that induced self-mutilation that can be rehabilitated in a setting or place that is characterized  love and also relative freedom.


  • When says, “In the same way, we can recognize postsecular works that ‘openly question or destabilize the religious/secular dichotomy,’ as Macznska puts it, without fearing any impact on other literature.”
  • Where it says, “It would be possible to read the religious and scientific elements of Butler’s story as mere opponents in a fictional culture war.”
  • Also, where it says, “The problem originated with a drug called Hedeonco, a label that seems to warn against hedonism.”

"I Hugged Myself":First-Person Narration as an Agential Act in Octavia Butler's "The Evening and the Morning and the Night"


The main point of the source I Hugged Myself: First-Person Narration as an Agential Act in Octavia Butler’s The Evening and the Morning and the Night by Florian Bast. There is connection between agency and first-person narration or speaking that it takes on sharp significance in African American context literature. The main character Lynn share her rare unfortunate of being born to two treated parents and searches for an meaningful sense of personal agency in face of both painful experiences of scapegoat and biological determinism when she met her boyfriend Alan. Also at first the main character Lynn talks about her life as an individual being marked by the tag DGD disease patients and have to wear for medical reasons and use a they the\at encompasses the healthy people who mock, marginalize, and also regulate her and also against which the we mean of the people that are carriers of DGD disease seems to victimized but also resilient.


  • Where it say, ‘“ The Evening and the Morning and the Night’ takes a significantly ambivalent stance within this corpus as its construction of agential acts bespeaks a subject who is both embodied and discursively constructed.”
  • Where it say, “Significantly, it is not only Lynn’s smell and her touch that are cable of stopping crazed DGD patients from harming themselves and others.”
  • Where it say, “Beyond, the narrative constructs Lynn’s spoken voice as a way of controlling the disease in others, thus connecting it to the African American literary tradition and creating a narrative intersectionality which holds its very own agential potential.”

Digging Deep Ailments of Difference in Octavia Butler's "The Evening and the Morning and the Night"


The main point of the source: Digging Deep Ailments of Difference in Octavia Butler’s The Evening and the Morning and the Night. The society are frequently fears diseased bodies. In the story The Evening and the Morning and the Night by Octavia E. Butler in 1987 it investigates societal genetic disease like the story the DGD disease and the fears of the other. In the story The Evening and the Morning and the Night the character Lynn Mortimer the protagonist gave a first-person explanation of her own life that she suffer from the Duryea-Gode Disease which also called DGD which is a latent genetic disorder that would end up with self-mutilation and also death. When the readers like us read The Evening and the Morning and the Night no one know Lynn’s racial identity which it create even more nervousness in the story. In the story The Evening and the Morning and the Night a character named Dr. Beatrice Alcantara was empowered  as the healer fighting against the segregation, also violence, and also discrimination through her own difference and also providing a healthy living environment for people who denied their humanity which were metaphorically black people.


  • Where it says, “Victims are marked as Other and made to suffer by healthy citizens, who often degrade and stereotype these people in ways that have similar social impacts to race and racism because hale citizens dread contamination.”
  • Where it says, “Drawing on Delany as a theorist, I believe racial identity is a key component of Butler’s story.”
  • Where it says, “Disease and fear combine with the racial Other to produce a striking critique of social power."



The article is called Racism. This source is about Butler talks about her life. She remember her childhood, the schoolyard, also being a perennial out- kid. Butler when she was little at school she was always taller than everyone else in class and because of that she was the only child that was comfortable with adults but shy and awkward with other kids. Butler She was different from others and was quiet, bookish, and also in spite of her size and also hopeless at sports. Butler also says that several years when she was about to start a novel and she thought she might get some mileage out of idea of a civilization in which somehow people felt that is and they shared like all the pain and all the pleasure they caused one another.  This source is an essay. This source is useful that it can support my argument  and because I talking about disease as segregation topic for the essay and also that this source talks about racism.

"Diversity, Change, Violence: Octavia Butler's Pedagogical Philosophy"


This source is called Diversity, Change, Violence: Octavia Butler's Pedagogical Philosophy by Sarah Outterson. This source is about the diversity, change, violence in Octavia Butler’s science fiction. Butler’s book are full of conflict that ranges from nuclear war to suburban looting such as child abuse to concentration-camp slavery, and also self-defense to deliberate genocide. Also in Butlers story within the violent world, the characters she uses consistently encounter dramatic changes bodily identity as when they form new and strange family groups and also in cultural. Butler present the community structure as soaked with explicit and implicit violence and also inherent in both their origins and also in the way they are structure is controlled by determined and essentialist elements whether in technological, pathological, and or genetic. This source is a book and a review of diversity, change, violence in Butler’s science fiction story. This source is useful that it support my argument because  I talking about disease as segregation topic for the essay and also that this source talks about the diversity, change and also violence in Butler’s story like in the Evening and the Morning and the Night the DGD is a genetic disease and the character are being seen and treated differently by others in their society.