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Alternative Star Trek Timeline - Part 2



Contact is made with the Romulans. The Vulcans push for a large scale military action, but Imperial Intelligence convinces Emperor Collins to wait for more information.


Emperor Sean Collins dies from radiation exposure. The accident happened while touring a new starbase when the reactor destabilized and exploded. Admiral Alan Wolffe, son of former Emperor Edward Wolffe, succeeds him.


Imperial Intelligence presents information regarding Romulan strengths and weaknesses. A year long operation within Romulan space using captured Romulan trade vessels gleaned much as to the boundaries, culture, and military strengths of the Romulan Star League. In addition, information was discovered about their trade allies, the Klingons.


Emperor Alan Wolffe grants the Vulcans petition to attack the Romulans. Spearheaded by Imperial warships equipped with a prototype cloaking device, based on Intelligence findings, they are supported by large number of Vulcan Defense vessels.


The ISS Minotaur, a Perseus Class Cruiser commanded by Vice Admiral Charles Young, leads a fleet of Perseus and Zeus Class warships, supported by Vulcan Bird of prey and Praetor class defense vessels and surprises a Romulan base repairing and refitting some fifty Romulan vessels. Because there were only skeleton crews aboard, most all of the ships are destroyed before firing a shot in defense. Eight Vulcan vessels are destroyed while delivering a deadly barrage of fire to the starbase causing it to explode. This delivers a crushing blow to the Romulan Star League.


Admiral Charles Young takes a second expeditionary force into Romulan space, with it's target the Romulan homeworld. The fleet lays waste to Romulan defenses as they forge their way through.

In the weeks to follow, the Imperial Federation captures increasing amounts of Romulan held territory and colonies. On the eve of 2110, the massed fleet commanded by Admiral Young enters the Romulus system and destroys the remainder of their defense fleet. The fleet barrages Romulus with bio-thermic weapons and within hours, Romulus is a wasteland with over 4 billion dead. Nearby Remus evacuates, civilian transports heading for deep space with Romulan defense ships lagging behind to slow down the Imperial warships. Remus is captured shortly after.


Romulan space is secured and annexed by the Vulcans, a gift from the Emperor. Vulcan imperial families are commissioned sectors of Romulan space and the Vulcan Defense Force is given authority to patrol the annexed territory in association with Imperial Starfleet warships. The Vulcan Protectorates is now 3 times it's previous size. Imperial Defense Outposts are built along the Vulcan-Klingon Border.


The Sovereign Class Heavy Cruiser becomes operational. It has a new, more efficient cloaking device, developed from captured Romulan technology. All Imperial warships are equipped with the cloaking devices from this point on.


The number of subjugated civilizations reaches 150. The Imperial Federation has gained great strengths and begins tentative forays into Klingon space.


The Aries Class Dreadnought becomes operational. This new class and all classes to follow use the dilithium balanced anti-matter/matter warp engines. This is mated with a more efficient shield generator design that makes for a powerful vessel.


First contact with the Klingon Free States. The ISS Defiant fires on and cripples a Klingon scout vessel. Much about the Klingons are learned from the ship's computer and crew interrogations.


Imperial Scientists Daystrom and Abramson devise the first practical, portable universal translator. Imperial Intelligence R&D quickly develops a minitiarized, subcutaneous version for their agents use while conducting covert operations in alien cultures.


Through many attempts, the Imperial Vulcan Science Institute invents a stable transporter. Imperial Starfleet and Imperial Marine Corps orders all warships to be fitted with them as assault transporters for their marine forces.


Extensive deposits of dilithium are found on Rigel XII, held by the Orion Trade Alliance. A shipment being sent secretly to the Klingon Free States prompts retaliation by the Imperial Federation. The Orion Trade Alliance is quickly annexed. They punish the Orions by barraging their home planet with bio-thermic weapons.


A massive construction program is initiated to produce several new classes of destroyers, frigates, cruisers and dreadnoughts. This is to prepare for a massive military action against the Klingon Free States.


Imperial Intelligence reports that a Klingon Task Force, sent to test the strength of the Imperial Federation, is underway to the Axanar System. The ISS America is dispatched to investigate.


The ISS Monmouth, a Devisor Class Frigate, discovers the buoy-recorder of the ISS America. It is learned that the Klingon Task Force destroyed it after it's immediate arrival at Axanar.


The ISS Monmouth, commanded by Captain Garth of Izar, disables a Klingon cruiser eight parsecs from the Axanar system. He is joined by a wing of Tecumseh Class cruisers, and enters Axanarian space. He demands the surrender of the Klingon Task Force. One of the Tecumseh Class cruisers picks up a second Klingon task Force on it's way to Axanar. Captain Garth immediately executes a tactical plan that results in the destruction of the Klingon Task Force at Axanar and disables the incoming Task Force.

Emperor Phineas Young declares war against the Klingon Free States.


Due to his success at Axanar, Captain Garth is promoted to Rear Admiral and given command of the 6th and 8th Fleets. Over the next two years, he coordinates many victories against the Klingons, expanding Imperial holdings.


Rear Admiral Garth of Izar is promoted to Fleet Admiral and given command of Imperial Starfleet.


Due to dwindling resources and losses of territory, the Klingons become increasingly desperate in their tactics, causing further defeats. Soon the Imperial Federation warships have located Q'onos.


The Klingon Free States surrender to the Imperial Federation. Klingon space is annexed by the Terrans. Several Klingon Houses, accepting the inevitable, declare their loyalty to the Emperor. What remains of the Klingon Naval Forces is commissioned to be the Klingon Defense Forces. Their Command Officer's are replaced with Imperial Starfleet officers, and many Klingon Officers are placed on Imperial Starfleet vessels for "re-education".


Emperor Phineas Young contracts a rare form of Rigellian Blood Fever and dies within days of contraction. Fleet Admiral Garth of Izar, hero of the Klingon War, is the first non-Terran to ascend the throne and become Emperor.


The ISS Rattler is forced to destroy Vendikahr on a first contact mission, when the planet attempts to fire on the ship. Vendikahr and it's neighbor Eminiar VII have been at war for over 200 years. With Vendikahr eliminated, Eminiar VII readily joins the Imperial Federation. This is the first time such a drastic action is executed by a Captain without orders from the Emperor.


In a highly public trial, Captain Josea Cummings, commanding officer of the ISS Rattler, is defended by Imperial Starfleet against the Grand Imperial Council for his actions at vendikahr. Many individuals, including Ambassador Strategist Sarek, argue that it was correct to destroy Vendikahr, that the "Balance of Terror" must be maintained when one encounters Imperial Starfleet and the Imperial Federation. Captain Cummings is returned to the captaincy of the Rattler with a promotion to Commodore.


As a gesture of goodwill by Emperor Garth, as well as maintain relations between Terra and Vulcan, he awards the hand of Amanda Greyson, daughter of Duke Greyson, to Ambassador Strategist Sarek of Vulcan.


The Imperial Vulcan Sciences Institute engineers a son between Sarek and Amanda, designed to be the first true child of the Empire. He is named Spock.


The Conqueror II Class cruiser becomes operational. It is designed to conquer and expand into uncharted territories. One of the first, the ISS Enterprise, becomes famous for being the first to allow women to serve on board, and carry its own variation of the Seal of The Imperial Federation.


Governor Kodos of Tarsus IV is assassinated by a rebel gang for his ineptness to handle a food shortage caused by a botanical plague. James Kirk, leader of the gang, orders the execution of half the colony to save the other half. The Imperial Federation awards Kirk for his expedient actions.


Emperor Garth of Izar dies after ingesting an unknown toxin. Further investigation by Imperial Intelligence links the toxin to an Orion source. One thousand Orion prisoners are executed. Fleet Admiral Josea Cummings is chosen to become Emperor.


The ISS Enterprise returns from its shakedown cruise. Fleet Captain Christopher Pike is given command after Captain April dies in an unfortunate transporter accident.


Ensign James Kirk graduates from the Grand Imperial Fleet Academy and posted aboard the ISS Yorktown.


Lieutenant (sg) James Kirk discovers the Tantulus Field while leading an expedition on a dead planet.


Lt Commander James Kirk, Intelligence Officer aboard the ISS Enterprise, uses his position to advantage and assassinates Commodore Christopher Pike when he discovers the truth about the Talos IV incident. Kirk is promoted to Captain and takes command of the Enterprise.


First contact with the Gorn. In the quest to expand Imperial Federation territory, Task Force Delta is mobilized with Captain Kirk of the ISS Enterprise commanding the fleet. The fleet lays waste to Cestus III. Soon after, the Gorn are subjugated by the Empire.


The ISS Enterprise, while trying to "persuade" the Halkans to supply the Imperial Federation with dilithium, is involved in what later is coded as the "Mirror, Mirror" incident. All officers are instructed by Intelligence Chief Sulu not to speak of the Incident.


The Guardian of Forever is discovered by the ISS Enterprise after investigating a temporal anomaly. Dr. Leonard McCoy, suspected of being anti-Federationalist, enters the Guardian and goes back to 1931. He allows Edith Keeler to die, ending the Mirror Timeline. Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock go after McCoy and prevents the death - restoring the Mirror Timeline. McCoy is executed for treason.


The ISS Enterprise discovers the SS Botany Bay, which holds the frozen Khan Noonien Singh and his followers that escaped Earth in 1996. Kirk is impressed with Khan's strategic and tactical knowledge and keen mind, and uses his influence to secure a place for Khan in the Imperial Starfleet.


The ISS Bastion makes first contact with the Deltans. They are found to have great empathic and telepathic abilities, and prove quite valuable to the Imperial Federation. Deltans loyal to the Imperial Federation are soon utilized by Imperial Intelligence in the formation of a new Intelligence/Security Division, the Imperial Thought Enforcement Division. Members of the division are utilized on board Imperial Warships as Political Officers, ensuring loyalty of the Command staff and crew.


Emperor Cummings passes away from natural causes at a very young age and quite unexpectedly. Fleet Admiral Androver Drake ascends to the throne of Emperor.


Captain Spock is given command of the ISS Enterprise by Admiral James Kirk while it is being refitted. Imperial Starfleet promotes Admiral Kirk to Commander, Alpha Quadrant Command.


Admiral Kirk is aboard the refitted Enterprise during a shakedown cruise when Captain Khan of the ISS Reliant steals the Genesis Torpedo from the Regula Outpost. His plan is to assassinate Emperor Drake and get payback from earth for his exile in 1996. His boasting to Imperial Scientist Marcus of his plans proves to be his downfall. Admiral Kirk is able to force the Reliant into the Mutarra Nebula and disables the ship. In an attempt to strike out in vengeance, Captain Khan detonates the Genesis Torpedo, but not in time to destroy the Enterprise.


The ISS Intrepid, commanded by Captain Saavik, is destroyed along the edge of Klingon territory, defending Andoran Defense vessels from a rebel Klingon faction. Andor offers to replace the ship and the Empire agrees immediately. The Imperial Federation uses the opportunity to fund the development of the Excelsior Class Battle Cruiser.


In the aftermath of the strange and yet unsolved disappearance of Emperor Androver Drake, Fleet Admiral James Kirk ascends to the throne and renames himself Emperor Tiberius. Thus begins the bloodiest reign in Imperial Federation history. Rebellions begin to emerge throughout the Imperial Federation.


While on tour of the new Excelsior Class Enterprise-B, under the command of Captain Harriman, Emperor Tiberius mysteriously disappears after the ship encounters what is later termed "The Nexus Band". Fleet Admiral Spock, Prime Regent and Praetor of the Vulcan Protectorates, claims the Imperial throne, but rather than be called Emperor, takes the title of Intendant.


Intendant Spock gives cloaking technology to all Defense Fleets and pulls out most of the Imperial Starfleet vessels patrolling their territories, giving the Defense Fleets more autonomy. He also allows their crews to be wholly Vulcan, Klingon, and Andoran.


A rebel faction of the Klingon Imperial Houses, who bore Emperor Tiberius' excesses the most, begin to secretly build up their fleets.


The ISS Enterprise-B is assumed lost near Barzan.


The Betazoid culture is discovered and found to have similar empathic and telepathic capabilities of the Deltans, and loyal members are incorporated into the Imperial Thought Enforcement Division.


The planet of Bajor is discovered and annexed for its placement on the frontier and vast mineral deposits.


First contact with the Cardassians. The ISS Perregrin detects and intercepts a Cardassian Scout. The ship is able to get out a distress call. Cardassia immediately takes offense and declares war against the Imperial Federation.


The ISS Stargazer begins its mission of conquest with captain Jack Crusher, commanding.


Imperial Starfleet sends the 12th and 23rd Fleets to Bajor responding to reports of a Cardassian fleet massing near there. In what becomes known as the Bajoran Blockade, the Empire loses 27 warships and over 100,000 lives in six weeks.


The Battle of Bajor begins. Within two weeks, the Bajoran system is abandoned by the Imperial Federation. The Cardassians build Terek Nor. Over 18,000 POW's are left behind.


Intendant Spock and Imperial Scientist Noonien Singh successfully build an android with the capability of storing the entirety of Intelligence and Security data. This android is codenamed "DATA". It serves as an Internal Security Officer on board the ISS Tripoli during field tests.


Investigating possible Klingon rebel elements working with the long thought gone Romulans, the ISS Enterprise-C is lost near Narenda III.


Klingon rebels, aided by Cardassia, begin to interrupt Imperial Operations. Intendant Spock reluctantly sends in shock troops to try and quell the rebellions.


The ISS Stargazer engages an armed trading vessel when it refuses to be boarded for inspection. The Stargazer is damaged and Captain Crusher is killed when the vessel self-destructs with him on board. Commander Picard assumes command and reports the incident to Imperial Starfleet.


The Battle of Orias IV brings an end to the war with cardassia. Unable to push them back, the Empire and Cardassia form the Cardassian Neutral Zone.


Imperial Intelligence deep space scouts locate a stable wormhole along the Alpha-Delta Quadrant border. It extends to a location 45,000 light years within the Delta Quadrant. This information is not made public and shared with only a handful of Imperial Houses.


Intendant Spock announces to the gathered Imperial Houses and Military Elite that he foresees the Imperial Federation falling to outside hostile forces within the decade.


A number of Imperial Houses and a select group of Imperial Elite Forces secretly organize Operation Pheonix. The project begins construction of a starbase with construction and repair facilities, as well as quarters for the members of the project and their families, near the wormhole that Imperial Intelligence discovered a few years previous. All records of the find are expunged. Immediate build up of privately held military fleets begins with earnest.


Recognizing a need for a stronger, more devastating design for the Fleet's flagship. Recently relocated and promoted Admiral Montgomery Scott helps to modify the Galaxy Conqueror Class, a design that had been in development but put on hold during the Cardassian War. Admiral Scott was found on a moon where his courier vessel had crash landed. He and another crew member had used the transporter buffer to save themselves until a rescue party could find them.


The ISS Enterprise-D is launched, first of the new Galaxy Conqueror Class. Commodore Jean-Luc Picard is given command.


In an incident coded SECLAR 9-GAMMA, a squadron of Avenger Class frigates engage a race known as the Borg along the Alpha/Delta Quadrant border. Three of the seven ships are destroyed before they are able to destroy the cube. Six Borg are captured and neutralized for study by Imperial Intelligence and Imperial Starfleet Medical.


The rebel Imperial Houses within the Klingon Protectorates and the Cardassian Empire enter into a covert alliance. Rebel Klingon warships supported by Cardassian vessels begin to attack Imperial warships in a bid for their freedom.

Lieutenant (sg) Worf of the Imperial Klingon House of Mogh disappears from the ISS Enterprise-D, and is later discovered to have joined the rebel Klingon faction.


A vast task force of Klingon and Cardassian warships make their way towards Earth. Intendant Spock is unable to muster a defense. On the Enterprise-D, it is learned that Commodore Picard sold out to the new Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. He was instrumental in locating the Nexus, where Emperor Tiberius had disappeared to. It was Tiberius that helped forge the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.

Commander Riker and most of the crew mutiny and Commodore Picard escapes in his Captain's Yacht. The Enterprise speeds to Wolf 359 where Intendant Spock has ordered all Imperial warships to converge to make one last stand. There the Klingon-Cardassian Fleet swept right through them - destroying 39 vessels and losing over 100,000 lives.

The Enterprise-D makes one last stand at earth, but is destroyed. A few of her command crew escape when the transport onto fleeing ships. Earth is razed by the Alliance, nothing left to substain it.

Members of the Operation Pheonix, upon hearing of the impending attack at Wolf 359, begin to abandon homes and posts, making their way to their rendezvous point under cloak. Once there - they used ship tenders with beefed up impulse engines to move the starbase and the accompanying military fleet through the wormhole. Once through - they launched a tricobalt device into the wormhole, detonating it and destroying the wormhole so that Alliance forces could not locate them.


The exiled members of Operation Pheonix locate a planet to colonize and places their starbase in orbit. In a short period of time, their fleet conquers a number of Delta Quadrant races nearby, and ally with the fractionalized Kazon, unifying them into a powerful force.


The Exiles encounter the Borg. Two Imperial Cruisers on patrol intercept a Borg Scout. Jamming their subspace link and disabling their weapons, Imperial Marines board and subdue the Borg drones. Intelligence, military, and scientific personnel begin immediate study of the weapons, defenses, propulsion, computer, and biomechanical enhancements of the Borg.


World after world joins the Alliance and Terrans, Vulcans, and Andorians become slaves under the bloody fist of the Alliance.

Escaped refugees hide in the Badlands and begin work to overthrow the Alliance. Intendant Spock sends Commander Riker on a special mission. While conducting it, Riker disappears and is never heard from again.


After a number of significant breakthroughs in studying Borg technology, a squadron of Imperial Frigates are intercepted by two Borg Cubes. The Imperials lose two frigates, but are able to destroy one cube, and disable another. These give the Imperials a good look at tactics and strategies of the Borg, and adapt these to their own.


Imperial scientists develop an Anti-Borg nanite which neutralizes the assimilation nanites of the Borg. The could also be used to infiltrate Borg systems and disable them. The Imperials begin construction of ships using adapted weapons, shields, and propulsion enhanced with Borg technology.


A massed fleet of exiled Imperial warships, enhanced with Borg technology, advances on the Borg Homeworld. The result is a devastating attack, which for the first time in a millennia - the Borg knows defeat. Their population of drones and ships are assimilated into the growing exiled Empire.


A stable wormhole is discovered at Terek Nor during a cross-over incident.


Terran rebels steal plans for the USS Defiant using a cross-over device. Rebels in the Badlands construct the ship and with the help of the Mirror Sisko (the Sisko of the benevolent Federation) becomes operational and soon secures Terek Nor.


The exiled Imperials begin making plans to return to their homelands and return the Imperial Federation to it's previous might. A construction program to build the Pheonix Class deadnoughts and Hades Class assault vessels begins. These incorporate the latest in Imperial Borg weapons, multi-phasic and ablative shielding, and the new quantum stream engines that mesh Borg Transwarp and Brunari Slip Stream technologies. The ships also feature a bioneural AI computer with enhanced Borg engineering nanites. Both ships carry a complement of the new Borg Shock Marines.


Rear Admiral Picard is made Intendant of the Klingon Dependancy, formerly the Terran Empire.


Emperor Tiberius gains control of a mirror universe ship, the USS Enterprise-E, and plans to use it to wreak vengeance on the Alliance for deceiving him. He is thwarted by the restored Captain Kirk of the Mirror Universe. Intendant Spock, his daughter T'Val, and a Terran rebel Kathryn Janeway return with plans for the Sovereign Class Starship and other advanced designs.


Intendant Spock dies when his ship is destroyed on its way to Vulcan, where he planned to enlist the Vulcan rebel forces. This deals a serious blow to the rebellion against the Alliance.


Free Terrans and Vulcans begin a concerted effort to disrupt Alliance trade and military operations. Terek Nor serves as their base of operations. Regent Worf amasses an Alliance armada and attacks Terek Nor a second time, devastating the rebel fleet there. Intendant Kira is restored to command there where she severely punishes Terran and Vulcan POWs.


The massed fleet of 24 Pheonix Class Dreadnoughts and 36 Hades Class Assault Vessels, commanded by Fleet Admiral Michael Wolffe, began it's trip to the Alpha Quadrant. Three days later, using the new drive, Alliance forces surrounding Earth were taken totally by surprise and Alliance losses came to 90% of their fleet there. From there, the Imperial fleet separates into 6 groups, heading out in different directs, laying waste to all opposition that Regent Worf tries to mount. Alliance vessels were being boarded by the Borg Shock Marines, and crews were effectively assimilated, and the ship became part of the invading armada. Within two weeks, almost 80% of the original Imperial Federation's territory had been reclaimed. Two weeks after that, Cardassia Prime was a wasteland. The Klingon houses that were loyal to the old Imperial Federation reorganized swiftly and took over the Klingon High Council, executing the old council. They declare the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance nullified, and sue for peace with the Imperials. Regent Worf, in the combat field, received news of this and declares the governing council traitors to the Klingon people. He leads an Armada of remaining loyal Alliance warships, escorting the remains of the Cardassian civilian population and military forces to the Bajoran wormhole and fled to the Gamma Quadrant.


Imperial forces re-establish their dominance and brings their families back to the Alpha Quadrant, leaving the Kazons to control the Delta Quadrant portion of their new Empire. Earth begins it's restoration and to punish the Bajorans for their treatment of Imperial Citizens by exiling all Bajorans to their home planet of Bajor. Once all are accounted for - the Imperials launch a next generation Genesis Torpedo that revamps Bajor and eliminates the Bajoran population. The new planet is renamed New Terra and the new government and its military forces is headquartered here. Terek Nor is destroyed and a new Battlestation and Shipyards are built, and defense platforms are placed around the wormhole to destroy anything that tries to come through.

The exiled government now reorganizes and creates a new political entity, the Imperial Confederation of Planets. The new hierarchy is comprised of loyal family lines from Earth, Vulcan, Andor, Kazons, and Q'onos. These families are given control of large sectors of the new ICP territories, and given titlements over them. The Confederation is led by an Emperor, who is advised by the Prime Regent and Council of Regents. The Imperial Cabinet of Ministers will administrate the ICP.

Each partner government in the new ICP is given Defense Fleets, with Confederation officers commanding the ships. They are also required to carry Borg marine Units, controlled by the Ship's Political Officer.


Fleet Admiral Michael Wolffe becomes the first Emperor to rule the Imperial Confederation of Planets on the fifth anniversary of the Grand Exile ending. With the reigns of power his, he makes a number of appointments:

Admiral Gavin Collins is appointed to the position of Prime Regent.

Admiral Gary Byrne is appointed as a Special Envoy for the Emperor, his flagship being a courier vessel, the ISS Pride of Ireland.

Admiral B'Anne Dragonis-Hawkins is appointed as Regional Fleet Commander of the 11th Imperial Fleet.

Admiral Jarod Hawkins is appointed as Minister of War and serves as Commander-in-Chief of all Imperial Fleet Forces.

Admiral Stonn T'Pau is appointed as Minister of Imperial Security. He will oversee the Director, Internal Security, Director, Intelligence Division, and Director, Psi Enforcement.

Vice Admiral Rayne Frisbee marries Emperor Wolffe and becomes Empress Rayne. She additionally will serve as Minister of State, where her Deltan-Betazoid heritage serves the Emperor well.

General Rok'ta Ryshtor, who served as Commandant, Imperial Marine Forces during the Grand Exile, is appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Klingon Defense Forces, and will serve as Chancellor of the new Klingon High Council. The Chancellor will serve as an advisor for the Council of Regents as well as a liaison for them to the Klingon High Council.

Rear Admiral Kevin Young is appointed as Minister of Information and charged with the archiving of all data Trek, as well as development of a news media.

Commodore Jeremy Cummings is appointed as the Regional Fleet Commander of the 10th Imperial Fleet

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