Hello fellow Wikipedians, I am a student based in Hong Kong and mainly operating in the English Wikipedia.
I am fluent in Cantonese and English as well as Mandarin (though I will prefer not to use it in my daily life.) Currently I am learning German by myself and I am still learning the basics with limited knowledge. I also learnt French in my early years but showed limited progress.
I am a football fan who leisurely plays as a full back. I am following the Bundesliga and Borussia Dortmund. I also follow the German NT during international breaks.
Based on this fact I mainly focus on contributing on the editing of Wikipedia entries about Bundesliga teams and players.
If you are interested, you can take a look at the Contributions made by me.
Please do not hesitate to tell me if I get anything wrong, criticisms on my edits are humbly accepted. :)