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My name is Rutger. But just call me "Rucka". Alright I am very weird and most times random when I choose to. So Let me start my random intros.

Dull Intro: My name is rutger. I am caucasian, rainbow colored eyes, light skin, teenaged, and I am mixed personality person.

Rucka-Man Intro: Check it, welcome to my page i type dope stuff thats more ruff than blood diamonds itself i have overall average health. Love most my friends and family the only thing that interests me is music, anime, soccer, talk, and Z-A starting form Zebras to its Anatomy!!! And speak for yourself in front of me. Respect to you my man. Peace!!!

Jap. Intro: Konichiwa!!! I am Grimm Rutger!!! You can call me Rutger-san!!! I am full of happiness and take kindly words to all known and strange people. Dont be afraid to ask about me because I'll make it as awesome as it can be!!! Harigato for going to my page and I'll see you around... Sayounara!!!

Friendly Intro: Hello and welcome to my super boring page!!!!!! I am so excited you can at least read this and well you should get a super friendly stranger medal!!! Dont be afraid sweety because I dont bite, I am the most friendliest guy in this whole wide city!!! So stop by my page and say HEY!!! Alrighty then see you around!!!Laterzzz!!!

Militia Intro: My name is Sgt. Grimm comrad but you can call me Sargeant!!! I am a training machine!!! I forgive those who curse at me because all you do is light my fire!!! So I will try to be the finest gentlemen to the ladies and men!!! I am not bad, I am just not great!!! So ask questions now or send them in a personal letter!!! Dimissed!!!

Talk to me in any one of these tones and I will type back to duty!!! lates. Any other tones just please tell me. ( Maybe I should be an acter!!!)