After all, the cultivated person's first duty is to be always prepared to rewrite the encyclopaedia. — Umberto Eco
infin¦itive | This user chooses to sometimes split infinitives because they understand some basics about philology. |
man- kind |
Regarding gender, this user will use the vernacular, not what is "politically correct". |
en-gb-5 | This user believes that British English is the only real English, and will likely respond to any use of American English with disgust. |
by | The passive voice may be used by this user, because he construes that awful little book by Strunk & White to be Americanist propaganda, the effect of which is perpetuated by MicroSoft's inferior `grammar-checking' technology. |
TEX | This Wikipedian is a TEX user, since TeX is an internationally recognised document standard, unlike secret proprietary formats. |
This user is a mathematician. |
This user is a cryptographer and actually understands how SHA works. |
SJ | This user studies at, or is an alumnus of, a Jesuit school. |
This user has a Doctor of Philosophy degree in mathematical logic. |
This user travels to and from work in a black helicopter. |