[edit]October 08, 2020
Information about the charity
[edit]I will be doing charity for all high schools in my home town Boston.I will be giving out gifts cards to students to help them with them with their studies,they can use it get E-books for those students that cannot afford textbooks,they can use it for research purposes,for their class project and a lot more.
[edit]It has been my dream since high school to help students out with any thing that will help their studies.When I was at high school,i attended Newton North High School,i had friends who couldn't afford textbooks and had to borrow from others which brings them to humiliation and I felt bad.
That is why I doing this charity to help them out. So I need more of my people urgently who will help out,smart and trustworthy people who can invest in the charity
Investment starts from $1000 To unlimited.So you can invest any amount from $1000 to unlimited,once you make payments the gifts cards will be bought and distributed to the high school and you can get the contact of the school to see that your money is used for the right purpose,lets give back to the society!
I need more of my fan urgently to invest in this charity
For more information on how to invest in the charity chat me up on my gmail,just click on the email address to personally chat with me [[1]] I will chat with you personally.
Have a nice day
Ronnie Devoe 😁