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Il Vecchio Castello


{\new PianoStaff << 

\new Staff \relative c <<
{\clef bass \time 6/8 \key gis\minor \set Score.tempoHideNote=##t \tempo 4=66 dis2.~ dis4 dis8 dis8-. dis8-. dis8-. dis8. (e16) dis8-. fis8-. (e8-. dis8-.) cis8. (dis16) cis8-. e8-. (dis8-. cis8-.) b4 (cis8 dis8 cis8 b8) ais8. (b16) ais8-. cis8-. (b8-. ais8-.) b4. (gis4.)}
{gis2.~ gis4. gis4. gis4. gis4. gis4. gis4. gis4. ~gis4 r8 gis4. ~gis4 r8 gis4 gis8}



{\new PianoStaff << 
\new Staff  \relative c'
{\clef bass \key gis\minor \set Score.tempoHideNote=##t \time 2/4 \tempo "Sempre moderato pesante"4=46 r4 dis,4 ~(dis8 fis16 e16) dis8-- e8-- dis8-- gis8-- ais8-- b8-- ais4-- gis8-- r8 cis4-- (gis'8) r8 cis,4-- (gis'8) gis8-- dis4-- cis4-- b8 (dis8 ais8) r8 gis4 fis8 (e8 dis8) r8}

\new Staff \relative c{\clef bass \time 2/4 \key gis\minor 

\repeat unfold 8{<gis, dis' gis>8-- <b dis b'>8}

\repeat unfold 2 {<a cis a'>8 <cis e cis'>8 <e, gis e'>8 <gis b gis'>8} <fis cis' fis>8 <ais dis ais'>8 <fis ais fis'>8 <ais dis ais'>8  <gis dis' gis>8 <b dis b'>8 <fis ais fis'>8 <ais cis ais'>8 
<gis b gis'>8 <b dis b'>8 <a cis a'>8 <cis e cis'>8 <gis dis' gis>8 r8}

Green Bushes


\relative c'{ \time 3/4 \key f\major \set Score.tempoHideNote=##t \tempo 4=206\partial 4 c4 f4 f4 g4 es4 f4 g4 c4 c8 (a8) g8 (f8) es4 (f4) g8 a8 f4 f4 g4 es4 f4 \tuplet 3/2 {g8 (a8) bes8} c4 es4 d4 c2 a8 (bes8) c4 c4 f4 c4 d4 es4 g,8 (a8) bes8 (a8) g8 (f8) es4 (f4) g8 (a8) f4 f8 (a8) g8 (a8) es4 f4 a8 (bes8) c4 c8 (a8) g4 f2}
\addlyrics { As I was a -- wal -- king  one  mor -- ning__  in__ spring,_ For to hear the birds whis -- tle and_ the night -- in -- gales  sing,  I__ saw  a young dam -- sel  so  sweet -- ly  sang_ she:__ Down_ by  the___ green___  bush -- es   he___  thinks  to___ meet me}