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1686. Eternal Peace treaty (with Poland)

A map of the Caucasus region (2008)

The Caucasus, also Caucas or Caucasia (for endonyms, see below), is historical and political region at the border of Europe and Asia, situated between the Black and the Caspian Seas. The region got it's name from the Caucasian mountain range. It may be considered to be part of the middle eastern region (from historical, ethnic, religis and cultural points of view), however long period of russia soviet rule resulted in a number of pecularities which set it aside from the rest of the middle east. Politically, the Caucasus region is separated between northern and southern parts.

who lacked centralasied political organisation all of nomads and some sedetery.

Historical population
Source: Ministry of the Interior of Russian Empire

1700. Treaty of Constantinople (with the Ottoma|n Empire)


By January 1, 1914, Russian Empire had 32 cities with a population of more than 100 000 people. These were Astrakhan, Vilno, Vitebsk, Yekaterinoslav, Kazan', Kiev, Kishinev, Minsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Petrograd, Riga, Samara, Saratov, Kharkov, Yaroslavl', Warsaw, Helsinki, Baku, Yekaterinodar, Tiflis, Tomsk, Omsk, Odessa, Rostov-On-Don, Nikolayev, Tashkent, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Lodz, Tula and Tsaritsyn.

1711. Treaty of the Pruth (with the Ottoman Empire)


Funduk - hazelnut - fandoq Chai - چای - Izyum - тюрк Kuraga - Khurma - persimmon Kazna Khalat - robe plov Povidlo - powidla almaz Matros газета магазин Apelsin - chinese apple папаха - диван картофель - помидор (итал) - tuman kolbasa polish кинжал - dagger ишак барсук карандаш стакан - estekân(pers) bazar garpun скрипка (польское) кунжут бандит баклажан - bandenjan бамбук бак - bak ( бархат батон бастион бегемот башмак батрак бисквит ботинки-putin

аршин - arsin (s с треугольнкой - а с палочкой). может быть еще откуда-то


арбуз - через тюркский от персидского kharboze

almas (вторая а с палочкой) ambar

1721. Treaty of Nystad (with Sweden)

Year Population|
1800 900,000
1810 1,225,000
1820 1,485,000
1830 1,350,000
1840 1,878,000
1850 2,465,000
1860 4,099,000
1870 5,140,000
1880 8,562,000
1890 9,002,000
1900 9,348,000
1910 9 475 954
1914 9 555 893

1727. Treaty of Kyakhta



Biggest Ports by tonnage of visiting ships in 1912:
Port Tonnage Port Tonnage Port Tonnage
Saint-Petersburg and Kronstadt 2024 Singapore FT 347,694 12,538
2 Rotterdam Netherlands MT 326,958 5,107
3 Shanghai People's Republic of China MT 316,210 77,604
4 Hong Kong People's Republic of China MT 207,612 15,102
5 South Louisiana United States MT 180,493 -15,952
6 Houston United States MT 173,320 12,130
7 Chiba Japan FT 169,000 10,071
8 Nagoya Japan FT 168,378 10,358
9 Guangzhou People's Republic of China MT 167,720 27,325
10 Gwangyang South Korea RT 165,089 11,642
11 Busan South Korea RT 162,460 18,688
12 Tianjin People's Republic of China MT 161,820 32,820
13 Ningbo People's Republic of China MT 153,980 3,980
14 Ulsan South Korea RT 146,940 -1,472
15 Antwerp Belgium MT 142,875 11,246
16 Qingdao People's Republic of China MT 140,900 20,900
17 Kaohsiung Taiwan (Republic of China) MT 138,832 9,418
18 New York/New Jersey United States MT 132,438 10,335 8.46
19 Incheon South Korea RT 131,018 -15,163 -10.37
20 Dalian People's Republic of China MT 126,020 18,482 17.19
21 Yokohama Japan FT 125,943 7,871 6.67
22 Qinhuangdao People's Republic of China MT 125,620 4,468 3.69
23 Hamburg Germany MT 106,536 8,264 8.41
24 Marseilles France MT 95,545 3,284 3.56
25 Port Hedland Australia MT 89,799 8,041 9.84
26 Osaka Japan FT 89,687 3,188 3.69
27 Kitakyushu Japan FT 88,890 4,641 5.51
28 Klang Malaysia FT 88,888 6,617 8.04
29 Dampier Australia MT 88,880 -3,348 -3.63
30 Tokyo Japan FT 88,475 5,530 6.67
31 Shenzhen People's Republic of China MT 87,670 11,788 15.53
32 Richards Bay South Africa HT 87,521 6,012 7.38
33 Newcastle Australia MT 82,712 5,825 7.58
34 Beaumont United States MT 79,470 1,480 1.90
35 Kobe Japan FT 78,759 158 0.20
36 Tubarão Brazil MT 77,621 1,756 2.31
37 Hay Point Australia MT 77,546 2,874 3.85
38 New Orleans United States MT 76,116 -1,047 -1.36
39 Le Havre France MT 71,493 3,795 5.61
40 Huntington United States MT 70,483 -3,107 -4.22
41 Corpus Christi, Texas United States MT 70,105 4,743 7.26
42 Itaqui Brazil MT 67,591 2,649 4.08
43 Vancouver Canada MT 66,727 3,926 6.25
44 Amsterdam Netherlands MT 65,461 -4,956 -7.04
45 Dubai United Arab Emirates MT 63,626    
46 Long Beach United States MT 62,816 1,201 1.95
47 Santos Brazil MT 60,077 6,603 12.35
48 Gladstone Australia MT 59,661 5,195 9.54
49 Algeciras Spain MT 56,682    
50 Grimsby & Immingham United Kingdom MT 55,931    

1743. Treaty of Åbo (with Sweden)

abc def ghi
jkl mno pqr
stu vwx yz

1772. First Partition of Poland


1774. Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (with the Ottoman Empire)


1783. Treaty of Georgievsk


1792. Treaty of Jassy (with the Ottoman Empire)


1793. Second Partition of Poland


1795. Third Partition of Poland


1812. Treaty of Bucharest (with the Ottoman Empire)


1815. Congress of Vienna


1824. Russo-American Treaty


1824. Great horde


1828. Treaty of Turkmenchay


1829. Treaty of Adrianople (with the Ottoman Empire)


1855. Treaty of Shimoda (with Japan)


Pamir Tettirory


1856. Treaty of Paris


1860. Convention of Peking


1867. Alaska


1873. Khiva


1875. Treaty of Saint Petersburg (with Japan)


1878. Treaty of Berlin

Sortable and collapsible table
ПРИВОЗ in thousands of rubles per cent Note
d 20 2008-11-24 This
b 8 2004-03-01 column
a 6 1979-07-23 cannot
c 4.2 1492-12-08 be
e 0 1601-08-13 sorted.

Foreign Trade

Exported Imported

import foddstufs - 17.3 raw and semi-raw - 48.6 animals - 1.3 manufactured - 32.8

export foodstuffs - 55.2 raw and semi-ra - 36.9 animals - 2.3 manufastued - 5.6

grain legumes and grain products - 594 501 - 39.1 butter - 71.558 - 4.7 eggs - 90.646 - 5.9 refined sugar птица seafood спиртт - wood

вопрос - алкогольная монополия еще промылешнные продукты делала


biggest trade partners germany - 38.2 great britain - 15.2 netherlands - 6.3 france - 5.5 china - 4 persia - 3.5 austro-hungary - 3.5 united tates - 3.2 italy - 3.1 Belgium - 2.5 Finland - 2.1. others - 2.8

Raw and semi-raw products Manufactured goods

1898. Russo-Chinese Convention




By January 1 of 1914. Each of these regions was definied by a separate system of local administration.

1 КВ ВЕРСТА = 1,13802

Administrate accordting to

Russia Proper Kingdom of Poland Caucasus Siberia Steppeland Turkestan Finland

Multiplication table
Territory km2 % Population Number of provinces Administred according to
Russia Proper 1 2 3
Kingdom of Poland 2 4 6
Siberia 3 6 9
Caucasus 4 8 12
Turkestan 5 10 15
Steppen 5 10 15


Russia Proper Kingdom of Poland Siberia Central Asia Caucasus

Number of Provinces

Territory - percent


by january 1 1913

1905. Treaty of Portsmouth (with Japan)

Output of mining industry and heavy industry of Russian Empire by region in 1912 (in percent of the national output).
Ural Region Southern Region Caucasus Siberia Kingdom of Poland
Gold 18% - - 81.2% -
Platinum 100% - - - -
Silver 36% - 24.3% 29.3% -
Lead 5.8% - 92% - 0.9%
Zinc - - 25.2% - 74.8%
Copper 54.9% - 30.2% 14.9% -
Pig Iron 19.4% 67.7% - - 9.3%
Iron and Steel 17.3% 36.2% - - 10.8%
Manganese 0.3% 29.2% 70.3% - -
Coal 3.4% 67.3% - 5.8% 22.3%
Petroleum - - 97% - -

Ural Region Caucasus Kingdom of Poland Southern Region Siberia
Gold 18% --- 81.2
Platina 100 yz
Silver 36 24.3 29.3
свинец 5.8 92 0.9
Zinc vwx 25.2 74.8
Copper 54.9 30.2 14.9
Chugun 19.7 yz 9.3 67.7
Iron and steel 17.3 10.8 36.2
Manganese 0.3 70.3 29.2
Coal 3.4. yz 22.3 67.3 5.8
Petroleum 97 yz