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Professional Biography:

Roberto Fainstein, Ph.D., Rice University 1979, is an SEG Emeritus (Gold Member Award – 50 years active member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists), Geophysics Advisor Schlumberger, clinched also the 50 years mark experience with the International Oil Industry, these mainly with Petrobras S.A., Atlantic Richfield International and Schlumberger Limited. His career in Petrobras comprised of resistivity and seismic exploration in the Brazilian jungles (five years) and several years on offshore geophysical surveys in the early years of marine exploration. He was Chief Geophysicist of the REMAC Project the first comprehensive survey of the Brazilian Continental Margin (1972-1975). Through his research work at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution he published the first suite of magnetic maps for all the continental margin basins offshore Brazil and a series of multi-measurement integration papers on the Equatorial Atlantic and on the Eastern Brazil Continental Margins. In Brazil (1999 - 2006) he was the technical manager responsible for the design and implementation of the 2D and 3D seismic surveys of the Brazil 99/2000 multi-client regional seismic programs. His interpretation of these surveys contributed to the significant discoveries in deep-water offshore Brazil, both in the post-salt and in the pre-salt sequences. In 2002 in the now highly praised interview “Sub-Salt Could be Sweet” that was published by Petroleum Economist he accurately predicted, three years ahead of the Tupi discovery, the location of the pre-salt cluster in the North Santos Basin. This major achievement was based on his regional deep-water mapping assessment of the Brazil 99/2000 program. His pioneering studies linking the post-salt and pre-salt plays of West Africa and Brazil are described in a number of papers, both in the Equatorial margin basins without salt and in the Atlantic Margin Salt basins proper

Prior to this program in Brazil he was involved in many of the oil and gas discoveries in Southeast Asia while with Atlantic Richfield International these were made in Northwest Java along the Thousand Islands trend and in the East Java Sea, particularly the finding and development of Pagerungan Gas Field, the largest domestic gas provider of Indonesia. Afterwards moving to Schlumberger (Geco-Prakla) he designed and implemented the Southeast Asia multi-client portfolio of WesternGeco that led to significant discoveries in the Natuna Sea and Makassar Strait in the Sunda Shelf, and his interpretation report led to the location of the wildcat giant discovery in the Arafura Sea – the Abadi large gas accumulation now under development. Contributed as well with the writing of several deep-water seismic publications and co-authored the “Seismic Atlas off Southeast Asia and Australia”.

In India from (2007 to 2011) he received a ‘Business Innovator Award” for his work on the “De-Risking of Andaman Sea” also conducted research and published extensively in sub-basalt areas offshore India and worldwide. In Saudi Arabia (2011 to 2014) he coordinated the UniQ Project a high-resolution, broadband, multi-azimuth forefront project in extensions of Ghawar Field interpreting conventional and un-conventional reservoirs. Also, through the deep-water seismic interpretation uncovered new prospects in the pre-salt sequences of Red Sea.

In Academia, formerly Oceanography and Ocean engineering Faculty at Florida Institute of Technology, taught Mathematics (Fourier Transforms & Seismic Technology) at Cape Canaveral for Martin-Marietta, and still teaches concise intensive seismic interpretation courses to oil companies over the entire world (South and North America, Europe, Africa, Siberia, India, Southeast Asia & Australia) in association with NExT (Network of Excellence in Training); also taught geophysics at the IME (1969 -1973, Rio de Janeiro), Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indonesia (1986-1981) and a graduate course in Structural Seismic Interpretation and Seismic Stratigraphy at the University of State Rio de Janeiro (UERJ from 1999 to 2007) Presently is a Professor Geophysics at the Geoscience Centre, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Personal Data

Birth June 10, 1939, São Paulo, Brazil Citizenship Brazilian


Ph.D. Geology, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 1979

Dissertation: Geodynamics of the Eastern South-America Continental Margin near the Brazilian Bulge (Archive: University Microfilms International, Ann Harbor, Michigan). This dissertation is an essay on geology and geophysics in all of the offshore basins bordering the equatorial margin and the east coast off Brazil. Have wonderful memories of Rice University, the Fondren library, the geology department and the mathematical sciences department, Professors that remained dear friends were: James Lee Wilson (Carbonates & Historical Geology), Jean-Claude De-Bremaecker (Waves in Layered Media, Viscosity of Upper Mantle), H.C. Clark (Paleomagnetism), John A.S. Adams (Geochemistry), Franz Brotzen (Quantum Mechanics), Mary Wheeler (Complex Variables), J.C. Wilhoit (Partial Differential Equations), Albert W. Bally (Structural Geology – Tectonics)..

B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brazil. 1963

Specialty in Electronics, after graduation participated in the National Exam Recruiting for Petrobras and was selected in 2nd place out of more than 1,500 candidates. During my engineering school years I’d taught several courses in mathematics and physics. Great professors that remained forever in dear memories were Willy Alfred Maurer (Calculus and Physics), Jose Justino Castilho (Analytical Geometry), Sergio Sonnino (Partial Differential Equations, Continuum Mechanics), Julio Rabin (Thermodynamics) and Profeessor Jaroslav Smit (Electronics), great scientist and adviser. Remember as well the great teachers in high school prior to college: Miguel Ramalho Novo (Mathematics), Abraham Bloch (Mathematics), Carlos Marmo (Descriptive Geometry), Simão Faiguenboim (Chemistry).


Petroleum Geology – UNESCO – Institut Petrol si Gaz, Romania (1966/1967)

At that time was involved in Electrical Methods (Schlumberger quadripole method) and had the great honor to meet and have many sessions with Academician Prof. Sabba S. Stefanescu who originally, through Bessel Functions in cylindrical coordinates first solved for the inverse resistivity problem relationships. Great wonderful memories from Prof. Gavat an encyclopedia on Petroleum Geology and from Liviu Constantinescu (Gravity & Magnetics).. Seismology – Institute Physique du Globe – Strasbourg, France (1967/1968) Worked in deep resistivity soundings across the Rhine River in cooperation with Karlsruhe University (Germany); Interpretations of deep seismic refraction profiles and earthquakes under the advice of Professor Jean-Pierre Rothe a great geophysicist.


Portuguese (native tongue); English, French and Spanish (fluent - teach courses in English) but also in French and Spanish). Fair knowledge of Bahasa-Indonesia, Malay, German, Romanian, and Latin Work/Life balance and lifestyle: Family and scientific research work come first; life balance in a complex world, interests in chess, mathematics, physics, literature and classical music.

Personal Life / Fields of Interest

Chess - Internationally Rated Chess Player – FIDE - Fédération Internationale des Échecs (World Chess Federation); Have played chess since childhood, during youth days studied the game at the São Paulo Chess Club and Guanabara Chess Club. Main achievements: Champion Rio de Janeiro State 1972 (Team Petrobras), 2nd Place at Houston Chess Open 1971, 1st Place at Jakarta Expatriate Championship 1991, Winner for Strasbourg Team on match Strasbourg vs Stuttgart 1967; 2nd Place Military Club – Rio de Janeiro, end-year chess tournament; 1st/2nd (tie) Guanabara Chess Club 2004

Basketball – Was team player for Flamengo in Rio de Janeiro (under coach Kanela), this endeavor for four years, also played for Mackenzie University, CPOR (S Paulo), long since do not play any longer.


Wife: Rahayu Indah Ismijaya,

Daughter: Ana Liuba Fainstein, finalized University at Les Roches in the Swiss Alps, prior IB International Baccalaureate program at Leysin American School, also in Swiss Alps. Works in computer software business (she is also a classical violin player. Sister: Dorothea Myriam Chansky (Attorney and English Teacher), my perennial advisor, she is also a leading researcher

Professional Work Experience

Professor Geophysics – Geoscience Cetre, University of Coimbra, Portugal (2016-2018)

19 years with Schlumberger

2011-2014 UniQ Project Coordinator and RSIT Red Sea Geophysics Advisor

2007-2011 Geophysics Advisor – India’s Interpretation Manager, Data Processing and Regional Technology Center – Main Projects: De-Risking of Deepwater Andaman Sea, Interpretation of integrated multi-measurement geophysics data – Sub-Basalt Kerala-Konkan Basin, Deepwater Offshore Western India - Won Business Innovation Award for the G & G geophysics work on Andaman Sea.

2002-2021 NExT Worldwide Geophysics Instructor Structural Seismic Interpretation 2D/3D and Deepwater Seismic Interpretation - Courses taught in: USA (WG), Mexico (Pemex), Colombia (Ecopetrol), Brazil (Petrobras, ANP, UERJ), Angola (Sonangol, Universidade Agostinho Neto, Statoil), Nigeria (Total, Chevron), Argentina (Pluspetrol), Netherlands (Vrije University), Abu-Dhabi (ADNOC, ADCO), Kuwait (KOC) India (ONGC, Reliance), Thailand PTTEP), Indonesia (ARCO, IPA, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Gadja-Mada University), Malaysia (Petronas), Singapore (SEAPEX), France, Romania (OMV-Petrom), Russia (Lukoil) (SibNeft Gaz), Siberia (BP-TNK), Japan (JNOC, Inpex, Japex, Nippon Oil, Teikou Co.). 1999-2004 New Ventures Manager – Geco-Prakla & DCS Data Consulting Services, Rio de Janeiro - Designed and Implemented consistent grid of 2D regional lines offshore Brazil, leading to major discoveries in Santos and Campos Basins ; Designed (1998) and implemented (1999/2000) 3D spec survey over BC-10, BC-60 leading to major discoveries post-salt and sub-salt (1999 -2002) , “Sub-Salt Could be Sweet” article (2002) 1995-1999 Seismic Speculative (Multiclient) Data Specialist – Geco-Prakla/Southeast Asia; Designed/Implemented/Interpreted the 2D and 3D Surveys Portfolio offshore Southeast Asia,

10 years with Atlantic Richfield International Oil and Gas Company

1982-1984 Seismic Data Interpretation – New Ventures International Projects (Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Nigeria, Angola) – (1982 – 1984)

1984–1987 Senior Staff Seismic Interpreter – Northwest Java Sea (oil and gas discoveries, AVS Field, NF Field, development Bima Field

1985-1988 Discovery and geophysical development of Pagerungan Gas Field Gas supplier to Java Island); 1984-1988

1988–1991 Manager Exploration Task Force – East Java Sea (oil and gas discoveries)

10 years with Petrobras – Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.

1965-1968 Resistivity Surveys – Observer, Interpreter, Party Chief – Onshore Bahia, Espirito Santo and Barreirinhas Basins Seismic Data Acquisition – Observer (PT-100, DFS-IV, DFS-V) Onshore Espirito Santo Basin (1967-1969); Seismic Data Processing – Petrobras Rio de Janeiro Data Center (1969-1972); Chief Geophysicist – REMAC Project (two years offshore plus interpretation at WHOI - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – Massachusetts; 1972- 1977)

Academics (Emeritus Member SEG – Society Exploration Geophysicists)

Mackenzie University - B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (1964) Rice University - Ph.D. Geology (1979) Florida Institute Technology - Faculty – Ocean Engineering (1979-1981) Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia) - Lecturer in Geophysics 1985-1990; Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) - Lecturer Professional Courses on Seismic Interpretation 1987-1994; UERJ, State University Rio de Janeiro - Faculty Geophysics (1999 – 2007) Institut Physique du Globe Strasbourg - ASTEF Fellowship (1967-1968) Institut Petrol si Gaz Bucuresti - UNESCO Fellowship (1966-1967) Publications: More than 100 papers published in international scientific G & G magazines

Geosciences / Fields of Interest

Petroleum Geology - Deepwater Reservoirs Seismic Structure and Stratigraphic Interpretation (Professor at UERJ – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and NExT – Network of Excellence in Training) Physics of the Earth, Geodynamics, Tectonophysics, Gravity, Magnetics, Resistivity, Magneto-Tellurics

Professional Affiliations – Societies

SEG Member 1969 Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Gold Member Award 2019, Emeritus Member Award 2004, Silver Member Award 1994 AAPG Professional 2000 American Association of Petroleum Geologists – Associate Member EAGE Associate 2000 European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers GCSSEPM Member 2015 Gulf Coast Society, - Houston, Texas

Council Member and Director -: Brazilian Geophysical Society (2001 – 2004)

Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) - Chairman University Committee 1996-1999;

Indonesia-Brazil Chamber of Commerce - Secretary 1995-1999; jointly appointed by the Brazilian and Indonesian Governments

Participation at International Conferences Congresses – Since 1965

Participation in International Research Programs Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – REMAC Project 1972 – 1977 M/V Vema & M/V Saldanha Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory – M/V Conrad Surveys 1972, 1973

Organizing of Scientific International Meetings:

Rio de Janeiro: 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003 meetings with client companies offshore Brazil Angola 2002 – Deepwater Reservoirs Editor & Reviewer: Editor for numerous papers in Geology and Geophysics, published in AAPG, SEG, EAGE, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Marine Geology, Woods Hole Oceanographic, TLE The Leading Edge), Interpretation (SEG)

Publications: list in annex Scientific papers and reports in Geology & Geophysics, (Southeast Asia; Brazilian Margin Offshore Basins; West Africa Basins; Gulf of Mexico) published in specialized magazines: AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin), SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists), PESA (Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia), IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association), RBG (Revista Brasileira de Geociencias), Marine Geology (Elsevier), Search Magazine, Indonesia 2000, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Proceedings, Offshore Magazine (Pennwell), Asia Oil & Gas, Petromin Magazine. OilWell (Schlumbherger), TLE The Leading Edge (SEG), Interpretation (SEG)

Paper & Presentations: (International Meetings)

Society of Exploration Geophysicists - International Annual Meeting: 1988, 1996, 1997, 2000,2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2020, 2021

EAGE - European Geophysical Society - International Annual Meeting: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2016 GSA-Geological Society of America - 2002

AAPG-American Association of Petroleum Geologists: 2003, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2021

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: 1975 and 1977

Rice University: 1979, 1997 and 2014 Geology Seminar

Offshore Technology Conference: 1980 and 2000

Exxon Mathematical Symposium: 1982

Indonesian Petroleum Association Annual Meeting: 1986 and 1987

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia: 1995 and 1999 – Guest Speaker

ASEG International Meeting, Sidney: 1997

Sarkey's Energy Center- Tulsa Oklahoma: 1997 – Invited Speaker

Beijing Symposium: 1998

JNOC - Tokyo: 1998, 1999, 2002

SEAPEX-Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society: 1998, 2000, 2012; Guest Speaker 2009

Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2018.

Timor-Leste Energy Conferences - Invited Speaker, 2018, 2021

Petroleum Economist - 17th World Petroleum Congress, paper 2002 "Sub-salt could be sweet", predicted accurately the large sub-salt discoveries in ultra-deepwater offshore Brazil.

Deepwater Technology Meeting - Rio de Janeiro 2002

Course to Geophysical Society of Angola: 2002, 2009

Seismic Interpretation Courses taught all over the world (mostly as NExT Instructor) these were held in: USA, Brazil. Mexico, Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Nigeria, Angola, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Singapore, Japan, China, Australia, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, France, Romania, Russia (Siberia).

Patents & Patents Applications

Intellectual Property Rights for Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation and for Deep-Water Interpretation of Continental Margin Basins; Courses are taught for NExT (Network of Excellence in Training)

Geophysics Instructor for NExT (Network of Excellence in Training) - Schlumberger

Roberto Fainstein. Ph.D. – Professor Geophysics, Courses taught for NExT

2021 - Salt Tectonics: Data Acquisition, Data Processing and Seismic Interpretation. Online Course for Petronas, Malaysia (15 participants) - March 15 – 24, 2021

2019 - Mentoring / Coaching OJT Project - Petrel & Seismic Data Management Kuwait Oil Company, Abu Dhabi, UAE (1 participant) – February 10 – 14, 2019

2019 - Mentoring / Coaching OJT Project - Petrel & Seismic Data Management Kuwait Oil Company, Abu Dhabi, UAE (1 participant) – April 7 – 11, 2019

2019 – Seismic Structural Interpretation Techniques Open Class Yogyakarta, Indonesia (6 participants) – September 9 – 13, 2019

2019 – Seismic Structural Interpretation – Mapping Techniques Course for PEMEX – Villahermosa, Mexico (17 participants) – November 4 – 8, 2019

2019 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation - Continental Margin Basins Open Class – Bali, Indonesia (7 participants) – November 25 – 29, 2019

2018 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation – Salt Tectonics and Basins Without Salt Course for Pluspetrol – Puerto Madero, Argentina (9 participants) – April 09 -12, 2018

2018 - Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation Techniques Open Class – Bandung, Indonesia (5 participants) – July 09 – 13, 2018

2018 - Deepwater Seismic Interpretation Open Class – Bandung, Indonesia (6 participants) – November 12 – 16, 2018

2017 – Mentoring / Coaching OJT Project – Petrel & Seismic Data Interpretation Kuwait Oil Company, Kuwait, Kuwait (10 participants) – April 30 – May 11, 2017

2017 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation: Structure, Stratigraphy, Environment Course for CPC (Chinese Petroleum Corporation) & Husky Energy Canada, Taipei, Taiwan (25 participants) – July 31 – August 4, 2017

2017 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation: Structure, Stratigraphy, Environment SKK Migas Blended Learning Program - Abu- Dhabi, UAE (10 participants) – October 1 – 5, 2017

2017 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation: Structure, Stratigraphy, Environment SKK Migas Blended Learning Program - Abu- Dhabi, UAE (10 participants) – October 22 – 26, 2017

2017 – Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy –Analysis of Combination Traps in the Marine Environment Open Course – Bali, Indonesia (5 participants) – October 30 – November 3, 2017

2017 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation: Structure, Stratigraphy, Environment SKK Migas Blended Learning Prog.- Abu- Dhabi, UAE (10 participants) – November 12 – 16, 2017

2017 – Seismic Structural Interpretation – Interpretation Mapping Open Course - Pau, France (7 participants) – November 27 – December 1, 2017

2016 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation – Focus on Southeast Asia Course for VietGazProm – Hanoi, Vietnam (12 participants) – June 16 – 20, 2016

2015 - Basic Seismic Processing and Interpretation Open Class – Abu-Dhabi, UAE - February 22 – 26, 2015

Course for PEMEX – Villahermsa, Mexico – March 6 – 10, 2015

2015 - Basic 2D/3D Seismic Data Management - Petrel Open Class – Abu-Dhabi, UAE - March 22 – 26, 2015

2015 – Introduction to Geophysics and Seismic Interpretation Open Class – Capetown, South Africa – April 13 – 17, 2015

2015 - Deepwater Seismic Interpretation- Salt Tectonics and Basins without Salt Open Class - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (6 participants) – September 16 – 20, 2015

2014 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation Course for PEMEX – Ciudad Carmen, Mexico (10 participants) – March 14 – 18, 2014

2014 – Seismic Structural Interpretation Class - Structure, Stratigraphy, Environment Course for Sonangol (Angola), Migas (Indonesia) & NOC Chad - Capetown, South Africa (15 participants) – April 15 - 19, 2014

2014 – Introduction to Geophysics – Seismic Interpretation Course for ADNOC - ADCO - ZADCO - ADMA – Abu-Dhabi, UAE – (11 participants) – September 13 – 17, 2014

2014 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation Course for PTTEP – Bangkok, Thailand (23 participants) – October 27 - 31, 2014

2014 - Structural Seismic Interpretation Mapping Open Course - Pau, France (8 participants) – December 8 – 12, 2014

2013 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation Course for ONGC – Dehradun, India (21 participants) – April 22 - 26, 2013

2013 – Seismic Structural Interpretation w/Petrel Course for Saudi ARAMCO – Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia (10 participants) – May 13 17, 2013

2013 - Structural & Stratigraphic Seismic Interpretation – Deep-water Interpretation Course for Lukoil Overseas – Moscow, Russia (20 participants) – May 27 – 31, 2013

2013 – Deepwater Geo-Hazards Ecopetrol Short Course – Bogota, Colombia (8 participants) -June 17 – 18, 2013

2013 – Structural and Stratigraphic Seismic Interpretation, plus Petrel Open Course – Calgary, Canada (10 participants) – June 24 – 28, 2013

2013 - Deepwater Seismic Interpretation Class - Structure, Stratigraphy, Environment Open Course – Noida, (New Delhi) (8 participants) – August 19 – 23, 2013

2013 - Deepwater Seismic Interpretation Class - Structure, Stratigraphy, Environment Open Course - Capetown, South Africa (10 participants) – September 16 - 20, 2013

2013 – Seismic Structural Interpretation – Interpretation Mapping Course for ONGC - Dehradun, India (15 participants) – December 1 – 5, 2013

2013 – Seismic Structural Interpretation – Interpretation Mapping Open Course - Pau, France (7 participants) – December 16 – 20, 2013

2012 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation – Salt Tectonics and Basins without Salt Course for PEMEX – Villahermosa, Mexico (9 participants) – February 6 - 10, 2012

2012 – Seismic Interpretation Mapping with Petrel Course for ADNOC – Abu Dhabi, UAE (8 participants) – April 15 – 19, 2012

2012 – Introduction to Exploration Geophysics – Acquisition, Processing, Interpretation Course for Petronas – Bangi, nr, Kuala Lumpur (9 participants) – July 15 – 19, 2012

2012 – Structural and Stratigraphic Seismic Interpretation Course for BP/TNK – Tyumen, Siberia, Russia (18 Participants) – October 22 – 26, 2012

2012 – Deepwater Seismic Interpretation – Acquisition, Processing, Interpretation Course for Ecopetrol – Bogota, Colombia (10 participants) – December 10 - 14, 2012

2011 – Seismic Interpretation 2D/3D Open Course at Geo-India Symposium, Noida, New Delhi (20 participants) – January 10 - 11, 2011

2010 – Seismic Interpretation, Mapping; Techniques, Time/Depth Interpretation, Seismic Attribute Maps, Prospect Montages, Petrel Examples Course for KOC – Kuwait Oil Company, Kuwait City, Kuwait (15 participants) – March 27 – 31, 2010

2010 – Petroleum Exploration & Engineering Principles Course for Shell Bangalore, Bangalore, India (6 participants) - April 25 – 26, 2010

2009 – Seismic 3D Interpretation w/Petrel Course for SONANGOL, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA (8 participants) – May 7 – 11, 2009

2009 – Seismic Structure & Stratigraphy Workshop Course for SONANGOL, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA (7 participants) – Jun22 – July 2, 2009

2009 – Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation (Statoil Hydro) Course for Agostinho Neto U. Geophysics – Luanda, Angola (25 participants) – November 23 December 3, 2009

2008 - Trends in 3D Seismic Interpretation Course for ONGC – Dehradun, India (27 participants), February 25 – 29, 2006

2008 – 4D Seismic Analyses, Processing and Interpretation Course for SONANGOL – Luanda, Angola (6 participants) – September 20 -24, 2008

2007 - Seismic Workstation Mentoring, Pre-Stack Depth Migration Sub-Salt Project – East Brazil Course for ANP – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (12 Participants) – March 19 - 23, 2007

2007 – Exploration & Production Petroleum Economics Course for BP and Agostinho Neto U. – Luanda, Angola (22 Participants) – April 9 – 20, 2007

2007 - Seismic Interpretation 2D/3D, Reservoir Characterization, Seismic Modeling Course for PEMEX - Ciudad Carmen, Mexico (10 participants) - March 1 – 12, 2007

2007 – Seismic Interpretation 2D regional and 3D prospect volumes Course for Chevron – Lagos, Nigeria (12 participants) - May 21 - 25, 2007

2007 – Marine Seismic Survey Design Course for ONGC – Mumbai, India (14 participants) – August 20 – 24, 2007

2007 - Deep-Water Seismology Data Interpretation Course for PEMEX – Villahermosa, Mexico (16 participants) – September 17 – 21, 2007

2007 – Fundamentals of Seismic Processing and Interpretation Course for DGH – Mumbai, India (4 participants) – October 23 – 27, 2007-

2007 - Seismic Interpretation Mapping Fundamentals w/ Petrel Exercises Open Course, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (9 participants) - November 19 – 23, 2007

2007 – Seismic Structural Interpretation w/Petrel Course for ADNOC, ADCO, ZADCO, Abu-Dhabi, UAE (22 participants) – December 9 – 13, 2007

2006 – Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation Course for PETROM – Campina, Romania (9 participants) – February 13 – 17, 2006

2006 – Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation Course for ONGC -– Dehradun, India (21 participants) – March 27 – 31, 2006

2006 – Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation Course for PTTEP – Bangkok, Thailand (8 participants) – April 24 – 28, 2006

2006 – Seismic Structural Interpretation 2D/3D Course for ChevronTexaco – Lagos, Nigeria (9 participants) – May 15 – 19, 2006

2006 – Seismic Interpretation for Reservoir Characterization Course for PEMEX – Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico (15 participants) - July 17 – 21, 2006

2006 – Seismic Interpretation Petrel Project 2D / 3D – Block 34 Offshore Angola Course Project for SONANGOL – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (10 participants) – July 27 – September 15, 2006 (50 days)

2006 –2D/3D Seismic Interpretation Mappin, Reservoir Characterization Course for PEMEX – Ciudad Carmen, Mexico (11 participants) – October 16 -20, 2006

2006 – Seismic Acquisition, Processing, Interpretation, 2D/3D, Course for PSDSA - Maracaibo, Venezuela (13 participants) – December 10 – 14, 2006

2005 – Seismic Structural Interpretation Course for TOTAL – Port Harcourt, Nigeria (10 participants) – June 15 - 19, 2005

2005 – Seismic Stratigraphy - Interpretation Course for TOTAL – Port Harcourt, Nigeria (10 participants) - June 22 – 26, 2005

2005 - Structural and Stratigraphic Seismic Interpretation Course for PEMEX – Villahermosa, Mexico (18 participants) – November 14 – 18, 2005

2004 - Seismic Data Interpretation for Drilling/Production Course for PEMEX – Houston, Texas, USA - February 25 – 27, 2004

2004 - Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Development Mapping and Petroleum Engineering Open Course, Itajuba, MG, Brazil – (6 participants), March 01 – 04, 2004

2004 – Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing, Interpretation Course for SIBNEFT – Noyabrsk, North Siberia, Russia – (11 participants), April 19 -24, 2004

2004 - Introduction to Exploration Geophysics – Acquisition, Processing, Interpretation Course for Petronas – Bangi, nr Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – (10 participants), July 15 – 19, 2004

2004 – Introduction to Petroleum Exploration and Production Course for SONANGOL - Luanda, Angola – (10 participants), November 22 – 24, 2004

2003 - Introduction to Seismic Data Interpretation Course for LENEP – UENF, Macaé, Brazil (38 participants), February 6 - 7, 2003

2003 - Interpreting Seismic Data for Non-Specialists Course for WG - Houston, Texas, USA – (6 participants) - February 17 - 18, 2003

2003 - Understanding and Interpreting Seismic Data Open Course - Houston, Texas, USA – (23 participants), May 7 - 9, 2003

2003 - Seismic Data Interpretation – Structure and Stratigraphy Course for Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil - (16 participants) - August 19 - 20, 2003,

2003 - Seismic Data Interpretation - Structural Geology and Stratigraphy Course for Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands – (6 participants), September 8 – 11, 2003

2003 – Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation Course for Ecopetrol – Bogota, Colombia (10 participants), September 19 -23, 2003

2003 – Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation Course for PEMEX – Villahermosa, Mexico (17 participants), October 06 – 10, 2003

2003 – Seismic Fundamentals, Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation Course for PEMEX – Villahermosa, Mexico (20 participants), November 21 – 25, 2003

2002 - Seismic Techniques for Drilling Production Projects & Risk Management Open Course – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (6 participants), August 14 – 16, 2002


2021 (in print)

Fainstein, R. and Kalra, R., 2021, Exploration of Deepwater Regions Offshore India (control ID: 6086), has been accepted for the AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, September-October in Denver, Colorado

Siqueira, R, Cetale, M and Fainstein, R, 2021, Syn-Rift and Post-Rift Interpretation - Búzios Field, Proceedings of the Society Exploration Geophysicists 91st International Annual Meeting, Denver, September-October 2021 (submitted)

Fainstein,R, Barros, I.S, Aleluia, V., PenaReis, R., Nano, J.S., Lourenç0, P. and Correia do Rosário, J., 2021, Timor-Leste Provinces of Banda Arc Collision, Gondwana Terrain and Pliocene Overthrust. control number 2021-A-6065-AAPG Annual Meeting, Denver, September-October 2021 (submitted)


Fainstein, R. and Kalra, R., 2020, Andaman Sea – Seismic Exploration De-risking, Proceedings of the Society Exploration Geophysicists 90th International Annual Meeting, Houston, October 2020

Fainstein, R., Do Rosario, J.D., Guterres, H., Pena Reis, R., Da Costa, T., 2020, Coastal and Offshore Provinces of Timor-Leste - Geophysics Exploration and Drilling, TLE, The Leading Edge, Special Issue on Southeast Asia, August 2020, p. 543 – 550.

Chacko, S., Fainstein, R. and Li, Chengbo, 2020, Introsuction to this Specual Issue, - The Leading Edge, Special Issue on Southeast Asia, August 2020, p.541 - 542.

Kalra, R., Fainstein, R. and Chandrashekar, S., 2020, Un-explored deep-water basins of North Andaman Sea, TLE, The Leading Edge, Special Issue on Southeast Asia, August 2020, p. 551 -557.


Fainstein, R., Krueger, A., and Mohriak, U. W., 2019, Ultra-deepwater seismic plays offshore Brazil — Future drilling off Santos and Campos Basins, Interpretation / November 2019, Special Issue on Brazil, p.99 – 109.

Fainstein, R., Pena Reis, R., Duarte, B. and Pimentel, N., 2019, Portugal Prospective Petroleum Basins, Offshore Edge of Iberia Peninsula, AAPG Search and Discovery, Article #11239. Fainstein, R., Richards, M. and Kalra, R., 2019, Seismic imaging of Deccan-related lava flows at the K-T boundary, deepwater west India, The Leading Edge, Special Issue on India, p. 810- 814.


Fainstein, R., 2018. Seismic Exploration of the Amazon River Mouth Basin - Drilling and Environmental Plight, TB Petroleum, p. 2 – 12.

Fainstein, R. and Tygel, M., 2018, Seismic Technology - Offshore Exploration and Production, SBGf Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofísica, Salinópolis, 18 a 20 de setembro de 2018, 4 pp..


Pena dos Reis, R., Pimentel, N., Fainstein, R., Reis, M. and Rasmussen, B., 2017, Influence of Salt Diapirism on the Basin Architecture and Hydrocarbon Prospects of the Western Iberian Margin, In: Permo-Triassic Salt Provinces of Europe, North Africa and Atlantic Margins, Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Potential, Edited by Juan I. Soto, Joan F. Flinch and Gabor Tari, Elsevier Publication, Chapter 14, p. 313 – 329.


Richards, M., Alvarez, W., Benjamin, B., Duraishwami.R., Kalra, R., Fainstein, R. , Gibson, S., Manga, M., Tushar, M., Radhakrishna, M., Pande, K., Renne, P., Romanowicz, B., Self, S., Smit, J. and Sprain, C., 2017. Characterization of Deccan Volcanic Formations Offshore Western India: What Really Happened at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary - New Impetus for Understanding Deccan Volcanism, t NSF - National Science Foundation Project: University of California Berkeley, Schlumberger and Mumbai Technology Institute and ONGC – Oil and Natural Gas Company of India.


Fainstein, R. and Mohriak, W.U., 2015, Regional investigations and hydrocarbon exploration history of the South Atlantic rifted continental margins: Development of the salt basins and of the transform margins basins without salt, GCSSEPM Proceedings, Houston. Texas.

Fainstein, R., Chacko, S., Bakshi, D., Jana, B., Bubeqi, L., Mathur, S and Whiteley, N.J., 2015, Krishna Basin Exploration, India East Coast Offshore – Broadband Time/Depth Seismic Imaging, Proceedings of the SEG Annual International Meeting, New Orleans

Fainstein, R., Mathur, S., Bakshi, D. Jana, B. and Whiteley, N.J., 2015, Krishna Basin, Offshore India - Structural Assessment with Modern Seismic, Proceedings 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Madrid

Fainstein, R., Bubeqi, L., Mathur, S., 2015, Seismic Data Adding Value to Offshore Exploration and Production, EAGE Workshop on Broadband Marine Seismic Data. Kuala Lumpur

Mathur, S., Whiteley, N.J., Fainstein, R., Bakshi, D., Jana, B., Veni, R.K., Tilagappu, K.K., Bora, H.R., Schlesinger, S, and Mackie, K., 2015, Offshore India: Emerging Hydrocarbon Plays in view of New Geophysics Data. SEAPEX Proceedings. Singapore


Fainstein, 2014, A Brief Look at the Seismic Responses of Deep-Water Reservoirs, Rice University, Industry Workshop, Houston, Texas.

Fainstein, R., 2014, Deepwater Seismic Interpretation, Lecturing Booklet for NExT


Fainstein, R., Miranda, F., Goodall, A., 2013, Gaussian Beam Migration (GPM) and Reverse Time Migration (RTM) Focus Imaging in the Pre-Salt Prospectivity of Red Sea, Reservoir Symposium, Schlumberger

Fainstein, R., and Mohriak, W.U., 2013, Continental Margins of the Equatorial South Atlantic, AAPG, ICE International Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, USA


Fainstein, R., Kalra, R., Radhakrisna, M, Prasad, G.K., Chandrashekkar, S. and Viweswara Rao, C., 2012, Modern Sub-Basdalt Seismic Imaging – Deepwater Realm Offshore Southwest India, Geohorizons, p. 20-24.

Mishra, S., Fainstein, R., Kalra, R., Radhakrishna, M., Shah, J. and Wygrala, B.P., 2012, Modern Seismic Imaging and Basin Modeling Reveals Sub-Basalt Hydrocarbon Potential Offshore India, Proceedings of the Annual International Meeting of the Southeast Asia Geological Society, SEAPEX 7 pp.

Fainstein, R., Banik, N., Kalra, R. and Busanello, G., 2012, Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging – Deepwater Examples Southwest Coast off India, Proceedings of the 82nd SEG Annual International Meeting, Post-Convention Workshop, Las Vegas

Wallick, B.P., Giroldi, L., Husam, M., Suleiman, A., Lowden, D., Elsadany, K., Mukarram, A. and Fainstein, R., 2012, A Broadband full azimuth land seismic case study from Saudi Arabia: Interpretation and inversion lessons learned, Proceedings of the 82nd SEG Annual International Meeting, Post-Convention Workshop, Las Vegas

Bryant, I., Dailly, P., Dribus, J.R., Fainstein, R., Harvey, N., McCoss, A., Montaron, B., Quirk, D. and Tapponier, P., 2012, Basin to Basin: Plate Tectonics in Exploration, in OilField Review, Autumn Issue, p. 38-57.

Mohriak, W.U. and Fainstein, R., 2012, “Phanerozoic Regional Geology of the Eastern Brazilian Margin”, in Roberts, DG and Bally AW (eds), Regional Geology and Tectonics:Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps, Vol. 1c, Chapter 7, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier BV, p.222-283.

Fainstein, R., Kalra, R., S.Chandrashekkar and C.Visweswara Rao, 2012, Sub-basalt Geology Deepwater Offshore India, Proceedings of the AAPG ICE International Meeting, Long Beach, California.

Fainstein, R. and Belguermi, C., 2012, Seismic Interpretation Report – Tinat-Mabruk UniQ Project; Internal Saudi-Aramco, 70 pp.


Fainstein, R. and Kalra, R., 2011, Regional Integrated Technologies Reviews Deepwater Petroleum Potential off South/Southeast Asia, Proceedings of the AAPG International Meeting - Geoindia, New Delhi.

Fainstein, R., 2011, Perspectives in Deepwater Exploration and Production, Invited Key-Note Presentation to AAPG-GeoIndia, New Delhi

Fainstein, R. and Bhaduri, A., 2011, North Andaman Sea De-Risking Reports: Fore-Arc Basin, Volcanic Basin and Back-Arc Basin Areas, (Nine Volumes Reports) – Internal ONGC: Oil and Natural Gas Company of India.

Fainstein, R and Bhaduri, A., 2011, Final Report North Andaman Sea De-Risking of Prospects with Economics Assessments – internal ONGC, Oil and Natural Gas Company of India.


Fainstein, R., Mohriak, W.U. and Rasmussen, B.A., 2010, Salt Provinces Offshore East Brazil and West Africa, Analyses of Regional Lines, Proceedings of the AAPG International Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Fainstein, R., 2010, Seismic Signature Comparisons of Deepwater Producing Provinces, Proceedings of the 80th Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Denver

Fainstein, R. and Joshi, D., 2010, Sub-Basalt Strata Geophysical Imaging, Proceedings of the 72nd EAGE Conference incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Barcelona 2010


Fainstein, R., Traylen, S., Vasyliev, P. and Stempel, A., 2009, Time-Depth Imaging Offshore India, Proceedings of 79th SEG International Meeting, Houston

Shah, J., Fainstein, R., Broetz, R. and Wygrala, B., 2009, Sub-Basalt Interpretation Modeling of the Kerala - Konkan Basin, Western India Offshore, EAGE International Meeting, Amsterdam

Fainstein, R., Traylen, S., Vasyliev, P. and Zarkhidze, 2009, Depth Imaging Offshore India, Petrotech Conference, New Delhi, India

Banik, N., Fainstein, R., Lopamudra, R., Sinharay, R., Assefa, S., Broetz, R., Koesoemadinata, A. and Egan, M., 2009, Geophysical Challenges in Sub-Basalt Exploration, Petrotech Conference, New Delhi, India


Fainstein, R., Koeninger, C., Broetz, R.J., Banik. N.C. and Zarkhidze, A., 2008, Sub-Basalt: Mesozoic Imaging Interpretation Offshore India, AAPG GeoIndia Conference, New Delhi, 7 pp.

Fainstein, R., Banik, N.C. and Broetz, R.J., 2008, Examination of evolving exploration technologies in India, RTC - Regional Technology Center White Paper, 58 pp.

Fainstein, R., 2008, Post-Salt and Sub-Salt Reservoirs Offshore Brazil, TN Petroleum OTC Conference, Houston, Texas, p.58 - 64.


Fainstein, 2006, Salt Tectonics Architecture - Comparisons in Ultra Deep Water in GoM, West Africa and Brazil, TB Petroleum no.23, p. 53 - 62.

Matos, M.C., Ozorio, L.M. and Fainstein, R., 2006, Detection of time-lapse seismic effects through wavelet transforms and self-organizing maps. Paper presented at the SEG International Meeting - New Orleans, p.3280 - 3284.


Fainstein, R. and Krueger, A. V.A., 2005, Salt Tectonics Comparisons near Three Continent-Ocean Boundary Escarpments, Invited Paper at the MMS-Mineral Management Services, Gulf Coast International Meeting on Salt Tectonics, December 05.

Fainstein, R. and Souza Filho, R.G., 2005, Offshore Brazil 2005 - Regional Update and Future Exploration, 75th Annual International Meeting of the SEG, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Houston, Texas, Nov.05.


Fainstein, R. and Matos, M., 2004, Tecnologia Sismica Moderna: A Implementacao dos Levantamentos 4D, Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica, September 04.

Fainstein, R., 2004, Geophysical Outlook Offshore Brazil, 6th Bid Round, T&N Pettroleum, OTC Issue, 12 pp.


Fainstein, 2003, Comparative Response of Seismic Signatures in Deep-Water Reservoirs Offshore Eastern Brazil and West Africa, AAPG Annual International Meeting, Salt Lake City.

Fainstein, R. and Krueger, A. V.A., 2003, Pre-cambrian magnetic anomalies offshore Amazon and Liberia; IXNet International Tectonics Symposium, May 2003, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro.

Fainstein, R., 2003, Mapping Turtle Structures, T & B Petroleum Magazine, Offshore Technology Conference Issue, p. 32-34.

Fainstein, R., Jamieson, G.A., Biles, N., Hannan, A., Shelander, D. and Krueger, A. C.V.A., 2003, Time-Depth Converted Interpretation of Regional Seismic Maps, Offshore Southeast Brazil, ociety of Exploration Geophysicists Annual International Meeting, Dallas


Jamieson, G.A., Fainstein, R., Hannan, A., Biles, N., Shelander, D. and Krueger, A.C.V.A., 2002, Regional Interpretation Mapping, Offshore Southeast Brazil, Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists - SEG, Salt Lake City.

Jamieson, G.A., Fainstein, R., Hannan, A., Biles, N., Shelander, D. and Krueger, A.C.V.A, 2002, Regional Structure Offshore Southeastern Brazil, Pennwell Offshore Magazine, September 2002 issue.

Fainstein, R., 2002, Seismic characteristics of deep water reservoirs, Eastern Brazil. T&B Petroleum Magazine, v. 13 - World Petroleum Congress, p. 36-44.


Fainstein, R., 2001, Seismic Characteristics of Deep-Water Reservoirs Offshore Brazil. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Boston, USA (selected for special Tectonophysics volume; Elsevier 2002).

Fainstein, R., 2001, Eastern Brazil and West Africa: Seismic Comparison of Deep-Water Oil Fields, T & N Petroleum Magazine, p. 18-25.

Fainstein, R., Jamieson, G.A., Hannan, A., Biles, N., Krueger, A. and Shelander, D., 2001, Offshore Brazil Santos Basin Hydrocarbon Potential from recently acquired data, Proceedings of the Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, San Antonio

Fainstein, R. and Jamieson, G.A., 2001, Brazil 2001: A Spec Odyssey, Petroleum Society of Australia Magazine, August-September issue, p. 55-72.

Fainstein, R., 2001, Technology in Exploring Southeast Asia's Offshore Basins, Petromin Magazine, Singapore, SEAPEX event, p. 30-43.


Fainstein, R., 2000, The Impact of Seismic Technology on the Prospectivity of Southeast Asia's Offshore Basins, AAPG International Bali, October, Indonesia 2000 - Schlumberger Publication.

Fainstein, R., Biles, N.E., Hannan,A.E., Jamieson, G.A. and Shelander, D.L., 2000, Seismic data response comparison of deepwater producing fields in the Gulf of Mexico with offshore Brazil, Proceedings of the of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, August 2000, Calgary.

Fainstein, R. and Balaguer, R., 2000, Geophysical Data Offshore Brazil, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, May 2000, Houston, Texas.


Fainstein, R., 1999, Brazil Expands Exploration of its Twenty Offshore Basins; Offshore Magazine, October 1999, USA

Fenwick, A., Fainstein, R., Davey, P. and Sirodj, E., 1999, 3D Seismic Surveys of Makassar Strait evaluate deepwater reservoirs, PESA magazine - Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia.


Fainstein, R., Gregory-Sloan, J. and Christie, P., 1998, Hydrocarbon Plays off the Brazilian Continental Margin: West Africa's Mirror Image, Chapter 5, Search Magazine, IAAOG meeting, Rio de Janeiro.

Fainstein, R., 1998, West Arafura Sea Seismic Interpretation; Volume 1: Text and Figures; Volume 2: Interpreted Seismic Displays and Digital Maps; Schlumberger Geco-Prakla

Fainstein, R., 1998, Offshore South Irian Jaya Seismic Interpretation; Volume 1: Text and Figures, Volume 2: Interpreted Seismic Sections and Maps; Schlumberger Geco-Prakla.


Fainstein, R. and Meyer, J., 1997, Structural Interpretation of the Natuna Sea, Indonesia, Proceedings of the International 67th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, November 97

Fainstein, R. and Meyer, J., 1997, Natuna Sea Seismic Interpretation; in two volumes, Volume 1: Text and Figures; Volume 2: Seismic Displays and Maps; Schlumberger Geco-Prakla

Fainstein, R., 1997, Seismic Prospects Offshore North Madura, East Java Sea. Presented at the 67th International Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, November 97.

Fainstein, R. and Davey, P., 1997, Offshore Southeast Asia: Comparative Assessment of Hydrocarbon Plays with basis on non-exclusive seismic surveys. ASEG Preview Magazine. Presented at the ASEG meeting, Sydney, Australia.


Fainstein, R., Coxon, M., Williams, P., Hermantoro, E. and Setiarja, B., 1996, Prospect Mapping of the Timor Sea, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 66th Annual International Meeting of the International Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Denver, November 96.

Fainstein, R., 1996, Timor Sea Seismic Interpretation, in two volumes, Vol.1 text and figures; Vol.2 maps; Schlumberger Geco-Prakla Report

Fainstein, R., Davey, P. and Robinson, K., 1996, Seismic Interpretation of the Timor Sea Speculative Surveys. Petroleum Society of Australia Magazine, Timor Regional Focus Issue, August 96.


Fainstein, R., 1995, Oil and Gas in Indonesia: Status of the Upstream Business and Review of the Exploration History, Geoservices Publication (Book).

Fainstein, R. and Soediono, H., 1995, Bontang Block, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantanr, Project Book for Geoservices, 83pp.


Fainstein, R., 1994, North Tanjung Block, Barito Basin, East Kalimantan: An assessment of its technical and economical merits; 95 pp.


Hopkins, G.L., Henk, F.H., Fainstein, R. and Nicklin, D.F., 1991, Prospectivity of Eocene Clastics, Kangean Block offshore Bali North, Report Atlantic Richfield Bali North, 153 pp.


Fainstein, R. and Raharja, M., 1989, Pagerungan Gas Field Geophysical Development PGA and PGC sites, ARBNI publication in three volumes, maps, plats, enclosures.


Fainstein, R. and Checka, V.R., 1988, Seismic Exploration of the Thousand Islands Area, Java Sea, Proceedings of the 58th International Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Annaheim, S8.7, p. 877-881.


Fainstein, R., 1987, Exploration of the North Seribu Area, Northwest Java Sea. Proceedings of the Sixteen Annual Convention of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, p. 191-214.

Fainstein, R. and Mahaperdana, B., 1987, AVS-C Field Development, Java Sea, Map Plats and Enclosures, Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Report.


Fainstein, R. and Hutapea, A., 1986, Northwest Java Sea Seismic Stratigraphy: Examples of Shelfal and Basin Areas, Proceedings of ASCOPE, June 86.

Fainstein, R. and Pramono, H., 1986, Structure and Stratigraphy of the AVS Field Java Sea. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, v.1, p. 19-45.


Fainstein, R., 1984, Oil Prospects Offshore Ghana, AIOGC Report, 30 pp.


Fainstein, R., 1983, Seismic Interpretation Offshore Belize; Atlantic Richfield Company internal report (2 volumes).


Fainstein, R., 1982, Propagation of shear-horizontal waves in coal seams. Proceedings of the Exxon Mathematical Symposium, The Woodlands, 22pp.

Fainstein, R. and Summerhayes, C.P., 1982, Structure and origin of marginal Banks off Eastern Brazil, Marine Geology, Elsevier, v.46, p. 199-215.


Fainstein, R., 1980, Magnetic Anomaly Profiles of the Brazilian Upper Continental Margin; Proceedings of the 12th Offshore Technology Conference OTC, v.4, p. 605-609.


Fainstein, R., 1979, Geodynamics of the Eastern South American Continental Margin near the Brazilian Bulge; Dissertation Abstracts International, v. XL, No.3, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Fainstein, R. and Milliman, J.D., 1979, Structure and origin of three continental margin plateaus, Northeast Brazil. AAPG Bulletin, v. 63, no.2, p. 218-237.


Fainstein, R. and Clark, H.C., 1978, The crustal structure beneath the Vitória-Trindade Ridge. Revista Brasileira de Geociencias, v.8., p. 270-283.


Summerhayes, C.P., Fainstein, R. and Ellis, J.P., 1976, Continental margin of Sergipe and Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil: A reconnaissance geophysical study of morphology and structure. Marine Geology, v.20, p. 345-361.


Fainstein, R., Milliman, J.D. and Jost, H., 1975, Magnetic character of the Brazilian continental shelf and upper slope, Revista Brasileira de Geociencias, v.5, p. 198-211.


Fainstein, R., 1970, Prospecção Geofisica pelo Método das Correntes Teluricas, Petrobras Internal, Rio de Janeiro, 32 pp.


Fainstein, R., 1968, Interpretation descriptive des curves de resistivité apparente en uitilisant la méthode Dar-Zarrouk, sur un experiment de grand profondeur auprés le Graben du Rhone, ASTEF, Institut Physique du Globe Strasbourg et Universitat Karlsruhe, 23 pp.