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"Captain Davage-- c 2009 Carol Phillips".

Captain Davage is a fictional character created by Ren Garcia. He is the main protagonist in the first two books of the League of Elder series, and appears as a minor character in the following two.

Personal Notes


Captain Davage is one-hundred, eighty-four years old. In the typical Elder fashion, he appears youthful and in his prime. A "standard" Blanchefort, he is tall and lean, standing six feet, three inches. His hair and his eyes are a dark Vith blue. He almost always wears his Fleet captain's uniform and triangle hat.

Gifts of the Mind


He has inherited three of the fabled six Gifts of the Mind, having mastery of the Strength, the Waft and the Sight. Davage is very strong, able to lift his seventy-seven pound CARG with one hand and use it at a rapid rate without tiring. Davage is known as a Wafter Supreme, able to Waft very quickly, faster than most opponents can react.

Davage is most well-known for his potent Gift of Sight. Using his Sight, he is able to see objects very far away, see extremely small objects, see in the dark, see through obstructions (such as walls), and see invisible or hidden objects. He may also see things that have happened in the recent past, and can see things that will happen in the near future. The ability to see several minutes into the future is a skill that has served him well in his adventures.



Captain Davage started in the Stellar Fleet as a junior helmsman. Taking advantage of his ability to see the near future, he quickly developed a reputation as a remarkable and reliable helmsman.

He is a master of the CARG and the GEORGE WIND, weapons of his family line. As a Fleet captain, he also carries a MiMs pistol, which he almost never uses.

His knowledge of the LosCapricos family of weapons and the League Great House lore is well regarded.

Standing with the Sisterhood of Light


A critical point of honor in League society is participation in the Sisterhood of Light's "Program" where a Great House lord is invited to impregnate a fertile Sister. A lord who has been invited to participate once is a grand honor, to be invited multiple times is a rare distinction. Davage has participated in the Sister's Program seven times.



Davage was the 800th Lord of Blanchefort hailing from the old Vith line of the north. His father was Sadric, a diplomat and noted Society man, his mother was Countess Hermilaine, of the Blue-Haired House Hanover stock. His mother was quite old when she married Sadric, her reputation for being a hot-tempered, duel-fighting Black Widow with an able sword-arm was well known and well earned.

"Captain Davage-- c 2009 Carol Phillips".

Lord Sadric drilled Davage with League Society, teaching him the stiff and unbending ways he was expected to follow. When Davage erred or showed disinterest in his training, Sadric punished him with a Hard Stare, creating great pain within him. He also wouldn't allow Davage to eat when he erred, Davage often going days on end without eating a bite and was slowly starving to death. Sadric, not a cruel man, did not know how deep the problem really was.

Davage's mother Hermilaine taught him how to sword-fight with the GEORGE-WIND, the LosCapricos weapon of her House Hanover. Davage proved an able learner and soon mastered the GEORGE-WIND. He then wanted to learn the CARG, the LosCapricos weapon of House Blanchefort, but Sadric, at first, refused to teach him, stating the CARG was of a more uncivilized time. Betting that his son would never be able to lift the seventy-seven pound CARG, Sadric promised when he could lift it, he would be trained. However, Davage lifted it off its stand when he was fourteen, and Sadric relented. Davage soon became a CARG master. In later years, his skill with the CARG would become legendary.

Davage had two older sisters, Lady Pardock, who would become the Countess of Vincent, and Lady Poe, who was stricken with apparent mental illness. Lord Sadric was very protective of Poe and often took her from the castle for extended periods of time. It was learned later that Poe was a Shadow tech female and was actually suffering from Shadow tech poisoning, not mental infirmity.

His best friend while growing up was Lady Hathaline from House Durst, a nearby House of the Line of Subra to the west. Lady Hathaline was a beautiful, red-headed, green-eyed girl who, from an early age, had fallen in love with Davage and fully intended to be wed to him. She expected it and, in an arrogant manner, often spoke of their future wedding and plans. Davage, being a coy and rather immature boy, discounted Lady Hathaline's talk and ignored her on the matter.

The Wedding


Lord Sadric was a diplomat by hobby and was always talking in League Society about ending the perpetual conflict the League maintained with the Xaphans, a strange a cruel group of people who, long ago, betrayed the League and seperated from them. It was generally held that the Xaphans were insane and quite evil and many League lives had been lost through the ages combating them. Sadric dreamed of ending the conflict and bringing the Xaphans back into the League fold. Being a posh Society man, he reasoned the best way to accomplish this would be with a grand wedding, a Great League House shall be married to a Great Xaphan House. After meeting with his Xaphan contacts, he found that they were agreeable to this wedding, and after obtaining a tacit endorsement from the Sisterhood of Light, The Wedding began to be looked on with more and more excitement and became a popular topic in Society circles.

The Xaphans selected, on their side, the House of Xandarr--specifically Princess Marilith of Xandarr--to represent them. They demanded, however, that Princess Marilith be allowed to select her groom personally, and she toured the League with her entourage, looking for the perfect match. She became quite popular and Sadric's plan appeared to be taking hold and working.

Marilith selected seven Great Houses--Houses Grenville, Conwell, Probert, Vincent, Dare, Champion and Blanchefort--and from them began a series of contests designed to weed out the weaker ones. Houses Conwell, Vincent and Champion quickly fell out, and Marilith disqualified Probert because they weren't Blue enough. House Dare pulled out when their son, Lord Fyfe, was nearly killed in the contest, leaving only Grenville and Blanchefort. Eventually, House Blanchefort prevailed and Davage was betrothed to Marilith. That summer, as plans for the Wedding were readied, they fell deeply in love and thier minds Zen-La'ed, or linked together.

Nobody, however, had considered Lady Hathaline, Davage's childhood friend. She was determined to be wed to Davage and was not going to let him go without a fierce struggle. Hathaline was extremely proficient in the Stare and she had mastered a rare aspect of the Stare called the Cloud. With the Cloud, a practitioner could distort a person's psychic appearance, making them appear better or worse than they actually were. Hathaline knew that Davage's sister, Countess Pardock of Vincent, who was very protective of her brother, was going to Stare Princess Marilith at the pre-wedding feast, as that is where she struck. As the two rivals atared each other down, Hathaline hit her with the Cloud, Marilith not having any idea what was happening. A short time later Countess Pardock, a Master Starer, Stared at Marilith, saw the Clouded image that Hathaline had put there, and was shocked. She was convinced that Marilith was a murderous psychopath and refused for her beloved brother to be wed to her. During the wedding ceremony as the Wedding Baton was passed to the front of the procession, Countess Parock held the baton fast and threw it down. She then dragged Davage from the chapel. There would be no wedding.

Aftermath of The Wedding


The scene was rather chaotic after Pardock threw the baton down. Lord Sadric went mad and refused to speak to Pardock ever again. He locked himself in his tower where he soon died. Marilith, was shocked. When Countess Pardock explained why she had thrown down he baton, the attendees were enraged and sought to capture Marilith and imprison her. Princess Marilith, literally had to shoot her way back to Xaphan space.

Davage was heartbroken. Pardock explained why she had stopped the wedding, but Davage could not forgive her. Feeling the walls of Castle Blanchefort closing in on him, he fled and, wearing the clothes of a commoner, joined the Stellar Fleet. The Fleet Lords who reviewed his petition were amused that Lord Blanchefort, the "Unable Groom" as he was being called, was attempting to sneak into the Fleet, but his status allowed him instant admittance, though it was believed that Davage would quickly wash out.

Such was not the case. Crewman Davage was assigned the job of Junior Helmsman aboard the Faith, a rickety, barely servicable Webber-class vessel, and he quickly showed a great talent for it. With Davage at the helm, the Faith became a vessel to be respected. As the years rolled by, the Faith came to grips more and more often with hostile Xaphan forces, particuarly with a rising star in the Xaphan ranks: Princess Marilith of Xandarr.

Sygillis of Metatron


Captain Davage was often contacted in secret by Princess Marilith where they lamented what could have been. Marilith had seen a vision where a terrifying figure dreamt of him. A few days later, the Seeker was sent to the backwater world of Poteet to combat a Xaphan snaring operation.

There, the Sisters captued a vile Black Hat known as Sygillis of Metatron, and planned to immediately execute her. Although they rarely asked Fleet captains for anything, the Sisters, being friends with Davage's father, decided to be courteous and ask for his permission to execute the Black Hat.

Davage refused to permit the execution. Instead, he went into the brig to personally speak to the Black Hat--something that is never done.



Garcia, Ren (2009) The League of Elder: Sygillis of Metatron IUniverse ISBN: 978-1-4401-2129-6

Official Website: The League of Elder