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Mall Shooting


On August 5th, at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon gunfire erupted inside the mall between would be robbers, and an armored-car guard. 3 people, including one of the gunmen were killed.

Rudolph Matlack, a guard for brooks armored car service of Wilmington, Delaware, was on his way back to his armored vehicle, pulling a cart with bags of money toward the mall's exit, when confronted by 22yr old Moses Clary, and 28yr old Vincent Reid.

Shortly after, gunfire erupted, critically wounding the guard. Entering the mall at this time was 17yr old Nicholas Morris, of Clayton. Morris was fatally shot by one of the gunmen.

The gunmen grabbed the bags of money, and started to flee when Mr. Matlack returned fire, killing Vincent Reid. Futher shots were fired towards Moses Clary, but he excaped.

Another victim of the botched robbery was 15yr old Maureen Lavin of Swedesboro New Jersey. As Clary was fleeing down a flight of stairs to the lower level, gun fire continued. At the same time Ms. Lavin was going up the steps from the lower level when she was struck in the head by a ricocheting bullet. Ms. Lavin died 2 days later. Altough it was later revealed to be the guard's bullet that struck Ms. Lavin's, Clary was still charged for her death.



After fleeing the mall in a Maroon Honda, the car was dumped in the best buy parking lot, where the robbers had a 2nd car waiting. Clary fled to New York, and remained on the loose for over a month. Finally in May of 1999, Clary was sentenced to a life term for his role in the robbery, and for two of the three deaths that resulted from it.

For years after, the mall itself showed the wounds of that day. Altough mostly obstructed by decorations and signs, bullet holes remained in several spots in the mall, until 2001 when the mall went under a major renovation.

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