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User:Rangertee/75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.

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75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.

The 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit registered 501(c) corporation, registered in the State of Georgia. It was founded in 1986 by a group of veterans of F/58, (LRP) and L/75 (Ranger). The first meeting was held on June 7, 1986, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. It is the corporate entity for a fraternal veteran’s organization which supports active-duty Rangers, preserves Ranger history, and publishes a quarterly magazine (Patrolling magazine). [1]

The Mission statement for the organization states:


1. To identify and offer membership to all eligible 75th Infantry Rangers, and members of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Companies, Long Range Patrol Companies, Ranger Companies and Detachments, Vietnamese Ranger Advisors of the Biet Dong Quan and the 75th Ranger Regiment.

2. To sustain the Association. Unlike the WWII Battalions and Merrill's Marauders, the 75thRRA accepts members and former members of the Active Ranger Battalions. By doing so we are perpetuating the association. It will not "die off" as these two organizations someday will.

3. To attain maximum participation by members in good standing in all Association activities.

4. To assist, when possible, those active units and their members who bear the colors and lineage of the 5307th Composite Provisional Unit (CPU), 475th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry (Ranger) Companies (Merrill's Marauders), 1st and 2nd Battalions (Ranger) 75th Infantry, the 75th Ranger Regiment, consisting of Regimental Headquarters 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ranger Battalions, successor units, or additions to the Regiment.

5. To memorialize those of our comrades who are missing in action, who died while serving their country or while serving in units that qualify them for membership in this Association.

6. To carry out programs and activities worthy of the Association.

7. To organize and unite those eligible for membership in a fraternal bond: to pay homage to units in which we served by perpetuating the history and traditions of those units, and, to honor our comrades, living and dead, whose service was in keeping with the duties and responsibilities of American Rangers. [2]

WHAT WE DO: During the last five years we have provided financial support to the young men of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Each year, through contributions from our members and some outside sources, we have provided about $4,000.00 to each of the three Ranger Battalions and $2,000.00 to the Regimental HQ. These funds enabled the families of the junior enlisted men (E-5 and below), to get certificates for toys for the children and turkeys for Christmas dinner.

We have funded trips for families to visit their wounded sons and husbands while they were in the hospital. We have purchased a learning program software for the son of one young Ranger who had a brain tumor removed. The Army took care of the surgery, but no means existed to purchase the learning program. We fund the purchase of several awards for the graduates of RIP and Ranger School. We have contributed to each of the three Battalion's Memorial Funds and Ranger Balls, and to the Airborne Memorial at Fort Benning.

We have bi-annual reunions and business meetings. Our Officers (President, 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer), are elected at this business meeting. This reunion coincides with the 75th Ranger Regiment's Ranger Rendezvous, and is at Columbus, GA (Fort Benning). We have off-year reunions at various locations around the country.[1]


Corporate Officers: Corporate Officers are elected every other year at the meeting of the Association, which usually coincides with the Change-of-Command ceremony for the 75th Ranger Regiment of the United States Army, headquartered in Fort Benning, Georgia.[1]

Current Officers (as of February 2010) are:

President: John W. Chester

First Vice President: Joe Little

Second Vice President: Jason D. Baker

Secretary: Tom Sove

Treasurer: Wesley Jurena [3]

The 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc. is currently headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, and can be contacted at:

75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 10970

Baltimore, MD 21234 [3]


Section 2: Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol

A. V Corps (LRRP)

B. VII Corps (LRRP)

C. 9th Inf. Div. (LRRP)

D. 25th Inf. Div. (LRRP)

E. 196th Inf. Bde. (LRRP)

F. 1st Cav. Div. (LRRP)

G. 1st Inf. Div. (LRRP)

H. 4th Inf. Div. (LRRP)

I. 101st Abn. Div., 1st Bde. (LRRP)

J. 199th Inf. Bde. (LRRP)

K. 173rd Abn. Bde. (LRRP)

L. 3rd Inf. Div. (LRRP)

SECTION 3: Long Range Patrol

A. Co. D (LRP) 17th Infantry

B. Co. E (LRP) 20th Infantry

C. Co. E (LRP) 30th Infantry

D. Co. E (LRP) 50th Infantry

E. Co. F (LRP) 50th Infantry

F. Co. E (LRP) 51st Infantry

G. Co. F (LRP) 51st Infantry

H. Co. E (LRP) 52nd Infantry

I. Co. F (LRP) 52nd Infantry

J. Co. C (LRP) 58th Infantry

K. Co. E (LRP) 58th Infantry

L. Co. F (LRP) 58th Infantry

M. 70th Infantry DET (LRP)

N. 71st Infantry DET (LRP)

O. 74th Infantry DET (LRP)

P. 78th Infantry DET (LRP)

Q. 79th Infantry DET (LRP)

R. Co. D (LRP) 151st Infantry

SECTION 4: 75th Infantry Ranger Companies

A. Co. A (RANGER) 75th Infantry

B. Co. B (RANGER) 75th Infantry

C. Co. C (RANGER) 75th Infantry

D. Co. D (RANGER) 75th Infantry

E. Co. E (RANGER) 75th Infantry

F. Co. F (RANGER) 75th Infantry

G. Co. G (RANGER) 75th Infantry

H. Co. H (RANGER) 75th Infantry

I. Co. I (RANGER) 75th Infantry

J. Co. K (RANGER) 75th Infantry

K. Co. L (RANGER) 75th Infantry

L. Co. M (RANGER) 75th Infantry

M. Co. N (RANGER) 75th Infantry

N. Co. O (RANGER) 75th Infantry

O. Co. P (RANGER) 75th Infantry

P. Co. D (RANGER) 151ST Infantry

SECTION 5: Vietnamese Ranger Advisors BDQ All units of the Biet Dong Quan (BDQ).

SECTION 6: 75th Ranger Regiment

A. 1st Battalion (Ranger) 75th Infantry, activated in 1974.

B. 2nd Battalion (Ranger) 75th Infantry, activated in 1974.

C. 3rd Battalion (Ranger) 75th Infantry, activated in 1984.

D. 75th Ranger Regiment HQ’s Company, activated in 1984.

SECTION 7: Long Range Surveillance:

Any Long Range Surveillance Company or Detachment that can trace its’ lineage to, or is currently assigned to a Brigade or larger element that was deployed to Vietnam as listed in section 2, 3, or 4 above.[1]

See Also


































  1. ^ a b c d ”Patrolling Magazine”, Volume 24, Issue II, page.1, FALL 2009. © 2001-2010, 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.
  2. ^ [http://www.75thrra.com "Mission Statement", Retrieved on 2010-03-04.
  3. ^ a b ”Patrolling Magazine”, Volume 24, Issue II, page.3, FALL 2009. © 2001-2010, 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.



1. http://75thrra.com/ “Mission Statement”© 2001-2010, 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.</ref>

2. ”Patrolling Magazine”, Volume 24, Issue II, page.1, FALL 2009. © 2001-2010, 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.</ref>

3. ”Patrolling Magazine”, Volume 24, Issue II, page.3, FALL 2009. © 2001-2010, 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.</ref>

Further Reading







Ranger Memorial tribute

Official information site of the Ranger Memorial at Fort Benning

U.S. Army Rangers roll of honour, awards and images

Merril's Marauder's Homepage

Merrill's Marauders - Roll of honour, awards and images.
