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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My Background


Hi, my name is Randy and I am from Boise, Idaho. I have been contributing to Wikipedia since April, 2006. You may hear allegations that I have actually been contributing since well before then using a wide array of sock puppets and alternate accounts, but all such allegations are false. Don't believe them.

The Missing Story of the Peloponnesian War

Photographic evidence that sword-wielding skeletons helped to defend Athens during the Peloponnesian War.

Important Information

Important Information

NOTE: This is a fictitious account which is patterned around the archetypal character Randy in Boise. It has been created simply for the fun and humor that it embodies due largely to the use of "Randy in Boise" as an icon by the academic elites to denigrate the contributions of less educated and otherwise non-expert editors. The name originally comes from a piece written by Lore Sjöberg for Wired (magazine) Magazine titled The Wikipedia FAQK.

My purpose in creating this account is merely to pay tribute to Randy by giving him a proper account and to breathe some substance into his now infamous sword-wielding skeleton theory of the Peloponnesian War. Over time Randy may develop some additional theories that he has come across that for some reason just don't seem to make it into the actual articles, and on rare occasions Randy may speak up in defense of his less educated brethren and their contributions when the need warrants.

See Also: