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User:Rambot/Interlingua translation

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Just created this if you wanted to use it... contact me if you have any questions/comments at all. Almafeta 20:53, 23 July 2005 (UTC)

This contains a number of errors in translation etc. Please don't use it for mass edits until it's been revised. Thanks. Cam 01:59, 31 August 2006 (UTC)

I have corrected the translation errors, which entailed essentially rewriting the translation (I edit a lot in the Interlingua Wikipedia and am fluent in Interlingua). Linguistically it should now be ready for use, except for proofreading. Note the corrected number format (point 3 below). — McDutchie 03:02, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  1. Pages should include miles.
  2. If page needs to be disambiguated, add " (citate)" to the end of the article.
  3. Numbers should use a non-breaking space ( ) for the thousands digit and a comma for the decimal place ("1 000 000,00").
  4. US dollars should be marked as in English, with a $ sign.
  5. "Georgia" is a disambiguation page leading to Georgia (Statos Unite) and Georgia (pais).

'''<CITY>''' es un [[urbe]] situate in le [[contato]] de [[Contato de <COUNTY>, <STATE>|<COUNTY>]] in le [[Stato federal|stato]] de [[<STATE>]]. Secundo le [[censo]] de [[2000]], le population del citate esseva <POPULATION>. <CITY> es le [[capital]] de <COUNTY>, <STATE>.

== Geographia ==

[[Imagine:<STATEABBR>Map-doton-<CITY>.PNG|right|Location de <CITY> in <STATE>]] <CITY> es situate a <DEGN>°<MINN>'<SECN>" nord, <DEGW>°<MINW>'<SECW>" west (<DEGFULLN>, <DEGFULLW>){{GR|1}}. Secundo le [[U.S. Census Bureau]], le urbe ha un area total de <AREAK> [[Kilometro quadrate|km²]] (<AREAM> [[Millia quadrate|mi²]]), dividite in <LAREAK> km² (<LAREAM> mi²) de terra e <WAREAK> km² (<WAREAM> mi²) de aqua. Le total area es <AREAP>% aqua.

== Demographia ==

Secundo le [[censo]]{{GR|2}} de [[2000]], il ha <VAL1> personas, <VAL2> domicilios, e <VAL3> familias habitante le citate. Le [[densitate del population]] es <VAL4>/km² (<VAL5>/mi²). Il ha <VAL6> casas con un densitate medie de <VAL7>/km² (<VAL8>/mi²). Le proportion racial del citate es <VAL9>% [[Racia blanc|blanc]], <VAL10>% [[Racia nigre|nigre]] o [[Afroamericanos|afroamerican]], <VAL11>% [[Americanos native|american native]], <VAL12>% [[Racia asiatic|asiatic]], <VAL13>% [[Oceanicos|oceanic]], <VAL14>% de altere [[racia]]s, e <VAL15>% de duo o plus racias. <VAL16>% del population es [[Lingua espaniol|hispanophone]] o [[Latinoamericanos|latinoamerican]] de qualcunque racia.

Il ha <VAL17> casas. In <VAL18>% de illos habita infantes sub le etate de 18, in <VAL19>% habita copulas [[Maritage|maritate]], in <VAL20>% habita un femina singule, e in <VAL21>% non habita alcun familia. <VAL22>% del casas ha un singule habitante e in <VAL23>% habita alcuno del etate de 64 annos o plus. Le numero medie de habitantes de un casa es <VAL24> e le grandor medie de un familia es <VAL25> personas.

Le etate del population se divide con <VAL26>% qui ha minus de 18 annos, <VAL27>% qui ha inter 18 e 24, <VAL28>% qui ha inter 25 e 44, <VAL29>% qui ha inter 45 e 64, e <VAL30>% qui ha 65 annos o plus. Le etate [[Mediana|median]] es <VAL31> annos. Pro cata 100 feminas, il ha <VAL32> homines. Pro cata 100 feminas del etate de 18 o plus, il ha <VAL33> homines.

Le [[receptas]] median de un domicilio in le citate es $<VAL34>, e le receptas median de un familia es $<VAL35>. Le homines ha receptas median de $<VAL36>, comparate con $<VAL37> pro feminas. Le [[receptas per capita]] pro le citate es $<VAL38>. <VAL39>% del population e <VAL40>% del familias se trova sub le [[limine de paupertate]]. Del population total, <VAL41>% del personas sub le etate de 18 e <VAL42>% del personas habente 65 annos o plus vive sub le limine de paupertate.

==Ligamines externe==

{{Mapit-US-cityscale|<DEGFULLN>|<DEGFULLW>}} [[Categoria:Citates in <STATE>]]

Town variations

  • Form: English = Interlingua singular (Interlingua plural)
    • city = citate (citates), urbe (urbes)
    • town = citate (citates), urbe (urbes)
    • CDP (Census Designated Place) = loco designate per censo (locos designate per censo)
    • township = localitate (localitates); charter township = localitate con privilegios (localitates con privilegios)
    • village = village (villages)
    • borough = burgo (burgos)
    • unorganized territory = territorio non organisate (territorios non organisate)
    • U.S. Air Force Base = base del fortias aeree statounitese (bases del fortias aeree statounitese)
    • plantation = plantation (plantationes)
    • reservation = reserva (reservas)
    • balance = balancia (balancias)
    • county = contato (contatos)
    • gore = not translatable
    • grant = concession (concessiones)
    • municipality = municipio (municipios)
    • purchase = acquisition (acquisitiones)
    • district = districto (districtos)
  • "Le citate ha un area total de <AREAK> km² (<AREAM> mi²). Nulle parte de illo es coperite per aqua."