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User:RadioKAOS/Sandbox/Bios/Tewkesbury's Who's Who

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Tewkesbury's Who's Who in Alaska and Alaska Business Index, "Containing a biographical index of personal sketches of prominent living Alaskans, an alphabetical directory of business concerns and their owners, a complete directory of the fur trade and of the fishing, mining and lumber industries, a list of Federal and Territorial government agencies and welfare institutions, and much information of a miscellaneous character", was compiled by David and William Tewkesbury and published by their company, Tewkesbury Publishers, in 1947.

Their plan was to publish this biennially, alternating with an Alaska almanac and/or travel guide. However, this was the only Who's Who they published. They published other volumes in 1948 and 1950, but without the Who's Who. I'm unclear as to why. Near as I've been able to tell, one of the principals died suddenly and the publishing enterprise was abandoned shortly afterward. Following is a listing of names contained in the Who's Who. Names are listed as they are listed in the publication, regardless of whether or not history has revealed that a person's name was actually spelled differently.


  • Elsie Laura Adams
  • Paul Harry Adams
  • George Aden Ahgupuk
  • Roy Ahmaogak
  • Conrad Earl Albrecht
  • Sister Mary Alfreda
  • Ernest Anderes
  • Al Anderson
  • Carl Dewey Anderson
  • Carl Eric Anderson
  • Edward M. Anderson
  • Isaac Milton Compton Anderson
  • Juanita Anderson
  • Ludlow George Anderson
  • Roy Anderson
  • Samuel Applebaum
  • Chester M. Archbold
  • Harry O. Arend
  • Edward L. Arnell
  • Winton Cumberland Arnold
  • Ernest Charles Arthur
  • Svend "Sam" Asp
  • Evangeline Atwood
  • Robert Bruce Atwood
  • Charles J. Awe
  • Fritz Melvin Awe


  • John George Bachner
  • Wallace Lichfield Bailey
  • Clarence McArthur Baker
  • Charles Francis Balloun
  • Charles Howard Baltzo
  • Ray Gregory Banister
  • Doris Marian Barnes
  • Cecil Glen Barnett
  • James Edwards Barrack
  • E. L. "Bob" Bartlett
  • Isador Bayles
  • James McClenahan Beall
  • Frank Lewis Beals
  • Frank Theodore Been
  • George A. Benedict
  • Basil M. Bensin
  • Henry A. Benson
  • Theodore William Benson
  • John Boyd Bentley
  • Heinie Berger
  • Albert Joseph Bernhard
  • Chris Betsch
  • Lee Crawford Bettinger
  • Nicholas B. Bez
  • Frank C. Bingham
  • Bert J. Bingle
  • George Selfridge Black
  • Robert Bloom
  • Adolph Bock
  • Bernard O. Boettcher
  • Willis Roberts Booth
  • Wilfred Amede Boucher
  • Francis Clayton Bowden
  • Frank A. Boyle
  • Marguerite Lowe Bradford
  • Alvin Oscar Bramstedt
  • James E. Brathovd
  • Arthur Simpson Bremer
  • Alexander Winn Brindle
  • John M. Brooks
  • Claude Volney Brown
  • Hal E. Brown
  • James Theodore Brown
  • Norman Cole Brown
  • Don Carlos Brownell
  • Maurice E. S. Brunelle
  • Eric Bulmer
  • Charles E. Bunnell
  • Charles G. Burdick
  • Evelyn Ini Butler
  • George Thomas Butler
  • John Butrovich, Jr.


  • Cleon Carthue Caldwell
  • Ernest Montague Campbell
  • James M. Campbell
  • Alma Alvida Carlson
  • John Edward Carlson
  • Glenn Carrington
  • Henry Earl Carter
  • William Raymond Carter
  • Lawrence Varsi Castner
  • Henry Hamblin Chapman
  • Sidney Dean Charles
  • Will Henry Chase
  • Jack Joseph Chisholm
  • Hakon Christensen
  • John McLaren Clark
  • Marion Granger Clark
  • Orah Dee Clark
  • John H. Clawson
  • Cecil Hunter Clegg
  • George Earl Cleveland
  • Merril Leslie Cleven
  • Charles Huntington Code
  • Edward Dan Coffey
  • William Alexander Coghill
  • Cash Cole
  • Theron Joseph Cole
  • A. Verle Collar
  • Earnest Bilbe Collins
  • Grenold Collins
  • George Walter Colwell
  • James Joseph Connors
  • Jack J. Conway
  • Samuel Lafayette Cotten
  • Dwight Lester Cramer
  • Charles Albert Creamer
  • Elizabeth Magids Cross
  • John Milton Cross
  • James K. Crowdy
  • Nina Crumrine
  • Warren N. Cuddy
  • Walter George Culver
  • John Todd Cunningham
  • Thomas Patrick Cunningham


  • Ben Dahl
  • Chris Dahl
  • Peter I. Dahl
  • Jules Bernard Dahlager
  • George Allan Dale
  • Milton Joseph Daly
  • Jalmer Ernest Danielson
  • Edward V. Davis
  • Leonard Pratt Dawes
  • Andrew Sylvester Day
  • Robert Neil De Armond
  • James J. Delaney
  • Fred Kirk Dent
  • Frank Philip De Wree
  • Miriam Louise Dickey
  • Val Diebold
  • Anthony Joseph Dimond
  • Harold Charles Dinkel
  • Lula Marjorie Disosway
  • James Moody Dodson
  • Lawrence Christopher Doheny
  • Harry Donnelley
  • Claudia Marie Drake
  • Ferdinand Drebert
  • William Elmhirst Duckering
  • Wesley Earl Dunkle
  • Thomas Henry Dyer


  • Roy Brown Earling
  • Morgan Christopher Edmunds
  • William Allen Egan
  • Clyde R. Ellis
  • Robert Edmund Ellis
  • Mac A. Emerson
  • Gunnard Marshall Engebreth
  • Elton E. Engstrom
  • Thelma C. Engstrom
  • Aug Raugwald Ericksen
  • Aner Wendell Erickson
  • Everett Russell Erickson
  • Walter Andrew Erickson
  • W. J. Erskine
  • Henry Erwick
  • Wlliam Cecil Erwin
  • Charles Jones Evans
  • Leonard E. Evans
  • Wilfred Josephus Evans


  • George J. Fabricius
  • Herbert Lionel Faulkner
  • Warren Richmond Fenn
  • Archie R. Ferguson
  • Robert Wilkins "Roy" Ferguson
  • Harry L. Fiedler
  • Wilfred Collison Files
  • Walter James Fitzgerald
  • Joseph T. Flakne
  • Jack Fletcher
  • William McKinley Floyd
  • Lydia Olava Fohn-Hansen
  • George W. Folta
  • Harold Byron Foss
  • Don C. Foster
  • Ole Andres Fredricksen
  • Milton John Furness


  • Walter Gaffney
  • G. Edgar Gallant
  • Prosper Stevenson Ganty
  • Anita G. Garnick
  • George William Gasser
  • Fred Roosevelt Geeslin
  • Leo Joseph Gehrig
  • Enoch Franklin George
  • Wallis Searle George
  • William Robert Gilbert
  • Oscar Stephen Gill
  • Bart W. Gillespie
  • Floyd Burke Gillespie
  • Patrick Joseph Gilmore
  • Patrick Joseph Gilmore, Jr.
  • Sanford Leigh Godfrey
  • Maurice Wilfred Goding
  • Charles Goldstein
  • Isadore Goldstein
  • Donald Howard Goodman
  • Clyde Edward Gordon
  • Frank Stark Gordon
  • Lester O. Gore
  • George R. Goshaw
  • Jacob Bernard Gottstein
  • Peter Grandison
  • Neil Edward Grant
  • Earl Francis Graves
  • Felix Gray
  • George Vernon Green
  • Joseph Green
  • Ralph Green
  • Hans Greenaa
  • Paul Greimann
  • Harold Winslow Griffen
  • George Barnes Grigsby
  • Oscar L. Grimes
  • William David Gross
  • Ernest Gruening
  • Frederick John Gunderson
  • Donald Rickard Gustafson
  • Gustaf Arthur Gustafson


  • Michael J. Haas
  • Rudolph Haas
  • Virginia Ballard Hadman
  • Paul Burns Haggland
  • Victor Ignatius Hahn
  • Norman Haley
  • John Barbee Hall
  • Edwin O. Halverson
  • Mildred Henthorne Hamill
  • Fred G. Hanford
  • Kenneth Bagshaw Hannan
  • Eiler Hansen
  • Paul Moen Hansen
  • Jacob Hanseth
  • Eric Hard
  • Richard Egbert Hardcastle
  • Phil Earl Harding
  • Margaret Keenan Harrais
  • Arthur J. Harris
  • Charles Thomas Hattrick
  • A. B. "Cot" Hayes
  • William W. Head
  • Arthur Allen Hedges
  • B. Frank Heintzleman
  • Simon Hellenthal
  • Waino Edward Hendrickson
  • Michael Joseph Heneghan
  • William Frederic Henley
  • Chris Hennings
  • Fred A. Henton
  • Charles Francis Herbert
  • Mildred Robinson Hermann
  • Lulu Albright Heron
  • Harriet Belle Hess
  • Luther Constantine Hess
  • Amelia Harrold Hill
  • Harry John Hill
  • Herbert Henry Hilscher
  • William Edward Hixson
  • Henry Mathias Hogue
  • Alexander Bancroft Holden
  • Phil Ross Holdsworth
  • Dmitry Andrew Holovitzky
  • Harry Lewis Holt
  • William Andrew Holzheimer
  • John Caldwell Hooper
  • Robert Hoopes
  • Andrew Hope
  • Leonard Hopkins
  • Margot Hoppin
  • Marshall Curtis Hoppin
  • Allan Elsworth Horning
  • John Hovland
  • Margaret Bell Howard
  • Charles William Hufeisen
  • Howard Gladstone Hughes
  • Allen Dale Hulen
  • Clarence Charles Hulley
  • Forrest J. Hunt
  • Walter Elliott Huntley
  • Frank W. Hynes


  • Don Louis Irwin


  • Gene Frank Jack
  • Granville Richard Jackson
  • Bryan Maxwell Jacobs
  • Erland M. Jacobsen
  • Joseph Louis Jean
  • Glen Jefferson
  • Jack Theodore Jefford
  • Crystal Snow Jenne
  • Jens Simon Jensen
  • Marcus Frederick Jensen
  • Ernest Forrest Jessen
  • J. Earl Johnson
  • J. K. "Jack" Johnson
  • John Patrick Johnson
  • Maurice T. Johnson
  • Philip Alan Johnson
  • Charles Jay Johnston
  • Charles Davenport Jones
  • Evan Jones
  • Mary Joyce


  • Henry Samuel Kaiser
  • Walter W. Kamsack
  • Anthony Edmund Karnes
  • Dean Clayton Kayler
  • Mildred Huffman Keaton
  • Joseph William Kehoe
  • Edward Linnaeus Keithahn
  • Robert Duncan Kelsey, Sr.
  • Theodore Kettleson
  • George Edward King
  • Walter Bradley King
  • William Leonard Kinsell
  • Dewey Lee Knight
  • G. Edward Knight
  • William Wellington Knight
  • Adolph Joseph Koenig
  • Janis Marvin Koslosky
  • Charles Henry Kraemer
  • Joseph Francis Krause
  • Lawrence Henry Kubley


  • Bellarmine Lafortune
  • William Hamilton Lamme
  • Graham Dennis Lammers
  • Jesse Dewayne Lander
  • Fred M. Langsam
  • Oscar A. Larson
  • Austin Eugene Lathrop
  • Jeanne Laurence
  • Marshia Latimer Lavery
  • William Latimer Lavery
  • Nellie Neal Lawing
  • Franklin Morris Leach
  • John W. Leadbetter
  • Bertha Margaret Leake
  • Sister Mary Lelia
  • William Lloyd Lhamon
  • Alaska Stewart Linck
  • Anton Lindstrom
  • George Archie Lingo
  • Frank Bertrand Linn
  • Ronald Morris Livingston
  • Edward Locken
  • Alfred Julien Lomen
  • Carl Joys Lomen
  • Ralph Lomen
  • Zachary Joshua Loussac
  • Harry Irvin Lucas
  • Robert Edgar Lyle
  • Howard Lyng


  • Donald MacDonald
  • Joseph Alexander MacDonald
  • Frederick Machetanz
  • Joseph Lloyd MacKechnie
  • James Simpson MacKinnon
  • Harris Willard Magnusson
  • William Thomas Mahoney
  • MacKay Malcolm
  • Jack Peter Maloca
  • John Edgar Manders
  • Franklin Thomas Marshall
  • Knox L. Marshall
  • Albin Martin
  • Ethel Mary Marx
  • Alex. Mathieson
  • Arthur Frank Mathis
  • Russell George Maynard
  • Harry Golden McCain
  • James Lewis McCarrey, Jr.
  • Lee Hand McCloy
  • Frank Edrick McConaghy
  • John McCormick
  • Stephan Douglas McCutcheon
  • Alexander Hugh McDonald
  • Edward Richard McElligott
  • John L. McGinn
  • Earl Dodson McGinty
  • Eva McGown
  • Gilbert McIntyre
  • Lemuel C. McKay
  • Archie Patrick McLane
  • John McWilliam-Bourke
  • Owen E. Meals
  • Joseph John Meherin
  • Nick P. Mellick
  • Francis M. Menager
  • John W. Mendenhall
  • Marcus Willard Meyer
  • Georg Nelson Meyers
  • Peter Miscovich
  • Sister Mary Modeste
  • John Ragnvald Molver
  • Thomas James Moore
  • Stanley Ross Morgan
  • Thomas Anthony Morgan
  • Clarence Moriarty
  • Julius C. Morris
  • Katie Grosvold Morris
  • Benjamin B. Mozee
  • John Francis Mullen
  • William John Mulvihill
  • George Frank Mumford
  • Milton Perry Munter
  • William S. Munz
  • Francis Michael Murkowski


  • Joseph Emanuel Nasenius
  • Frank Nash
  • Frederick Nelson
  • Andrew Nerland
  • Arthur Leslie Nerland
  • Ralph Wesley Newcomb
  • Harry F. Newell
  • Henry Leroy Newman
  • Stanley Joseph Nichols
  • Adolf Norman Nilson
  • Rollen E. Nipps
  • James Nolan
  • A. Hjalmar Nordale
  • LaDessa Nordale
  • Dorothy Holverson Novatney
  • Nicholas Nussbaumer
  • Nutchuk (alternate as indigenous name of Simeon Oliver, below)


  • Maurice Hofstad Oaksmith
  • Stanley A. Oaksmith
  • Bertram B. O'Brien
  • Jack O'Connor
  • Paul Cornelius O'Connor
  • Milton W. Odom
  • Robert Henry Ogburn
  • John Ogriz
  • Kenneth Edgar O'Harra
  • Otto Frederick Ohlson
  • Earl Nicholas Ohmer
  • Lorin Todd Oldroyd
  • Simeon Oliver
  • Andrew Olof Olson
  • Edward Olson
  • Manie Olson
  • Oscar G. Olson
  • Ira D. Orton
  • Lars Rasmusen Ostnes


  • Harry B. Palmer
  • Axel E. Palmgren
  • Petur Jens Palsson
  • Fred B. Parker
  • Priscilla Parker
  • George Alexander Parks
  • James Henry Patterson
  • Ernest Newton Patty
  • Archie R. Pearmain
  • Grant Harold Pearson
  • Helge Pareli Pedersen
  • Woso Savin Pekovich
  • Frank Peratrovich
  • Roy Peratrovich
  • Louis C. Peters
  • Alberta Vollmers Petersen
  • Raymond Ingvard Petersen
  • Sydney Hans Petersen
  • Almer J. Peterson
  • Charles Mark Peterson
  • Leonard T. Peterson
  • Everett Howard Pettijohn
  • Alfred Barrow Phillips
  • Earl Richard Pilgrim
  • Mariette Shaw Pilgrim
  • Walter Paul Plett.
  • Raymond Eugene Plummer
  • Antonio Polet
  • Frank V. Pollack
  • Clayton Armstrong Pollard
  • Clayton Leslie Polley
  • Wallace Porter
  • Chris Peter Poulsen
  • Harry Emerson Pratt
  • George Preston
  • Frank D. Price
  • Ignatz Gustave Pruell
  • Lowell Mitchell Puckett
  • Harriet Smith Pullen
  • Winfield Scott Pullen


  • Kalle Raatikainen
  • Harry Ronald Race
  • Joel Selvin Ramstad
  • Edward Anton Rasmuson
  • Elmer Edwin Rasmuson
  • John Reck
  • Irving McKenny Reed
  • Philip William Reed
  • Robert Campbell Reeve
  • Anson Levake Renshaw
  • Charles Edgar Rice
  • James F. Rink
  • Julian Guy Rivers
  • Ralph Julian Rivers
  • Victor Claudius Rivers
  • James Ray Roady
  • James Snowell Robbins
  • Ralph Elliott Robertson
  • Roger R. Robinson
  • Wiley David Robinson
  • Henry Roden
  • John Christian Roehm
  • Clifford James Rogers
  • George William Rogers
  • Leo W. Rogge
  • Howard Glenmore Romig
  • Daniel Ross
  • Harold Franklin Roth
  • Louis Rotman
  • Victor Granville Rowe
  • Joseph O. Rude
  • Howard Clinton Rufus
  • Roy Agusleus Rutherford
  • Franklin Allen Rutledge
  • James Cecil Ryan


  • Louis Salazar
  • Oscar Conrad Samuelsen
  • Robert Stillson Sanford
  • Patrick Savage
  • Walter Allan Savikko
  • Hugh Milton Sawyer
  • Jack Frederick Scavenius
  • Arthur John Schaible
  • Gustave Scheibl
  • Anna Christina Schwalbe
  • George "Tony" Schwamm
  • Thaddeus LeRoy Scott
  • Tolbert Paton Scott
  • William Hyland Seaman
  • Helen Louise Segerquist
  • Edward M. Seidenverg
  • Leo E. Seidenverg
  • Leonhard Seppala
  • Arthur Richard Sessions
  • Samuel Owen Shafsky
  • Walter P. Sharpe
  • Agnes Swineford Shattuck
  • Allen Shattuck
  • Curtis Gordon Shattuck
  • Robert Edwards Sheldon
  • John G. Shepard
  • George Andrew Sheppard
  • Genevieve Blanche Sheridan
  • Max H. Sherrod
  • Jack Fisher Shropshire
  • Sheldon Bruce Simmons
  • Andrew A. Simons
  • Robert Simpson
  • John Albert Singleton
  • Ivar Skarland
  • James Alexander Smith
  • John William Smith
  • Gerrit Nick "Heinie" Snider
  • Melvin C. Snyder
  • Robert James Sommers
  • Royal Gratton Southworth
  • Albert Mitchell Spaeth
  • Abbie Agnes Sparks
  • Winston Walter Spencer
  • Howard Douglas Stabler
  • Leonard J. Stampe
  • Harvey W. Starling
  • Hawley Winchell Sterling
  • Alice Emerald Stewart
  • Benjamin Duane Stewart
  • Donald Alexander Stewart
  • Norman Caswell Stines
  • Roland Henry Stock
  • John Willads Storfold
  • Raymond Welk Stough
  • David Strandberg
  • Harold David Strandberg
  • Edward H. Stroecker
  • Walter Tuller Stuart
  • George Edward Sumption
  • George Sundborg
  • Nels Swanberg
  • Ernest O. Swanson
  • Elwyn Swetmann


  • John A. Talbot
  • Chester Orval Taylor
  • Ike Pendleton Taylor
  • Warren Arthur Taylor
  • Lee O. Teague
  • Knut Tellefson
  • Anne Kathleen Thompson
  • Harold B. Thornquist
  • Fred Walter Tibbatts
  • Lola Cremeans Tilly
  • Thomas Tilson
  • Joseph Henderson Tippets
  • Emery Fridolf Tobin
  • Frank W. Tomlinson
  • Charles Albert Traeger
  • Samuel Paul Troutman
  • Nick B. Tweet
  • Twok (alternate as indigenous name of George Aden Ahgupuk, above)


  • Gus Uotila
  • Leon Urbach
  • Emil Usibelli


  • Herman Raymond Vander Leest
  • Kenneth Abram VanDewater
  • Harold A. Veatch
  • John Dominic Vernetti
  • Carl Vevelstad
  • Steve Vukovich


  • Hugh Joseph Wade
  • William John Wagner
  • Lee Howard Wakefield
  • Norman Ray Walker
  • Thomas T. Walker
  • August Stanley Walkowski
  • John Hulbarto Walmer
  • Erwin Frederic Wann
  • Karl J. Warren
  • Frank Hinman Waskey
  • John Eskew Waterman
  • Harry Glover Watson
  • Oliver S. Weaver
  • Anna Webster
  • Fred J. Weiler
  • John M. Weir
  • Cecil Moore Wells
  • Wilbur Lee Wester
  • John Ingram Weston
  • Fred A. Wetche
  • Albert White
  • Margaret Nefsy White
  • Sam O. White
  • William Massie Whitehead
  • Carl Farwell Whitham
  • Dorothy Kathryn Whitney
  • Maurice Staples Whittier
  • Grace Vrooman Wickersham
  • Noel Wien
  • Sigurd Wien
  • Howard Glen Wilcox
  • Claire Almon Wilder
  • Joseph Augustin Williams
  • Llewellyn Morris Williams
  • Marvin D. Williams
  • Winifred Eugenia Williams
  • Arthur Nash Wilson
  • Oscar Winchell
  • Lester Lohre Wingard
  • Arthur Gordon Woodley
  • Clarence J. Woofter
  • Frank Eugene Wright, Jr.
  • Wilford Stillman Wright
  • Roland Bauer Wurster
  • Christian Frederik Wyller


  • Leslie Yaw


  • Adolph Holton Ziegler
  • Antone Adolph Zimmerman
  • John Bishop Zlobin