This template makes the rollover tooltip text display the specified text.
- Full Capability Usage: {{User:Ajl772/link-title|url=|text=|title=|wiki=(0(default)|1(yes))}}
This template is supposed to make the following code compatible with Wikipedia.
<a href="" title="Wikipedia policies and guidelines">WP:POL</a>
- It will work for internal links if I input {{plainlink| <span title="Wikipedia policies and guidelines">[WP:POL]</span>}}
- It will work for external links if I input {{plainlink| <span title="Google Search Engine">Google</span>}}
But the above is a little tedious so this template is supposed to make this process eaiser.
For example: If I were to paste this code into some .html file, it works properly and makes the popup-text (usually a little yellow box) say "Wikipedia policies and guidelines". See image:
Javascript process in non-wiki space
The following script works in non-wiki space to produce the desired results.
<script language="javascript"> function iif(condition,truepart,falsepart) { if(condition) { return truepart; } else { return falsepart; } } function linktitle(url,text,title,wiki) { var t1 = 0; var t2 = 0; var t3 = 0; var t4 = 0; if (title) { t3 = 1; } if (text) { t2 = 1; } if (wiki) { t4 = 1; } document.writeln("<span class='plainlinks'>["+iif(t4,"[<span title='"+title+"'>"
+iif(t2,text,url)+"</span>]",url+iif(t3," <span title='"+title+"'>"
+iif(t2,text,url)+"</span>",iif(t2," "+text,"")))+"]</span><br>"); } linktitle("","","",0); </script>