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The Women in Conservation Program of the National Audubon Society was created in 2004 to recognize women leaders in today’s environmental movement. The program promotes the education of women and girls on important environmental issues like climate change, clean air and water, wildlife preservation and environmental justice. As founding Council Chair Allison Rockefeller states:

"Women have always understood nurture and nature, connection and protection, commitment and care."

A hallmark of the Women in Conservation program is the annual provision of the Rachel Carson Award, named in honor of the founder of the modern environmental movement and author of the seminal book Silent Spring. The Rachel Carson Award is the nation’s premier tribute honoring women leaders whose talent, expertise and energy have advanced conservation and the environmental movement locally and globally. From local grassroots activists to heads of national organizations, Rachel Carson Awardees are chosen by the Women in Conservation Awards Council from diverse backgrounds including journalism, academia, science, entertainment, business, law and philanthropy. The Women in Conservation Awards Council is a group of thirty women who select the Rachel Carson awardees. The Council also promotes education and the dissemination of information on the environment, meeting annually to discuss mainstream and emerging environmental challenges. The Founding Chairperson of the Council is Allison Whipple Rockefeller.

Women in Conservation Rachel Carson Award Honorees

Listed below each honoree is a link to a website that involves some part of that woman's work.


Jayni Chase [1]

Lynn Chase [2]

Maria Rodale [3]

Peggy Shepard [4]

Alice Waters [5]


Kay Kelley Arnold [6]

Bernadette Castro [7]

Dr. Mae Jeminson [8]

Margaret Wittenberg [9]


Kathleen Bader [10]

Margie Ruddick [11]


Frances Beinecke [12]

Majora Carter [13]

Laurie David [14]

Deirdre Imus [15]


Teresa Heinz Kerry [16]

Bette Midler [17]

The Central Park Conservancy (Jean Clark, Norma Dana, Marguerite Purnell, Betsy Barlow Roger, Phyllis Wagner) [18]


Sylvia Earle [19]

Sally Jewel [20]

Elizabeth Titus Putnam [21]

NBC Universal’s Green is Universal Initiative [22]

Awards Council Members

Jane Alexander, Raluca Allison, Emilie Antonetti, Frances Beinecke, Katie Carpenter, Majora Carter, Jayni Chase, Lynn Chase, Susan Cohn Rockefeller, Ann Colley, Joyce M. Critelli, Ide Dangoor, Laurie David, Helena Durst, Margot Paul Ernst, Alice Gabriel, Justina Pray Gagne, Deirdre Imus, Fernanda Kellogg, Shelly Malkin, Nicole Miller, Liz Neumark, Laura O’Donohue, Wendy J. Paulson, Julia D’Amico Rockefeller, Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Connie Rogers Roosevelt, Margie Ruddick, Peggy M. Shepard, Laura Baudo Sillerman, Tracy M. Snyder, Virginia K. Stowe

Website: [23]