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User:ProfGray/312/Lesson plan week 7

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  • Test
  • Discussion of comparative take-home essay



Unit II. The Promised Land.

Intro to the Deuteronomic history

Objectives for today

  1. Answer any questions about the take-home essay
  2. Review and understand key terms and arguments in Coogan pages from the syllabus, though downplayed
  3. Peer review of paraphrases of Mendenhall and Weinfeld

Coogan ch. 9, Law and ritual

  • Law and the Covenant Code, 128-134. Exodus 20:19 – 23:33 (Covenant code)
    • Comparison with Code of Hammurapi (18th C. BCE), among others
      • Cases = casuistic law
      • General declarative statements = apodictic law
      • Framing w/ values of society and religion
    • Covenant code
      • Polytheistic wording (p.131, Ex. 22:7-9) and implication (theology? origins?)
  • Ark of the covenant, tabernacle, priests *135-7
  • Ritual Decalogue, Coogan 141f. Exodus 34:1-35
    • Competing Decalogue sources ("traditions") p.141
    • Pilgrimage festivals three

DTR and lead-up to Kings

  • Setting the stage: Deut. ch. 17 (laws and kings)
  • Deuteronomistic history
    • Multiple editions
    • Apostasy --> Exile
    • Themes: Exclusively to whom? Where? Covenant with whom?
    • Favorites. Hezekiah and Josiah. Why?
    • Style: speeches
    • What's the time span? Which six centuries? (198)
  • Book of Joshua
    • Archaeological evidence of the conquest
    • Theological justification of Israelite possession of the land (210)
  • 210-211 (Historicity and religion)
    • Herem / ban
      • vs apostasy
      • avoid disease (?!)
    • Ritual and the ark of the covenant
    • Sanctuary and surgery at Gilgal